A senior officer in his twenties is scary enough.

The problem is, there is a ‘bureau’ behind it!

What does this ‘bureau’ mean?

There are many bureaus in many counties, cities, and provinces.

For example, county science and technology bureaus, municipal bureaus, provincial departments and bureaus...

Just talking about the department level, some people have casual positions, some are cadres, some have full-time positions, and some have deputy positions.

For example, they are all at the division level, and there are also professional titles such as director, division chief, director...

If they are both at the same level, there must be differences between them.

As long as there is a "bureau" after the level, it goes without saying.

The first and second leaders of a certain bureau, or the first and second leaders of units under the bureau.

When others introduce it, they put "bureau" or "长" after the level.

Just telling you.

They are the top people at this level.

The boss of a department!

"Hello, my name is Liu Hua. I work in the Bincheng Criminal Police Detachment. You can just call me Xiao Liu."

The old colleague stood up quickly and stretched out his hands to shake Zhou Chen's hand.

The capital, the situation, youth... just these three things are in front of you.

When shaking hands, Yang Xu, an old colleague, had his hands trembling a little.

Criminal police detachment? Senior department or senior deputy department... Zhou Chen, who knew what he was doing, nodded with a smile and joked: "Brother Yang and I are good friends. If you are like this, I have to leave."

In one sentence, the tension on Liu Hua's face disappeared.

People tell you clearly: there is no identity at the dinner table, only friends.

This is the art of speaking.

Liu Hua might have no brains for being able to become a detachment leader?

Then we talked, ate and drank, but didn't talk about any work.

After dinner, Liu Hua and Zhou Chen gave each other their mobile phone numbers before leaving...

"Just make friends."

Yang Xu bared his big teeth and smiled at Zhou Chen.

"Is the relationship really that good?"

Zhou Chen teased, "Can't he be your boyfriend?"

Yang Xu:......

Damn my boyfriend, please don’t use this insulting word, okay?

"The relationship is indeed good, brothers who have passed away."

Yang Xu explained, "But I don't have the ability to go up. I want you to see me. It will be more convenient when you come to Bincheng to do things in the future."

"Haha, okay, thank you." Zhou Chen laughed.

This is what happens between friends.

Humanity is worldly!

In a ward.

Two psychology professors are observing Niu Xue who has regained consciousness.

By this time Niu Xue had regained her composure.

But he still looked at everyone nervously and defensively, especially the police.

The two professors had amiable smiles and asked Niu Xue a few words from time to time.

Their eyes were staring at Niu Xue's eyes and expression changes.

About an hour later.

The two professors looked at Zhou Chen and nodded.

Zhou Chen and Yang Xu looked at each other and lowered their faces.

Confirmed, hypnotized!

You know, hypnosis is not as fantasy as people think.

But it does exist, and it's magical.

However, it is difficult to completely hypnotize a person...

This process requires a high degree of cooperation from the hypnotized person, an open heart, and complete trust in the hypnotist before the hypnosis can be completed.

As long as the hypnotized person has any defensiveness and vigilance, or is a little uncooperative.

Hypnosis is impossible!

As for the plot in the movie, you can hypnotize a person by just tapping your finger and shaking something in front of your eyes.

Isn't it fantasy?

That's not hypnosis, it's magic, it's magic!

But now it is certain that Niu Xue was hypnotized.

And using hypnosis, some memories were changed or some memories were blocked.

This hypnosis process was still highly coordinated by Niu Xue.

The most interesting thing is that Niu Xue is vigilant and alert when facing the police.

When Zhou Chen asked, "Did you kill your husband?"

Niu Xue's micro-expression psychology seems normal.

But her reaction was particularly violent and crazy.

This contrast made Zhou Chen and Yang Xu immediately realize that something was wrong.

After confirmation by two psychology professors.

The answer is out.

Two hours later.

"If you want to hide a secret without being discovered, the best way is to completely forget everything you have done!"

Zhou Chen looked at Niu Xue coldly on the hospital bed, "But how can we forget some profound memories? Therefore, hypnosis has become the best and fastest way."


"But not only does the brain have memory, but the body also has memory. Your ears can hear and your eyes can see."

"Even if you forget some memories, your body will still have some reactions."

"For example, when you see the police, you will be nervous, alert, and vigilant."

"You heard me ask you if you killed your husband. Your expression was normal, but your body reacted violently."

"I was thinking at that time, why was your reaction so abnormal? You were clearly not sick physically, mentally or spiritually. Why did you act like a psychopath when facing us police officers?"

"It turns out it's your body that's afraid."

Zhou Chen sneered and looked coldly at Niu Xue, who was pale and had been released from hypnosis by two old professors in some unknown way.

"Are you good at acting?".

Chapter 101: Women’s Hickeys (5 updates)

A case of "buying a murderer to kill a husband" was solved.

Otherwise, sometimes men can't be too rich.

After getting rich, men like to do bad things, and women also want to do bad things to them.

The victim, Park Seok-hwa, cheated on his wife, Niu Xue.

Later, Niu Xue also cheated on her husband, and was also discovered by her husband.

If it weren't for the child, the two would have divorced.

Although Niu Xue also cheated on her husband, the more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she came up with a vicious plan... to kill her husband!

But Niu Xue is a smarter woman.

Even if she wanted her husband to die, she wouldn't do it herself.

With money, high status, and a large circle, she can get in touch with all kinds of people.

Because of her intelligence, Niu Xue discovered a secret of her best friend.

Her best friend is not a good person, and her husband is also very rich.

But her best friend not only cheated on her husband, but also kept a gigolo.

Once she was caught by her husband!

Originally, they wanted to divorce, but her husband died in an accident for no apparent reason.

The police also investigated and finally confirmed that it was indeed an accident.

But Niu Xue knew very well that this was bullshit, wasn't it?

How could it be such a coincidence? Just after being caught cheating and about to get a divorce, the man died.27, and the best friend took over all the property.

Even movies wouldn't dare to play it like this, right?

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