Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

"No need really."

Shen He waved his hands quickly. ,

He now has a lot more money.

If you want, you can get a level 10 blue equipment.

But...it's not necessary.

It's all over-equipped.

Will be eliminated soon.

"It's just some low-level equipment, don't be polite to me."

Zhang Qiankun thought Shen He was being polite.

"Really, no need, I accept it."

Shen He said firmly.

Although Zhang Qiankun had good intentions, Shen He was not willing to accept this kind of favor.

"You...have always been like this."

Zhang Qiankun finally gave up and scratched his head helplessly.

His impression of Shen He had always been like this.

Shen He is a person who is unwilling to accept help from others.

I like to do everything by myself.

Rejected Zhang Qiankun's kindness.

Shen He came to a restaurant.

Be prepared to treat yourself well.

After harvesting so much, you can’t treat your stomach badly, right?

In reality, I drank the nutrient solution until I felt like vomiting, and the food was extremely expensive, so I couldn’t afford it.

It is still more cost-effective in the wilderness.

"Boss, a roast chicken, a plate of vegetables, three cakes, and a bottle of sweet wine."

As soon as Shen He entered the door, he heard someone shouting.

So, Shen He also ordered one.

In reality, civilians like him can only live on nutrient solution, and expensive luxuries like food are basically out of reach for him.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why so many people are willing to indulge in the wilderness and are unwilling to return to reality?

Soon, the food was served.

Just when Shen He was enjoying food.

A large group of people came to the next table. There was no room for one table, and there were five tables.

Shen He raised his head and glanced at this group of people.

Suddenly it felt familiar.


Among this group of people, Chen He saw someone who was barely an acquaintance.

It was the "liar" who sold him the ungraded ghost weapon blind box.

Bloody Sky Forest!

What a great person!

If it weren't for him, Shen He wouldn't know where to find the blind box.

The group of nearly 20 people all wore the same badge.

The badge of the Bloody Sky Forest Adventure Group.

All members are above level 30, and there are a few who are level 40.

Reaching level 40 means one thing, it has been successfully transformed.

Otherwise, you will be stuck at level 39.

"Is this...a group activity?"

Chen He was eating roast chicken and observing idly.

Bloody Tianlin also saw Chen He.

However, he did not recognize Shen He.

In his eyes, Shen He was just one of many fool newbies who were deceived.

Bloody Tianlin's group ate very quickly, as if they were rushing for something.

Although he entered the restaurant a few minutes later than Shen He, he ate faster than Shen He and finished his lunch before Shen He.

A group of people came in a mighty way, and then left in a mighty way.

After a group of people from Bloody Sky Forest left.

Shen He also walked over to pay.

It's time for him to set off to complete the mission of The Sun and the Moon, open the Tower of the Sun and the Tower of the Moon, and go to the warehouse to store things.

Just when Shen He was checking out.

Because of the departure of Bloody Tianlin and others, the restaurant began to discuss about Bloody Tianlin and others who had just arrived and left in a hurry.

"Those people from Bloody Sky Forest must be going to Xingluo Plain."

"Eighty percent, it's not just the Bloody Tianlin group. Didn't you see that the somewhat capable adventure groups in our 101 novice camp, as well as some relatively strong individual warriors, all rushed to the Xingluo Plain? "

"Why? Why do so many people go to Starfall Plain?"

"I don't know. Anyway, many people are going to Xingluo Plain now."

Shen He heard all these conversations.

Starfall Plain?

He also wants to go to Xingluo Plain.

"Stop by to see what's going on."

Shen He settled the account.

Then, following the guide, I came to the residents and looked for the NPC named Xu Lingxi.

This NPC does not appear in a fixed location. There are several locations mentioned in the guide, and Shen He can only find them one by one.

Fortunately, these locations are not too far from each other.

Shen He's luck is pretty good.

When I found the second place.

I found this person named Xu Lingxi


"Ahri, Ahri, where have you gone?"

A girl was running on the street, calling "Ari".

Her voice, with obvious anxiety, echoed in the bustling crowd. Tears welled up in his eyes, and his cheeks turned red from running.

Suddenly, she accidentally tripped over the stone under her feet.

Just when she was about to fall.

A hand with quick eyes and quick hands grabbed her.

"Are you okay?"

Shen He glanced at the name of the NPC and confirmed that it was Xu Lingxi, then asked.

"Hello, my cat is missing, can you help me find it?" Xu Lingxi asked begging.

"Okay, if I see it, I will bring it back to you." After Shen He said this, he heard the system prompt and the sound of him accepting the task.

With this mission in hand, you can find the cat in Xingluo Plain.

Received the task.

Chen He was ready to set off for Xingluo Plain.

"Wait a minute, let's open a personal warehouse first and store valuables."


Starfall Plain

Two level 40 players wearing eternal union marks on their chests stood guard in front of a huge obelisk.

In a deserted land, stands a broken and mysterious huge obelisk.

It is like a lonely giant, standing tall and reaching into the sky.

This obelisk has obviously experienced the vicissitudes of time, and its surface is covered with mottled marks and cracks, as if it were the mark left by time.

The original color of the tower has faded, revealing an ancient and solemn atmosphere.

A line of numbers appeared on the obelisk.


"There are already more than 7,000 people. Continue to spread the news that a large number of time beasts appear on the Starfall Plain, attracting more people."

One of the Eternal Guild members, who was taller and built like a bamboo pole, said while looking at the numbers that were still increasing.

"But, our budget is a bit insufficient, isn't it?" Another girl with long red hair said hesitantly.

"This is a sacrificial stone tablet! I didn't expect that we would have the opportunity to meet in the novice map. If we can complete the sacrifice, a second-level breakthrough material is indispensable. Think about it, the second-level breakthrough material, whether it is obtained Whether it’s for sale or for our own use, it’s not of ordinary value.”

There are many reasons why there are so few second-level players now. The difficulty of second-level trials is one of them.

Another aspect is secondary transfer materials.

If you want to participate in the second-turn trial, you need to submit second-turn materials.

As long as you complete the task of sacrificing the stone tablet, you can obtain a second-level material.

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