Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 366 Crazy

The rooster's crow is morning, and the cow is dusk. Yang Xiao and the others who stayed in the room were woken up by the shrill rooster's crow, and it was dawn.

The sky was gloomy, as if a layer of gloom had enveloped it, and everyone was silent. Sui Chengguo, who was the last person on the mission, also failed to come back. The outcome was self-evident.

He died, just like Quan Dou and Feng Lu Youcheng. He died in the mission. Not only did the mission last night fail,

And all the people sent out were wiped out.

Three people were reduced at once, which is a heavy loss. Mi Shu's whereabouts are also unknown.

Yang Xiao also experienced several nightmare missions, but lost 3 or 4 people overnight. This was the first time for him to do this.

Wu Ma Haoming squatted in the corner alone, crying silently, his body kept shaking, and the breath of despair spread silently in the room. Tonight's mission may be more dangerous and terrifying than last night, and people like Sui Chengguo have died, they will still Any chance?

A series of footsteps sounded outside the hospital. The footsteps were rapid. There were many people coming, and they were menacing. The door was knocked loudly.

"Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

"Clan Chief Du, what are you doing?" Cheng Cha was stunned. After the door opened, Chief Du rushed in surrounded by several strong men, with a very ugly expression on his face.

"It's not a good thing you did!" Patriarch Du changed his usual friendly attitude, and his expression was so distorted that he almost lost control, "Your people brought back a ghost last night and killed more than a dozen people in our Dujia Village. Your fault!"

Yang Xiao reacted quickly and immediately defended: "It's impossible. None of our people came back last night. They were all killed to help your Dujia Village!"

"Yes, we stayed all night, and there was no movement at all outside." Cheng Cha and Tong Han naturally helped Yang Xiao speak, and said nothing about Quan Dou and Feng Lu Youcheng's return last night.

"Nonsense! We all heard the hammer ring, someone is back, you are just quibbling!" A red-faced man shouted hoarsely.

Yang Xiao turned to look at him without averting his gaze, "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

The red-faced man was stunned for a moment, and after a moment he looked at the patriarch with a guilty conscience. The head of the Du family didn't waste any time, walked out, and asked Yang Xiao and the others to follow.

Soon, they realized that this was the way to the young lady's boudoir. At this moment, Tong Han's heart sank to the bottom. Since the people from Dujia Village did not bring Mi Shu here, she must have died. Now go I'm afraid only one of Mi Shu's heads can be found.

After passing through several courtyards and several corridors, they finally arrived in front of the courtyard where the boudoir was located. At this moment, the courtyard door was ajar, and a pungent rotten smell wafted out. As soon as they approached the courtyard door, Yang Xiao became alert. I noticed the blood stains on the steps in front of the courtyard.

The bloodstain was still very fresh and would never emit such a rotten smell. But as the man walking at the front opened the courtyard door, the scene in front of him was so frightening that Wu Ma Haoming sat down on the ground. He saw that the courtyard was full of corpses. Limbs and arms were broken, and the rotten smell filled the air and hit his brain.

After observation, Yang Xiao confirmed that the corpses inside were all from Dujia Village, because there was almost no fresh flesh and blood in the corpses. They were all rotten flesh and disgusting pus. Only the things in Dujia Village that were neither human nor ghosts would look like this. .

Also, these corpses were extremely damaged. None of them were intact. Even their heads were trampled and smashed. Indeed, this was the work of the ghost villagers in Hanjia Village. Yang Xiao had an experience at Du San’s house not long ago, and the scene was exactly the same. .

It's just that more people died here and the scene was more miserable.

More than a dozen smashed heads were placed in a row against the wall. With sharp eyes, Cheng Cha could tell at a glance that the head on the first row looked familiar. He stared at it carefully for a few seconds. His heart trembled. He confirmed it. , this person is Du Huai, the second person in Dujia Village, who presides over the sacrifice.

Even such a person died here, which is enough to show the thrill of last night. At the same time, it also rules out the suspicion that Dujiacun directed and acted on his own.

Cheng Cha was still quite wary of this person. He suspected that this person was responsible for the painting of the figure without a screen in the boudoir.

"How did this happen?" Yang Xiao also opened his eyes wide.

"You asked us, and we still want to ask you!" A man jumped out and asked loudly, "We had a good rest last night, but... two of you came, knocked on the door and woke us up, saying... Discuss important matters together,

Brother Du Huai took people to follow them and didn't come back all night, and we didn't dare to go out. We finally waited until dawn, then we came over to take a look, and that was it! "

"Who are the two people who broke down the door?" Yang Xiaoming asked knowingly.

The next second, someone behind them threw two round-shaped objects towards them. They rolled on the ground several times and finally stopped at Wu Ma Haoming's feet. Wu Ma Haoming's pupils dilated little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then suddenly shrunk. , screams broke out, and there were two bloody heads on the ground. One was Quan Doufeng, and the other was naturally Lu Youcheng.

"These two heads were also found nearby. It seems that the ghost borrowed the body of one of them to sneak in, and then killed so many people in our Dujia Village." The man spat disgustingly in the direction of the heads.

Cursed: "Useless thing!"

Hearing this, a fire suddenly emerged in Tong Han's heart, "Speak more clearly. No matter what, they died to help your Dujia Village, and they are your benefactors!"

"Hey, what kind of benefactor is this? Only those who can help are benefactors. Those who can't help or make things worse are useless!" The middle-aged man looked at Yang Xiao and his friends with a bad look, and he obviously had the intention to kill them. He guessed that they had failed several missions in a row, and felt that they couldn't rely on Yang Xiao and his friends, so he didn't bother to pretend.

"Du Da, shut up." The head of the Du family turned his head and scolded the middle-aged man indifferently, but the latter didn't care. He even turned his head and arrogantly made a throat-cutting gesture to Yang Xiao and his friends, and the cruelty in his eyes almost overflowed.

The dagger was revealed, but that was it.

Yang Xiao ignored these, squatted down, checked the two heads on the ground, and soon found the problem. Lu Youcheng's face was cold and wooden, while Quan Doufeng's eyes were full of fear and disbelief.

In other words, Lu Youcheng was killed by a ghost, while Quan Doufeng died at the hands of the Du family, which can be seen from the fracture of the head and neck.

But if they say so, then their previous judgment was seriously wrong. Quan Doufeng is not a ghost, but a human.

The real ghost is only Lu Youcheng.

Before he could think about it, the next second, there was a sudden noise in the boudoir not far away, as if something fell to the ground.

"Mi Shu?" Tong Han ran over first, followed by the others.

But the door was locked and the window was plugged from the inside. At this moment, the Du family also came over and said that they had called the door when they came before, but there was no response from inside. From the expressions of the Du family, they believed that Mi Shu must be dead.

It is understandable. After all, there were mountains of corpses and seas of blood outside the door, including more than a dozen people including Du Huai, and it was unreasonable for Mi Shu, a little girl, to survive.

Seeing that the door could not be pushed open, Yang Xiao took a step back and kicked hard at the gap in the middle of the door. The wooden door was stronger than he had imagined. This time, it did not open, but it was obviously loose. Just when Yang Xiao was about to kick it again, he was suddenly hugged from behind by the Du family, and then quickly pulled aside, "Don't open it, don't open it!!"

Several people from the Du family stopped Yang Xiao, looking angry at Yang Xiao for opening the door without saying hello, but Yang Xiao could detect the deep fear in their eyes.

Rather than saying that they were afraid of opening the door, it would be better to say that they were afraid of disturbing something in the boudoir. Yang Xiao immediately realized that it must be related to the large wardrobe behind the screen.

"How can we get in without opening the door?" Cheng Cha asked, "Or we can tear down the window."

"No, no, no." The Du family waved their hands repeatedly, and finally, with the tacit consent of the head of the Du family, one of them took out a strange thin bamboo piece with a copper hook on the top of the bamboo piece. He squatted outside the door and inserted the front end of the bamboo piece with the copper hook into the door crack. He fiddled with it up and down for half a minute, then pulled out the bamboo piece, stood up, and pushed it gently. The door opened with a "Ya--" sound.

This scene made Yang Xiao and the others feel cold on their backs. They understood and finally understood how Liu Haiping died.

On the first night, Liu Haiping must have heard the sound of the door being pried open behind her, but because of the fake warnings of the people in the Dujia Village, she never turned back until someone stood behind her and chopped off her head with a knife.

The door was opened, but there was no one in the room, and there was no blood or signs of struggle.

Mi Shu disappeared.

"Has Mi Shu's head been found nearby?" Yang Xiao turned around and asked.

"No." The head of the Du family shook his head.

The next second, as Cheng Cha came to the bedside and squatted down, the scene in front of him immediately surprised him, "Here!"

Everyone quickly gathered around and saw Mi Shu curled up under the bed, motionless. Cheng Cha crawled under the bed and dragged Mi Shu out.

Fortunately, the person was not dead. There were no obvious scars on his body except for some minor scratches. I think he must have fainted from exhaustion.

Yang Xiao took Mi Shu and carried him on his back. He was about to go back to their room, but was stopped by the Du family. They fetched a basin of clean water and wanted to wake her up in the boudoir.

"The scene around here is too horrible. I'm worried that she won't be able to accept it when she wakes up." Yang Xiao argued, but the Du family insisted on waking her up here.

The water might have been drawn from a deep well. It was very cold, so cold that it was bone-chilling. He wet the water with a cloth and wiped it on Mi Shu's face. Soon, Mi Shu slowly opened his eyes.

But before Tong Han could be surprised, Mi Shu's eyes widened, his expression suddenly became ferocious, and then he sat up suddenly and bit Wu Ma Haoming beside him. The latter didn't react at all and was bitten on the arm. The force was so strong that blood immediately flowed out, and he almost bit off a piece of flesh.

"Ah ah!!" Wu Ma Haoming struggled and screamed, "Hurry up, she's crazy, she's crazy!!"

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