
The boy sighed, "It seems that many couples will experience this, and they don't want to do this."


The girl nodded, "No one wants this, they all want a good life. But after being together, they will become like that unconsciously. But fortunately, although we broke up at that time, we reconciled three days later. After that breakup , we seem to have grown up, love each other more, and learn to tolerate each other. "

"God likes to make things more difficult for some lovers."

The boy looked into the distance again, "Do you regret being with me?"

"No regrets."

The girl shook her head, "But I regret it very much. It would be great if I didn't know you at the beginning."

"Oh, why?" the boy asked with a smile.

"In that case..."

The girl looked at the boy infatuatedly again, "You don't have to be sad secretly, nor do you have to be sad secretly, nor do you have to force yourself to smile in front of me every day. Do you know, during that time, I watched you deliberately show off every day? Happy, when you make me happy, my heart is broken.”

"What if I do it willingly?"

The boy suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged the girl, "Tell me, what happened next?"

"Finally...cancer, I have cancer."

The girl burst into tears, "I was so scared at that time. I was afraid that I would die. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to see you, my parents, or Li Ergou. But there was nothing I could do. I was already hit when I found out. It’s late!”

"so what?"

The boy hugged the girl tightly, "With your character, you must also pretend to be strong, right?"

"Yes, I pretend to be strong."

The girl cried and said, "I deliberately pretended to be bad-tempered and unreasonable to keep you away from me, to make you dislike me, and to let you see me at my worst. Only in this way you don't have to think too much after I leave." I don’t need to be too sad!”

"Fool, how could we leave you?"

The boy said softly: "Your parents can't do it because you were born to them. Neither can I, because I..."

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Why did I get cancer?"

The girl cried bitterly, "Without cancer, I can be with you happily. I really want to be with you forever!"

"I know, aren't you back? You've gone back five years ago."

The boy comforted: "¨" Now that you are back, you will definitely change."

"It's useless, it's useless anymore."

The girl cried and said, "Even if I come back, I can't change the cancer. I will still die and leave you!"

"Who said that?"

The boy hugged the girl tightly, "Believe me, it can be changed, and... it has already changed!"

"It's impossible. It's impossible for people to change their own destiny."

The girl shook her head in pain, "My cancer can't be cured either!"

"Then don't heal!"

The boy suddenly laughed.

The girl was dumbfounded.

At this time, the boy slowly held the girl on his lap and pointed to the bench not far away.

The girl looked... dumbfounded.

On that bench, there was a boy.

A boy who looks exactly like the boy next to him.

The girl exclaimed, "He..."

"That was me just five years ago." The boy smiled.


The girl looked at the boy in horror.

"After you left, the second dog followed you without eating or drinking."

The boy said calmly, "Later, I couldn't help but miss you and wanted to find you... But I didn't see you. I went back to five years ago and saw myself five years ago. Originally, I planned to guard Wu silently. Years ago, we didn’t expect that you would come back!”

The girl burst into tears like a spring and hugged the boy tightly.

"We don't need to change anymore, and you don't need to be afraid of cancer anymore."

The boy hugged the girl and said, "From now on, we will be together forever."


The girl nodded vigorously, with a happy smile on her face and tears of joy in her eyes.

Slowly, their bodies become transparent.

They stood up and looked at each other happily.

Suddenly, a puppy appeared beside them.

The puppy jumped happily beside them.

The girl smiled, picked up the puppy, and leaned in the boy's arms.

You will definitely be happy! .

Chapter 123 I Believe You (5 updates)

Wang Yuanyuan stared at the pair of siblings cuddling together.

Looking at the puppies in their arms.

Unable to hold back any longer, I shed tears of excitement.

I was actually moved to tears by the movie I made.

Can you believe it?

She never imagined that making a movie would be so easy.

Three cell phones, two actors, a borrowed puppy, no scenes needed.

It only took half a day to shoot!

The most powerful thing is not these, but the drama between the male and female protagonists.

It's obviously a love story that seems bloody.

All kinds of reversals are performed in a daze.

First, the female protagonist traveled through time and found the male protagonist.

As a result, the male protagonist traveled through time earlier than the female protagonist.

It wasn't until the end that the heroine discovered that she really didn't have to worry about cancer.

Because you are not even afraid of death, you have turned into a ghost, and you are still afraid of a stupid cancer?

The appearance of the puppy at the end was like a stroke of genius.

The whole play has a happy ending.

If you can't live together happily, then you will become a ghost.

We should be together happily!

Wang Yuanyuan was a little confused.

It is understandable that Mu Youyu’s acting is very good, after all, he is a professional and has learned it.

Why is Zhou Chen so good?

Why is his acting so good?

The most incredible thing is that this pair of siblings basically didn’t have to shoot many times.

Most of the time, they passed it once or twice, without repeated shooting.

It seems that the two of them really transformed into the male and female protagonists.

Shaking her head, Wang Yuanyuan couldn’t figure it out.

In short, it is very unscientific. Making a movie is like a joke.

But this joke actually became a reality!

“Wahahaha… Am I awesome?”

Mu Youyu, holding the puppy, laughed arrogantly.

His expression of joy was as annoying as it could be.

Zhou Chen rolled his eyes.

Wang Yuanyuan also rolled his eyes.

A couple of elderly people not far away laughed and applauded.

The puppy was borrowed from them.

“Thank you, grandpa and grandma.”

Mu Youyu happily ran to the old couple and returned the puppy.

"Keep going!"

The old man encouraged Mu Youyu, "You acted really well, much better than those crappy stars."

"Thank you!" Mu Youyu (chch) was even happier after being recognized.

She cried and threw herself into Zhou Chen's arms, "You have never let me down!"

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