Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 196 Frankly (making things up)

The reason why the nightmare creatures are after Nim is simple.

As the son of the nightmare, as long as he kills any monster in the nightmare world, he will receive power back, just like playing a game. The power fed back by these monsters is experience points. When the experience points reach the limit, he can upgrade.

However, this is only limited to the nightmare world. If a nightmare creature appears in their world and is killed, it will not give him any power. This is a way for the son of nightmare to quickly become stronger. Get them to the top quickly.

But for the natives of the nightmare world, this is too unfriendly. They are like food selected by the nightmare world, specially used to feed the children of nightmares. It is conceivable that these nightmare creatures will definitely not be willing to Become food.

Moreover, the ability of the Nightmare Son to become stronger by killing has also aroused the covetousness of many nightmare creatures, so it is not surprising that they are continuously hunted.

After listening to Nim's story, Lu En suddenly felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

The ability of the Nightmare Son is very similar to that of the food spirit he owns, but Nim can only get a small part of the power fed back by the nightmare creatures, while the food spirit he owns can absorb all the extraordinary power.

Could it be that he is also a child of some kind of world?

Son of Blue Star?

As for the destruction of the world, Lu En didn't pay much attention to it. According to what Nim said, this would be a long process. If Lu En hadn't died by then, he would have grown to an extremely high level.

Live in the present, why bother worrying about thousands or even thousands of years in the future?

"I've said everything I need to say, now it's your turn!"

Nim looked at Lu En steadily and said, he was actually very curious about how Lu En broke through the limit and achieved the bishop level. You must know that except for the original sect, any invaders who try to break through the bishop level are not corrupted by evil spirits. To completely replace it is to become a loser.

Lu En is a member of the original sect?

He felt like he had guessed some of Lu En's secrets.

"Of course, be honest!"

Lu En nodded without hesitation. The blood-colored streamers flying around him suddenly formed the shape of a recliner, and he sat down on it. He narrowed his eyes and said, "My experience is a long story."

Nim said so much, and even told Lu En his identity clearly, so Lu En naturally had to start deceiving him.

"The story begins a few months ago when I came home from school and saw a roadside stall with a bloody feather on it."

As a cheating player, Lu En knew that he must have a golden finger. Otherwise, how could he explain that in a short period of time, he had grown faster than Nimue, the son of the nightmare? However, the food spirit naturally could not be exposed, so he pushed everything onto the bloody feather that suddenly appeared.

According to the mainstream start, there is also a grandfather character in Blood Feather, and Luen is given the ability to absorb extraordinary power, similar to Nim. This is to fight him later to grab monsters, and then everything that happened to Lucas , with the help of the old man, he survived after a lot of hardships and narrow escapes.

Who would have thought that as soon as he came out, he would encounter a shameful betrayal and be sent to the laboratory of the Spiritual Religion Group. After a lot of hardships, he narrowly escaped death and with the help of the old man, he broke out of the siege and conquered the Spiritual Religion Group. Finally, he was released. He took a breath, felt high-spirited, and suddenly fell into despair again.

It turned out that the old man had evil intentions and deliberately wanted to seize Lu En's body. He was caught unawares when he attacked the Bishop level. Fortunately, Lu En had a strong will. After a hard battle, he finally defeated the conspiracy, achieved the Bishop level, and then discovered that Ni The traces of Mu and others

In short, Lu En adapted a certain protagonist template according to his own experience, and then put it on a certain protagonist template. There is falsehood in the truth, truth in the falsehood, ups and downs, and exciting. Not to mention that Nim was stunned for a while, even the Wei next to him. Dr. Lee also gave up struggling and indulged in the story.

In the end, Lu En concluded that the strength he has today is all the result of hard work and nine deaths. It is not just about eating and drinking. It can be obtained easily and casually. The various dangerous experiences are enough to write a novel of hundreds of thousands of words. After saying these words, Lu En himself almost believed it.

Nim is doubtful

However, after they were honest with each other, the atmosphere was obviously much better than before. Then the two of them looked at each other, and at the same time their eyes fell on the third person here.


Dr. Willy couldn't help but shrink his neck. He was still wearing a white coat with a red glove logo. He always felt that Nim was looking at him with a dangerous look. At this time, the streamer around his mouth disappeared and he immediately shouted road.

"It's none of my business, I'm just an ordinary scientist!"

"You are not ordinary. Those guys attacked the Red Gloves headquarters, but it was all because of you, Dr. Willy. We have all been honest. I think you should also say something."

Lu En chuckled, this old man had to vomit something if he wanted to get away with it.

Nimu on the side widened his eyes, obviously he had just learned about this, and his eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Willy. Countless corroders, even bishop-level losers, attacked the Red Gloves headquarters, just for this person?

An ordinary person? !

"Ahem, actually they attacked me because I made a small progress in one of my researches!"

Dr. Willy reached out to push down his glasses, but forgot that he was still wrapped up like a dumpling. He twisted his body, coughed awkwardly, and then said, "After countless experiments, I finally developed a battle armor that can compete with the tenth-level corroder, but it's still just a test product, and I've only made a few prototypes." At this point, he couldn't help but show complacency on his face. "That's my life's work. It took me several years just to find the right bearing material, not to mention the subsequent design, debugging and modification for different properties, and the selection of personnel. By the way, where is the prototype in your hand?" Willy suddenly remembered that Luen seemed to have a prototype in his hand. Nim also moved his eyes at the same time, but saw Luen with empty hands and very calm. "Gone."


Willie's eyes widened, looking at Luen: "How could it be gone just like that? This is the strongest prototype I built with the materials I finally got from the Night Watch!"

"It's gone for no reason. Do you need me to demonstrate it on the spot?"

Luen narrowed his eyes, flashing a dangerous light, and Willy's face suddenly became serious.

"Ahem, no need. I believe you!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Suddenly, he heard some strange whistling in his ears, as if it came from above his head, and he couldn't help but look up: "Did you hear help!"


A little black light quickly enlarged in front of his eyes, and then hit the blood-colored streamer swimming in front of him, and blood and flesh splattered instantly!

From the black sea in the distance, countless winged flying snakes were leaping out of the sea, flapping their translucent wings and swarming in, and then with a bang, half of the rotten bow suddenly emerged from under the sea.

"It seems that your old friend is here, Nim."

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