Zhou Chen:......

He felt that letting Wang Yuanyuan be the temporary director was definitely a wrong choice.

System ability: ever-changing camouflage.

Turn on!

The disguise is ever-changing and can be disguised as any occupation.

These include actors, including actors’ acting skills.

A moment.

Zhou Chen's demeanor changed and he became dramatic in a second.

He turned into a dejected boy with dull eyes.

His eyes were empty and lifeless, as if he had no soul.

He completely became the protagonist in the play.

A boy crazy for love...

A girl, walking one step at a time.

Walking to the bench, he stretched out a small white hand and placed it on the boy's shoulder.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

It sounded sweet, sweet and crisp.

The boy slowly turned his head and looked at the girl in front of him.


The boy's eyes flashed with pain, surprise, and surprise.

The girl's appearance is so beautiful.

Her eyebrows are like distant mountains, her eyes are like autumn water, and her facial features are delicate and soft.

That elegant yet charming face is like a gentle breeze blowing towards her face.

In a daze, it reminds people of the past, running under the sunset, that is the lost youth...

"Don't be surprised or confused, I don't mean any harm."

The intellectual and soft girl smiled and said, "I will be your girlfriend in five years, but I have traveled back in time."

The boy was silent.

His face was calm and indifferent, and his eyes seemed to have no fluctuation.

He just looked at the girl in front of him quietly, as if she was dumbfounded.

No one could tell what he was thinking...

"You may not believe it, but it is indeed true."

The girl sat down slowly and laughed at herself, "I know, this may be difficult to understand."


The boy's eyes became hollow again, looking into the distance, "Do you think I believe it or not?"

"Hongtashan, I like mountain climbing, and I only drink beer from Taishan. I always said that you and mountains have an indissoluble bond."

The girl raised her lips and looked into the distance with confused eyes, "By the way, your bank card password is the last six digits of your birthday, and your social account is the last eight digits of your ID number with @. You like to be naked. When sleeping, he will also tell people that he is letting himself go. His favorite mantra is... close combat is a man's romance!"


The boy's eyes were inexplicably red, but they were still dull.

Instead, even his face gradually became numb, revealing... despair.

"Finally believe it?"

The girl smiled, smiling happily, but her eyes still fell into the distance.

I didn’t see the despair and sadness on the boy’s face…

"I believe it."

The boy nodded and regained his composure.

At this time, the girl turned her head and looked at the boy's calm expression, "You are still exactly the same as in my impression. You are always so calm, as if you don't care about anything."

"Time travel, rebirth, some boys who haven't read a few online novels."

The boy said calmly, "What's so strange? By the way, do you have a system?"


The girl's expression gradually turned sad, "It would be great if I could have a system."

"Yeah, it would be nice if there was a system..."

The boy nodded, "Why did you come back to me?"

"I just miss you, look at you."

There was mist in the girl's eyes.

"Aren't we together in five years?"

The boy smiled and asked, "Let's see Nengtian later."

"No, you don't understand..."

The mist in the girl's eyes turned into water splashes, "Not everything will work out in the future, and many things will backfire."


The boy looked at the girl, "Tell us about us in five years."

"I still remember when we first met, you were very rogue and your way of pursuing me was very unconventional."

The water in the girl's eyes dissipated and she curved her lips, "You came to me and asked, beauty, does she have a boyfriend? I said no. Then you said, are we in a relationship? I said sorry, we are not suitable. . Then you picked up the bricks on the side of the road and asked me, beauty, what did you just say..."

"Ha ha."

The boy laughed, "The reason why flowers are placed on cow dung is because cow dung is very nutritious, right?"

"I didn't think so at first, but after being with you..."

The girl looked at the boy crazily, "That's it!".

Chapter 122 You will definitely be happy (4 updates)

"It was a really happy time and I felt like I was a kid again."

A charming and sweet smile appeared on the girl's face, and she looked at the boy infatuatedly, "But, I am really unwilling to give in. I really want to be with you all my life!"


The smile on the boy's face disappeared, "Are we separated?"

"There is no separation, there is no separation from beginning to end, but...a complete separation!"

Confusion appeared in the girl's eyes again, and her body was trembling slightly.

"Since we are very happy, we still want to be together for the rest of our lives. Why..."

The boy turned his head, not letting the girl see his face, "Break up?"

"Because there is nothing we can do."

The girl shook her head, with a smile on her face, and shed two lines of tears, "I don't want to!"

"Is it because of me?"

The boy turned his back to the girl and his voice was hoarse.

"No, it's not your fault."

The girl smiled and cried, "It's me!"

"I want to ask you something."

The boy turned around, his expression had become calm, looked at the girl and asked, "How long have we been together?"

"Five years, six months and 21 days."

The girl burst into tears and looked at the boy dreamingly, "We are going to get married!"

"So long?"

The boy stretched out his hand, wiped the tears on the girl's face, and said softly: "I never thought that I would be with someone for so long. How happy were we at that time?"

"Very happy."

The girl nodded affirmatively, "I was really happy when I graduated from college, because we lived together, just like a young couple. We would wear couple's clothes together, go shopping together, cook together, and have dinner together in the evening. We would hug each other and sleep together. You always loved to tell me dirty jokes and say dirty things to me. You would make me happy every day... There are so many that I don’t know where to start. In short, we have done many, many things together. By the way, we also have a puppy named Xiao Ergou. Because your surname is Xiao, the puppy is very silly, so we named it Xiao Ergou.”

"Ha ha."

The boy smiled and asked, "I'm sure it's not your last name. By the way, what's your last name?"

"Muzi Li's Li." The girl chuckled.

"I see."

The boy smiled and said, "That puppy is called Li Ergou, right?"


The girl snorted and said nothing.

"What happened next?"

the boy continued to ask.


The girl sighed, "We also quarrel like other couples. I will have a tantrum, and you will get sulky and reconcile. Sometimes we lose patience and wonder if our original choice was wrong. We broke up once.”

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