Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 365 Wish

As time passed by, Sui Chengguo became more and more anxious, because there was not much soul-inducing incense left, and two-thirds of it had been burned out. The next second, there was a soft sound of "", and Sui Chengguo clearly felt that something was appearing. behind.

His right arm that was writing suddenly became cold and his wrist became stiff. If he hadn't reacted quickly and immediately took away the brush with his left hand, the remaining ink would have smeared on the paper immediately. He knew that the ghost monk was coming and stepped on it behind him. cast his shadow.

He had already made preparations. He put away the brush first, then stretched out his left hand to pull out the soul-inducing incense, and waved it near the shadow. Sure enough, the incense mist seemed to be attracted by something, drifted away diagonally, and finally dissipated in the mid-air,

At the same time, the cold feeling gradually disappeared. What surprised Sui Chengguo was that the wave-like sound of chanting also stopped abruptly.

The ghost villagers below moved their bodies, spread out left and right, and made a way in the middle of the ancestral hall. The sound of turning paper behind them also stopped.

"Won..." Sui Chengguo cried with joy. This feeling of surviving from a desperate situation cannot be known by personal experience. He slowly stood up and looked behind him. Sure enough, just as he thought, he was wearing brown clothes. The ghostly old man was holding a piece of crumpled paper in his hands. He was motionless at the moment. The pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table showed no signs of being moved. The brush was still hanging under the pen holder, and the tip was clean.

Without further ado, Sui Chengguo held up the incense and walked out. There was the sound of footsteps behind him, and someone followed closely.

Shocked, Sui Chengguo turned his head slightly. The scene behind him made his heart tremble slightly. It was the ghost old man in brown clothes who followed him. His expression was gloomy and dull, and his eyes were cold and numb, but the pressure on Sui Chengguo was greater than before.

Sui Chengguo immediately understood that the crisis tonight had not been completely resolved. He still needed to return to the Du family's ancestral home within the time specified in the mission to be considered a winner.

As for the prescribed time, it is naturally the time for the soul-inducing incense to burn out. In other words, if the incense burns out on the way back, he will also die.

Sui Chengguo didn't want this to happen. After walking out of the gate of the ancestral hall, he immediately started running. His numb legs were fully activated at this moment. The footsteps behind him followed closely like bone maggots, and his pace was almost synchronized with Sui Chengguo's.

There was silence in the village. Although the fog was not as thick as when he came, it was still easy to get lost while running at high speed. At this moment, Sui Chengguo couldn't afford any accidents. He was delayed for too long on the way here and was blocked outside the door in order to avoid it. In order to warn Yang Xiao and the others, in order to avoid the "trap" on the steps in front of the ancestral hall, these incidents made the already limited time even more stretched.



The footsteps behind him made Sui Chengguo upset. At the same time, he heard a crisp metal friction sound, like an iron chain on his leg.

But this is definitely not coming from the ghost old man behind him, because the sound is not synchronized with the ghost old man's pace. The sound is very weird, and the source cannot be distinguished at all. It seems to come from all directions. Sui Chengguo is convinced that there is another one somewhere invisible. The ghost is following.

If nothing else, it should be the ghost monk, and only the source ghost has this ability.

There was no time to think deeply at this moment, Sui Chengguo walked quickly, but the incense in his hand was about to burn out, "Hurry up, hurry up!" Finally, he could vaguely see the outline of the Du family's ancestral home, but the next second, a gust of wind blew,

The last spark on the incense burnt out.

In an instant, the surrounding mist spread suddenly, completely covering the outline of the Du family's ancestral home, but Sui Chengguo still rushed towards the direction in his memory. He was unwilling to give in. He was not willing to be so close. This was not only about his life. , and the five lives in the ancestral home!

At the critical moment, he finally saw the gate of his ancestral home in the fog, rushed over in an instant, then pulled out the wooden stick from the bamboo tube and banged the wooden hammer.

As the sound of throwing stones sounded, the fog behind him quickly receded. In a moment, the fog in the entire village disappeared. The ghost old man behind him disappeared without a trace the second before he rushed to the courtyard gate.

"I won..." Sui Chengguo couldn't believe it. He actually won. He was exhausted from running all the way, but he still held on and walked toward the room where everyone was. From time to time, I would reach out and rub my shoulders.

He held the incense and ran all the way. His shoulders hurt so much, it was like the soreness of being pressed by a heavy object for a long time.

Returning to the familiar courtyard, seeing candlelight flickering in the room, Sui Chengguo's tightly held heart finally relaxed. He quietly looked around, but did not find Quan Doufeng or Lu Youcheng, the two ghosts. If you can't trick him into opening the door, he may be looking for trouble with the Du family.

Now Sui Chengguo still has one thing that he can't figure out. He needs to discuss it with Yang Xiao and the others. After all, Du Huai, the priest of the Du family, said that after the mission is successful, they will get the opportunity to make a wish again, and then they can completely end the reincarnation. But now He didn't know how to make a wish at all.

He cautiously came to the door and asked, "Who is it?" Sui Chengguo was startled by the sudden voice from behind the door. It was Yang Xiao's voice.

"It's me, Brother Chu, I'm back!" Sui Chengguo's tone was indescribably excited.

After a long explanation with Yang Xiao and the others, the door finally opened, and Sui Chengguo walked in, showing a relieved smile, clasping his fists and cupping his hands and saying, "Everyone, you are fortunate to have lived up to your fate!"

After learning that the mission was completed, the depressing atmosphere in the room was immediately cleared. Several people gathered around Sui Chengguo and asked questions. Cheng Cha turned around, poured a cup of tea for Sui Chengguo and handed it to him. Sui Chengguo, who was thirsty, drank it. And done.

Suddenly, Sui Chengguo, who was talking, stopped. He heard a familiar sound, the sound of metal chains rubbing.

"Brother Sui, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Sui Chengguo looked uncomfortable, Tong Han suddenly asked.

"Did you hear anything?" Sui Chengguo, who was holding the teacup, suddenly became nervous. There was something wrong with the sound, as if... .It seems like something is following.

"What's the sound?" Yang Xiao was also surprised.

"It's that kind of sound of metal friction, very crisp." Sui Chengguo stood up and walked quickly to the door. The door was closed tightly at the moment. He looked out through the crack in the door warily, and frowned suddenly the next second. , I saw that the fog that had dissipated long ago came back again and actually invaded the courtyard. At this moment, the courtyard was filled with fog, like a ghost in the underworld.

After a moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and his left hand holding the teacup began to tremble uncontrollably. There was an eerie silence behind him, and no one spoke.

He bent down little by little and looked behind him. Finally, Sui Chengguo's heart dropped. He saw no one, only a few pairs of dirty, rotting legs.

One pair of bad legs wearing cloth shoes hung behind him. At this moment, he finally understood why his shoulders were sore. It turned out that the ghost old man did not leave, but lay on his shoulders with two hands, hanging like a torn sack. On his back.

His throat rolled with difficulty, and Sui Chengguo stood up slowly. There was no panic, no anger, or even fear. There was only despair in those calm eyes.

Just a little bit, just a little bit close! !

If it hadn't been delayed for too long before, he would be the winner this time, and he would lead everyone to survive.

Come home alive.


Sui Chengguo exhaled slowly, then turned around, preparing to meet his own ending.

Since death is inevitable, preserve the last bit of dignity for yourself.

The moment he turned around, everything changed. He unknowingly returned to the ancestral hall. What was even more ridiculous was that the teacup in his hand turned out to be an inkstone.

"Pa." The inkstone shattered to the ground, and the dark fragments rolled around. It was not entirely ink, but thick blood mixed with ink.

Behind Sui Chengguo is the gate of the ancestral hall, and standing not far in front of him is the ghost old man in brown clothes. The ghost old man faces him, his stiff body motionless.

In addition to the ghost old man, the ghost monk also appeared, sitting cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by ghost villagers. These guys clasped their hands together and closed their eyes in meditation.

Only now did Sui Chengguo know how terrifying the ghost monk was. Because his head was wrapped in scripture cloth such as a cassock, his true appearance could not be seen. However, the ghost monk's head was as big as 5 or 6 ordinary people, and its shape was very weird. It's so angular, no wonder it's called a monster by those beasts in Dujia Village.

Suddenly, as if being attracted by something, Sui Chengguo's eyes were fixed on the ghost monk's left foot. He saw a silver chain tied to the ghost monk's left ankle, and there seemed to be a silver hanging on the chain. accessories.

Thinking of the vague metal friction sound from the previous period, Sui Chengguo was convinced that this thing was the source. As far as he knew, Buddhists did not have the habit of wearing anklets. This thing must be very important. Maybe it was related to the ghost monk's current ghost appearance. related.

After looking away, Sui Chengguo found that the ghost old man was closer to him, but he clearly didn't notice him moving with his peripheral vision.

Soon, Sui Chengguo understood what was going on. As long as he looked away or blinked, the ghost old man would be closer to him.

There is no doubt that the moment he gets close to himself is the time of his death.

There is wind behind him, which means that the gate of the ancestral hall has not been closed. But according to Sui Chengguo's experience, he will not turn around and run away, because he has already lost, and if he loses, he will no longer have any chance of survival. This is all an illusion. After he turns around and runs away, he will only He will die faster and more miserably.

He knew very well that he had no chance, but he hoped to do his last bit before dying. He was going to die anyway, so his death would be more valuable. Young people like Yang Xiaochencha are good, they have the means and courage to talk about it. Loyalty, such a person should and has reason to live.

Looking away from the ghost old man and staring at the silver chain on the ghost monk's feet, Sui Chengguo took a deep breath.

He rushed towards the ghost monk, as fast as a tiger. He knocked away several ghost villagers who stood up to stop him, flew into the crowd, and tore off the silver band on the ghost monk's ankle with astonishing speed and accuracy. The chain was then stuffed into his mouth, and he clenched his teeth while protecting his head with his arms.

The next second, countless pairs of arms grabbed him, tearing his clothes to pieces and scratching his skin in an instant.

But Sui Chengguo held on to his last breath and held his head tightly, precisely to preserve the silver chain in his mouth.

The pain in his body was indescribable, as if all his internal organs had been ripped out. At the last moment before his consciousness dissipated, Sui Chengguo was full of wishes. He only hoped that when the sun rose tomorrow, Yang Xiao and the others could find it on his broken body and live. leave.

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