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Camp 101.


"Do you want to open the warehouse? The entry-level warehouse has 100 spaces, and one day of login time is charged per day." The warehouse manager asked.

"Yes, give me a week first."

Shen He paid for 7 days of login time.

Opened a private warehouse.

Then, he put the hunter's badge and Fairy Miaotong's marriage certificate, two things that would definitely drop after death, in the warehouse.

These two things are too unsafe to have on you.

Just in case it hangs up accidentally.

But it was a big loss.

There is no death penalty in the novice stage, but this 100% death drop belongs to the characteristics of the item itself.

Not covered by novice protection.

"Okay, you get 7 days of permission to use this warehouse."

He put the hunter's badge and Fairy Miaotong's marriage certificate away with his own hands.

Only then did Shen He begin to rush towards Xingluo Plain.

It can be said that it is very lively on the road.

From time to time, you can see people walking in the direction of Xingluo Plain.

From the conversations of these people, Shen He finally knew why so many people were rushing to Xingluo Plain.

"Time Beast?!"

As the name suggests, this is a monster that drops time cards.

And only monsters that drop time cards.

Time cards are the most common material in the wilderness.

But this kind of material is only produced by tasks and BOSS creatures.

Under normal circumstances, mobs will not explode.

The Time Beast is a special case. It is not a monster, but it can explode time cards.

"No wonder so many people are going to Xingluo Plain."

Shen He understood clearly that if he had his way, he could also fight a few time beasts and accumulate some time cards.

No one can have too many time cards.

Especially...when it is used in every aspect.

Since I have decided to live in the wilderness all the time.

Food, clothing, housing, and transportation all take time.

There are also things like the warehouse Shen He opened today, the roast chicken he eats, etc.

"Isn't it right? Where did this news come from? Why do I feel something is wrong? If someone discovers the time beast, they will only secretly brush it by themselves, or at most call their friends together. How come it seems like everyone knows about it? "

A hint of uneasiness suddenly flashed through Shen He's heart.

He feels this.

Seems a little weird.

"Forget it, never mind, it has nothing to do with me."

Shen He shook his head.

All the way to Xingluo Plain.

The monsters here are mainly level 30 to 40 steppe wolves.

Of course, Shen He didn't come here to fight monsters today, he came to find the cat and the magic mouse's treasure.

Because a large number of players came to Xingluo Plain, Xingluo Plain became a lot more lively.

Basically, people will clean up the monsters that are spawned.

This also allowed Shen He to encounter little hindrance, and he quickly arrived near the cat in the mission.

The advantage of following the guide is that it is extremely efficient.


Somewhere in Starfall Plain.

Beside a quiet pond, a tabby cat curled up quietly. Its fur was soft and smooth, and its eyes revealed a kind of alertness and curiosity.

The cat seems content with its surroundings, but at the same time remains alert and ready for possible threats.

There are two particularly eye-catching stones in the pond, one black and one white.

These two stones are Shenhe's goals.

Only after accepting the task of finding the cat can you see these two stones.

Shen He came to the stone and picked up the two stones.

[Sun Tower Teleportation Stone]: Can be teleported to the nearest Sun Tower.

[Moon Tower Teleportation Stone]: Can be teleported to the nearest Moon Tower.

"Found it."

Chen He looked at the stone in his hand and felt happy.

The civet cat was caught easily.

Although it is just a daily task with not much reward, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are, right?

After catching the civet cat.

Another treasure map appeared in Shen He's hand, which was dropped by killing the magic rat.

Since we are all here at Xingluo Plain, we stopped by to pick it up.

But just when Shen He was studying the map.

Suddenly he raised his head with feeling and looked towards the sky in the distance.

In an instant, a scarlet blood light rose into the sky like a dragon and shot straight into the sky.

The blood light rotated rapidly in the air, condensing into a huge blood-colored cover, like an indestructible shield.


The hood was filled with blood, as if it was condensed from countless blood.

It fell with the force of thunder and lightning, tightly covering the entire Starfall Plain.

Under the cover of the hood, the Starfall Plain was dead silent. The originally vibrant grassland became dim, and the grass and trees withered, as if their vitality had been taken away.

The bloody smell filled the air, making people feel depressed and fearful. The mountains in the distance were also dyed red by the blood, looking weird and gloomy.

The appearance of the blood cover made the entire Starfall Plain fall into a weird atmosphere.

At the moment when the blood cover was formed.

A system prompt sounded in the air.

This is a regional system prompt that can only be heard by people in the Starfall Plain.

"Ding, the number of people in the Starfall Plain has reached 10,000, and the sacrificial stele is open."

"Ding, the Starfall Plain map will be isolated from the outside world before the sacrifice is completed and become an independent space."

"Ding, from now on, all monsters enter a frenzy state, all attributes doubled, and a permanent 15% bloodsucking effect and a 1,000-point shield automatically generated in 10 seconds, and the experience value obtained from killing is tripled."

"Ding, if you die in the current environment, you will not be resurrected immediately, and you will be temporarily thrown into the soul prison until the sacrificial stele completes the sacrifice or is broken."

"Ding, the sacrifice has completed the requirements, the remaining number of people is less than or equal to 100, or the total number of dead creatures reaches 10w."

"Everyone who kills other players or monsters can get the level of the killed person * 1 + the points held, and the winner takes all."

"After the sacrifice is completed, rewards will be issued according to the points ranking."

"The reward for the first place is a random second-level material."

The voice of the system rang in the ears of all the players in the Starfall Plain.

Sacrificial stele? !

What the hell?

Someone immediately logged into the forum to find the answer.

Someone else asked for help.

But the forum can be logged in, but no information can be posted.

It's like a tourist.

Just when everyone was confused.

They found that the monsters around them became extremely ferocious, and at the same time, a layer of translucent shield appeared on their bodies.

All monsters, all attributes doubled, 15% blood sucking effect, and 1000 shield points every 10 seconds.

Originally high-level monsters of level 30 or 40, now almost all of them have become small BOSS.

In just a few seconds, about 10% of the people died.

Remaining number: 9087/10000

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