National Luck: Play As A Redhead, With Old, Weak, Sick And Disabled Teammates!

National Luck: Play As A Redhead, With Old, Weak, Sick And Disabled Teammates!


748 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Yu travels through the parallel world for ten years and starts the role-playing system, and the first person to play is the face-fruit ability Four Emperor Red Hair!

In order to act more similarly, he even cut off his own arm... and the impersonation rate reached 97%! When the acting speed reaches 80%, she has 100% of the red hair's power, and after that, every 1% increase in acting speed will increase the strength by 10%! And after 80%, for every 5% increase, he will gain an ability!

At 85%, get Charlotte Lingling's Iron Balloon! 90% of the time, the ability to obtain the door fruit!

95% of the time, get the ability of the thunder fruit, Chu Yu developed modern knowledge, developed the ability of the thunder fruit to the point of terror, turning the magnetic field, moving mountains and filling the sea!

But the National Games battlefield opened, and Huaguo fell into despair... A little girl, an old man, and a disabled person... The old, weak, sick and disabled team!

Cang Yue: In heaven and earth, I am the only one!

Old Heavenly Master: The old man's name, arrogant Zhang, with one hand covering the sky, doing whatever he wants!

Chu Yu: I'm a redhead, give me some face!


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