Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 195 The Nightmare Son and the Night Watch

The Nightmare Child.

Just like a bird called cuckoo that Lu En knew in his previous life. These birds never build their own nests to hatch their eggs. Instead, they lay their eggs in other bird's nests and let other birds help them hatch their eggs. The young birds even Will take the opportunity to kill the eggs laid by the original owner.

This is also the origin of the idiom dove occupying the magpie's nest.

The existence of the children of nightmares is similar to this, but different. They are creatures that exist in the original world, so they will not be rejected. However, their power comes from the nightmare world, thus becoming a root inserted into the nightmare world. nail.

And as their strength gradually increases, more and more power can be penetrated through them in the nightmare world, and they can even put monsters belonging to the nightmare world into them to attack another world.

And these are not dependent on the will of the children of nightmare. Regardless of whether they are willing or not, as long as they are still alive, they will become the springboard and tentacles of the nightmare world, unless they are all saints and can commit suicide decisively to protect the entire world.

But is this possible?

In the long war, there is no doubt that the nightmare world has taken an absolute advantage. Even a weak son of nightmare like Nim can have nightmare passages appear directly around him, triggering a frenzy. This only shows that the world they live in has already resisted. Very weak.

In other words, the world they live in is actually on the verge of destruction according to Nim?

Lu En's eyes widened, and he felt a sense of unrealistic absurdity in his heart as he listened to Nim's eloquent talk.

The world they live in is now peaceful and peaceful. There are no volcanoes erupting, there are no signs of shocking tsunamis, meteorites falling, etc. It is prosperous and does not look like it is about to be destroyed.

In a world on the verge of destruction, shouldn't the earth crack open, lava fill the ground, volcanic ash cover the sky, tsunamis, glaciers, and various extreme environments appear in turn?

"But even if it's destroyed, it still needs a long process."

Lu En raised his question, and Nim replied: "For the world, even tens of millions of years are just a blink of an eye, but if the situation you mentioned occurs, there is no doubt that there is no room for salvation. ”

It's like a disease with a very long incubation period. You are usually healthy and nothing is noticeable, but if it is not discovered and treated in time, when the disease suddenly breaks out, it will basically be in the advanced stage and you can prepare for the funeral.

"Then the attitude of the Red Gloves or other forces towards you should be to kill you without mercy. Why?"

Lu En blinked, feeling that what Nim said conflicted with what he knew.

"Because of the power."

Faced with this question, Nim was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke in a low voice: "The power of the Nightmare Son can be taken away, just like those evil spirit invaders."

"The corrosive power comes from evil spirits, and the Son of Nightmare, in a sense, is also an evil spirit, the spirit of nightmare!"

Nim stretched out his finger, pointed at his head, and smiled miserably: "This is what they want. What the Red Gloves need is not the children of the nightmare, but the night watchmen, who have the power of the nightmare world, but use it to The night watchman who protects this world.”

"You know what, Luen, this is my destiny."


Lu En took a breath and immediately understood what Nim meant.

In fact, it's very simple. You only need to change Nim's identity from a human to an evil spirit, and everything will fall into place.

If Nim falls into the hands of Red Gloves, he will first be transformed into a form similar to an evil spirit, and then the host arranged by Red Gloves will actively let Nim be corroded. The specific situation is similar to Luen's Blood Spirit, but in no way. There is no doubt that Nim's will must be the one at the bottom.

The Corruptor is originally an evil spirit that gradually erodes the body and even the spirit of the host, but in Nim's case, everything may be reversed. The host will in turn seize his power, suppress or even erase his will. After all, in essence Say, he is a human being and not an evil spirit.

The hosts arranged by Red Gloves must be carefully selected and determined elites.

Human beings may not be able to defeat evil spirits, but they can easily defeat another human being.

In a sense, this is also a kind of dove occupying the magpie's nest.

The Nightmare Realm selected the Son of Nightmare and penetrated into the world, trying to break through from the inside. The center blossomed, but Red Glove chose to eat the sugar coating and threw the cannonball back to the Nightmare Realm.

They even use the power of the nightmare world to protect the world in which they exist.

Whoever came up with this method must be a genius!

Lu En couldn't help but want to applaud this idea. At the same time, he also understood why he couldn't change his job to a night watchman. Was he missing some kind of job transfer tool?

Of course, when it comes to a specific person, this is a cruel thing. No one wants to be treated like this. In the end, even the will will be wiped out, and even the existence will be replaced by others.

These existences that have replaced the sons of nightmares are the night watchmen. However, as their strength increases, they will gradually approach the nightmare creatures and be rejected by the original world.

Bishop-level Night Watchmen are already struggling. If they want to switch to Archbishop level, they will immediately be crushed to pieces by the repulsive force of the world. Therefore, once they become Night Watchmen, it means saying goodbye to this world and living in the nightmare world forever. middle.

Only when the Red Gloves need their power can they be brought back into the world through a summoning ritual.

But for the Night's Watch, this is no longer a home, but a land that rejects and hates them. To the world, they have become more complete betrayers than the Nightmare Children.

"So what about the children of nightmares from before? Where have they gone?"

From Nim's growth trajectory, Lu En can also see the terror of these nightmare children. Think about it, a few months ago, Nim was just an ordinary student, but now, he is at the peak of the Grand Priest, just shy of stepping into it. Bishop level, so how terrifying must those nightmare children who appeared earlier than him be?

Archbishop level per capita is possible!

Such a group of beings are no different from gods walking on the earth.

"Where do you think the Night's Watch in the Federation and the Red Gloves come from?"

Facing Lu En's question, Nim just replied lightly and said no more, but Lu En suddenly felt a little shuddering in his heart.

Obviously, before this, an extremely terrible incident must have occurred, causing the powerful Nightmare Sons to disappear, and the driving force behind this was obviously the Federation and the Red Gloves.

How did they do that?

In other words, what force helped them uproot the Children of Nightmare, so that Lu En had never even heard of this force?

Nim obviously knew more, but he didn't want to say more. He obviously didn't believe Lu En, and Lu En didn't force it, so he raised another question.

"In that case, then the nightmare world should be on your side, so why are there nightmare creatures chasing you?"

The Son of the Nightmare is the favored son of God who is favored by the will of the Nightmare World. However, from the first day when Luen met Nim, the pursuit from the Nightmare World has never stopped.

As a result, Nim had to avoid being hunted by Red Gloves and other forces, but also guarding against the pursuit of nightmare creatures. If he hadn't met Delina, ten of him would have died.

"Because some beings in the nightmare world also don't want me to live."

Nim pursed his lips, his eyes a bit mocking: "They are afraid, I will eat them!"

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