This woman has mental problems.

But the hospital didn't find out?

"Don't get excited."

Yang Xu smiled gently, "I know what you said is true... I admit that you didn't lie to us, and we are now investigating... that ghost. Please believe us police, as long as this ghost really exists, we will definitely catch him."

It can be seen that Niu Xue is very excited, and he is trying his best to cooperate with the other party.

Only by stabilizing the emotions can the investigation be normal.

As for the ghost... what the hell are you talking about!

Under Yang Xu's comfort, Niu Xue's emotions relaxed, but his chest rose and fell.

When people are nervous, they will hold their breath, and then they will breathe heavily, which is a normal performance.

Zhou Chen has been observing Niu Xue, paying attention to the other party's expression, movements, words, and eyes.

When Niu Xue calmed down, he suddenly asked, "Did you kill your husband?"

The whole ward was suddenly quiet.

Niu Xue's expression was dull, and she sat on the bed like a wooden man, motionless.

It seemed that she didn't even breathe.

Zhou Chen was looking at her pupils, watching them shrink rapidly, watching her body tremble.

Then he was a little disappointed.

She didn't kill him!

When stimulated, pupils shrink inevitably.

But pupil shrinkage does not necessarily mean fear, but that the secret has been exposed.

It may also be unbelievable, even frightened, and at a loss.

In fact, Zhou Chen already had the answer in his heart, the victim was killed by the killer.

The reason for asking this question is actually for a purpose.

He was wondering if Niu Xue hired someone to kill!

But Niu Xue's micro-expression and psychological performance overturned his suspicion.

"What are you talking about, why would I kill my husband, it's obviously a ghost, it's a ghost!"

Niu Xue screamed, her chest heaving violently, her voice sharp and high, like crazy.

It seemed that Zhou Chen's words awakened some of her most terrifying experiences.

Her intense reaction was also beyond the expectations of Zhou Chen and Yang Xu.

The two looked at each other.

There is a problem!

One was the police king in the previous life, and the other was the police king in this life.

Any micro-expression of the suspect cannot escape their eyes.

The other party's performance is very normal, but also very abnormal.

He is obviously not sick, but he looks like a madman.

This kind of contrast should not be shown by a normal person or a mentally ill person.

"What's wrong?"

Yang Xu couldn't see it, and murmured, "How to do it?"

It seems that his words are not connected, but Zhou Chen understands what he is saying.

The problem is that the other party is not sick, but seems to be mentally ill.

So, how can a normal person do this?

Zhou Chen's mind turned rapidly, frantically analyzing and reasoning.

This time it is not a case of reasoning, but reasoning why a person's expression is so abnormal.

What method can be used to make a normal person abnormal?

Instantly, Zhou Chen's eyes lit up, "Go call a doctor, a doctor who is good at psychological and psychiatric treatment, an expert, a professor, if Bincheng doesn't have a few from Beijing."

·· ·······Please give me flowers·· ······


A national security agent responded from the door.

In less than 20 minutes, an old doctor in his 50s wearing a white coat was led in by a national security agent.

When he saw Zhou Chen and others, the old doctor's face was still confused and he didn't know why.

But when he saw Niu Xue on the bed, twisted and hideous, like a devil.

His face changed, and the old doctor hurried to the bed.

As a result, Niu Xue waved his hand, like a crazy wild cat, scratching the old doctor's face with two bloody marks.

Then two more nurses rushed in and held down the crazy Niu Xue.

The old doctor injected Niu Xue with a tranquilizer, and soon, Niu Xue fell into a deep sleep...

......... ......... .......

"No, I was the one who personally examined her and performed a full physical examination."

The old doctor frowned and pondered while treating the wound on her face, "She definitely has no mental or psychological illness, but this reaction..."

"Is there a possibility?"

Zhou Chen looked directly at the old doctor with a very strange expression, "She became like this, is it artificial?"


The old doctor was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"I mean..."

Zhou Chen said word by word, "Can you find that there is a problem with her memory, and someone has tampered with it?"

"Change memory?"

The old doctor laughed, looking at Zhou Chen as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person, "Young man, have you read too many novels?"


Zhou Chen also laughed and shook his head, "You still don't understand what I mean. I'm asking myself, is there a way to change a person's spirit or psychology, just like brainwashing in pyramid schemes, to change her memory?"

The old doctor stopped laughing, and his face kept changing.

After a long silence, an answer was given.


The old doctor frowned and shook his head, "But there are too few hypnotists who can do this. And it also requires the patient to cooperate highly. As long as the patient is not cooperative at all, this kind of hypnosis cannot be completed."

Zhou Chen's smile became even weirder, "What if the patient cooperates?"

The world seemed to be quiet.

The room was silent! What a shame.

Chapter 100 You are a good actor (4 more)

At the first time.

Zhou Chen called the Beijing side and dispatched two psychology professors.

With the distance from Beijing to Bincheng, it would take four hours for the plane to arrive.

"I really didn't expect you to suspect her!"

Outside the hospital, Yang Xu looked at the fiery clouds under the sunset in the sky and exhaled smoke.

"That's how to solve a case. Anyone could be a suspect."

Zhou Chen took a puff of cigarette and sneered: "Husband and wife kill each other, father and son fight each other, mother and daughter... Isn't this a rare occurrence?"

"Let's go, let's eat first."

Yang Xu threw down the cigarette butt, "People are iron and rice is steel."

From the time Zhou Chen walked out of the airport until now, he has not drunk a sip of water or eaten a bite of food.

As a Bincheng native, the so-called 'landlord', Yang Xu must treat Zhou Chen.

The Beijing psychology professor will not arrive for a while, so let's eat first.

"Nine-nine-seven" Zhou Chen was not polite and called four subordinates to find a restaurant with Yang Xu.

However, during the meal, Yang Xu also called an old colleague of his.

Hearing that Yang Xu was treating a guest, and that he was from Beijing.

This colleague came immediately, ready to make a familiar face.

Zhou Chen sighed, this is life.

No matter where you go, you can't do without this kind of human relations.

However, Yang Xu's face must be given.

The National Security Bureau is not omnipotent, and there are many places where the police are needed.

"Zhou Chen."

At the dinner table, Yang Xu introduced his old colleague, "Department!"

Just four words, no extra words were said.

But his old colleague's face changed instantly.

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