Chapter 67 Restart the world, God King Kaisha (please subscribe!)

A huge roar.

Attracted everyone’s attention.

Even He Tian was attracted.

He almost failed to maintain the state of the Ark of Doom.

Fortunately, after numerous trials, He Tian’s mentality is still very good.

“Go and see what happened outside!”

“I am maintaining the condition of the Ark.”

He Tian looked at it, although it took shape, but it was essentially an ark of sand.

For a while, my heart was full of bad thoughts.


It’s not just He Tian’s side.

All over the world, all places.

As long as everyone can see the sky, they can’t help but take a look outside.

It doesn’t matter at this point.

Almost everyone after watching it.

Can’t help but take a breath.

“here we go!”

“The countdown has just ended, and it has actually begun.”

“Flood! A monstrous flood!”

“I don’t know how this works at all.”

“The whole world was hit by the flood suddenly and directly.”

“Wait a minute, where is Ark?”

“Ah! Where’s our ark!”

“The ark is already formed, but it looks like it is just an ark of sand?”

When the flood in the sky.

After the flood that obscured the sky.

Those believers finally discovered a problem.

That is why the Ark has not yet begun to save them.

So they glanced at the live broadcast room.

It was discovered that the Ark of Sand was still there. Although it was not scattered, there was no sign of the Ark of Salvation.

“Why is this happening!”

“Could it be that we guessed wrong?”

“Even if the Ark is built like this, it still doesn’t meet the requirements?”

“Oh! God!

“Who will save us!”

“God, I am a devout believer, please save us!

“God, please save us!”

For a time, countless people began to pray again.

Stick country.

As the warehouse door opened.

Shi Angel He Tian also saw the monstrous flood outside.

He couldn’t understand why this happened.

I don’t know why the Ark of Doom did not appear.

However, he knew he had to do something.

If you do nothing, then you might not die.

But those who believe in themselves.

Those who give themselves miracles will die!

“Why is this!

“God, where did I make a mistake!”

“Please guide me!”

He Tian began to pray to Yang Xuan.

But Yang Xuan didn’t make a move.

Although, he can easily help He Tian solve the problem.

But all this is Metatron’s arrangement.

Metatron is the king of angels he created himself, so he believes in Metatron.


“What should I do!”

He Tian looked up at the sky in horror.

Although, above him is the ceiling.

But his eyes seem to be able to see through time and space.


“Where did I go wrong!”

“Why hasn’t the Ark of Doom not appeared yet!”

“What the hell am I”


Just when He Tian thought of this, endless floods had already fallen from the sky.

Look from outside the blue star.

The blue star at this time is like a planet full of water.

Under the powerful technology of the Shuiyun clan.

All the water on the blue star has become the water of life at this moment.

For the Shuiyun tribe, this will be a huge wealth.

Blue Star! Become a water cloud star.

That water is not ordinary water.

The water swallowed all life, and all life was melted by the water.

Even the steel ark built by various countries is actually meaningless.

Because this is not an ordinary flood to destroy the world.

Outside the solar system.

Metatron watched all this quietly.

She still didn’t make a move.

Because all of this is being calculated.

“Now, you should understand it!”

“Shi Angel He Tian!”

Metatron said to himself in his heart.

On the blue star.

With the flood, the world succeeded.

The whole planet fell into dead silence.

All people have disappeared.

Whether it’s a traverser or the native residents of Blue Star.

He Tian is the only one who is still alive.

Plus the three holy spirits.

The three holy spirits are all in different places in the world, and their faces are full of sorrow.

He Tian is also full of confusion.


“All disappeared?”

“Is it all swallowed by this water?”

“Why did the Ark of Doom not succeed.”

He Tian flew up to the sky and muttered while looking at the endlessly vibrant water below.

He was a little unable to accept this fact.

However, at this time, a pale golden figure appeared beside him.It was Gu Xue, one of the three holy spirits, who appeared.

“Actually, the key to building the Ark of Doom has never been a human being.”

“It’s the material.

“Not all grains of sand can create an Ark of Doom.”

“Only special grains of sand can be created.

“But, even me, we can’t refine that kind of sand.

As soon as Gu Xue came out, she whispered.

She has never revealed this information to her.

Because Metatron said that unless the end comes completely, all human beings will disappear.

Otherwise, the answer cannot be said.

“I see!”

“So we were all wrong.”

“The special thing is not the person, but the material.”

“But where do we look for that special grain of sand, and how should we refine it.”

“Wait a minute, miracles, faith!”

“I see!”

“The trial of God is to let everyone pass me and know that faith can produce miracles.”

“After that, all believers should lead by faith in miracles, whose creation can build the sand grains of the Ark of Doom.”

“Because there is no savior at all.

“In other words, everyone is a savior.”

“The savior is not me, but all believers.”

“But they didn’t realize this in the end, but were simply bound by their thinking, thinking that someone would save them, 々.

“So we failed!

“Blue Star, destroyed!”

After He Tian thought of this, he was even more confused.


“This is Blue Star’s salvation.”

“It’s a pity they went the wrong way!”

“But it doesn’t matter!”

“There are still many races in the starry sky, and I will avenge the Blue Star.

Gu Xue said calmly.

However, if you see her eyes, you will know that she is not calm.

“Do not!”

“Blue Star shouldn’t have ended like this!”

“Those people shouldn’t just die young like this.”

“The reason for all this now, in the final analysis, is still because of me.”

“So, I have to find a way to save Blue Star.

He Tian seemed to be talking to Gu Xue, and he seemed to be talking to himself.


“Although you are a time angel, you can restart yourself.”

“But the entire Blue Star is so big, what are you going to do?”

Gu Xue asked coldly.

To be honest, when He Tian said she was responsible, she was a little moved.

But after thinking about it carefully, no matter how strong the power of time is, it can also reverse time, and return to before everyone was swallowed.


“If it was me!”

“If I am desperate!”

“If I burned my own power of time!”

“Then everything can be reversed!”

When He Tian said this.

A powerful light burst out all over his body.

The hot light caused Gu Xue, one of the three holy spirits, to withdraw far back.

“what are you going to do?”

“What day?”

Gu Xue looked at He Tian incredulously.

“Burn yourself, if you sacrifice me.”

“Then time can be reversed!”

“What I want to reverse is not just a blue star!”

“To save Blue Star, it is the timeline of a world that is reversed.”

“Reversing others is not the same as restarting myself.

“So, only by burning myself can it be possible to reverse time.

He Tian roared loudly.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body was wrapped in endless flames.

It is a golden flame.

The flame burned He Tian a little bit.

But at the same time, the golden light bursting out of his body directly began to spread towards the outside world.

First is the Blue Star, then the solar system and the Milky Way.

Finally the entire universe.

Countless galaxies are at this time, illuminated by the golden light of He Tian.

The depths of the universe.

Holy Light Civilization, the core of the angel family, the sacred Tianchi star.

The king of the angel family.

God King Kaisha has just returned from a battle.

She personally led the Angel Dajun and blasted a civilization that disrupted her order.

As a result, this has just returned to this planet composed of endless holy light.

Suddenly, my heart moved, and I noticed a terrifying force.


God King Kaisha suddenly raised her head and looked into the distance.

Immediately afterwards.

The two personal guards around him were all on guard.

“High-energy reflection ahead!

“A terrible force is sweeping the entire universe!”

“It’s not a supernova explosion!”

“Not a gamma-ray burst!”

“What kind of power is it? Why do I feel that this power surpasses all the power I have ever seen.”

“Could it be that it is another civilization that has studied the power of taboos?”

God King Kaisha murmured.

He deliberately said it out loud to let his guard know what happened.

Although her guard is also very strong.

They are all twelve-winged archangels.

But compared with the King of Thirty-Six Winged Angels, there is still a big gap.

There are only three kings in the whole angel family.

And God King Kaisha is the strongest king.

“Forbidden power?”

“Wang, what are we going to do now!”

The two archangel-level guards both asked their king for the first time.

It was the first time they encountered this situation, and they didn’t know what to do.

“You can’t do anything!”

“This is a disaster.”

“Although I don’t know which civilization did it.”

“But this power is too strong.

“So powerful, even I am not sure I can fight!”

“My divine light, maybe”

When God King Kaisha talked about this, she didn’t keep talking.

But the more so.

The more the two guards understand the seriousness of the matter.


At this moment, the defensive shield of the Holy Heavenly Lake Star suddenly trembled violently.

“What kind of power is this?”

“The planet of our angel family has already lost contact with ninety people!”

“And the number of missing planets is increasing!

“not good!

“All planets are disconnected!”

“It’s our turn!”

“Our sacred Tianchi star protective array was exhausted in an instant.”

Divine King Kaisha’s peaceful eyes for thousands of years showed solemnity at this moment.

She couldn’t believe that there was any power to do this.

But since it happened, it can only be accepted.

Even if she doesn’t accept it, she has nothing to do!

“Holy Light Civilization has been ended!”

“My justice order has been ended.”

God King Kaisha looked at the main star of his civilization, and after only being covered by golden light in a second, he gave up resistance.

Wherever the golden light passed, everything seemed to stand still.

And the golden light is still spreading rapidly.

When the Holy Light Civilization lost contact.

Other cosmic civilizations have all noticed that something terrible is happening.

As for the Shuiyun clan who was the culprit, they were actually frozen a long time ago.

Many civilizations are asking about the situation and want to know what happened.

But in the next second, golden light descended on their civilization.


The entire universe has been frozen.

Of course, there are places that are not frozen.

That is the kingdom of Yang Xuan, and Metatron, who has level 1 omniscience.

If Metatron does not have the power of omniscience, she will be frozen by the power of the angel-Hetian burning the heart of the angel.

Don’t say no.

The words before the Ouroboros of Time are quite right.

Space is invincible.

Time comes first.

On the blue star.

Although He Tian burned out, all his will was burned.

But he still left an obsession.

This obsession is very powerful.

When the golden light covers the entire universe.

He Tian’s obsession was activated.

“Time. Go back!’

Zhinian gave orders to all the golden lights.

Immediately afterwards.

A long river of time appeared.

The moment when the river of time appeared.

A phantom also appeared in the long river of time.

That is Yang Xuan.

Over time.

“Finally appeared, this world has a long history!”

“Once you master this long river of time, you will be in control of the lifeblood of this world.”

“If you didn’t get the Ouroboros of Time, I’m afraid that if you have achieved the third level of omniscience and omnipotence, you may not be able to enter here.”

Yang Xuan stood on the top of the long river of time.

A smile appeared on his face.

He hasn’t moved for a few days, just to wait for this opportunity.

The time has come.

“The power of omniscience, analysis!”

“Almighty power, refining!”

“It’s a long time, I want it!”

Yang Xuan seized the opportunity to accumulate the power of faith for seven days, and immediately threw it all in.

The power of his faith now, because the prayers in the last few days have increased.

Has reached an astronomical figure.

This also happened to allow Yang Xuan not to worry, and the power of faith was not enough.

That’s when Yang Xuan’s refining time was long.

The timeline of this world is beginning to go backwards.

That feeling is like a movie being rewinded backwards.

Picture after picture flashed.

The time of the whole world is beginning to go backwards.

This is time going backwards, or it can be said to be restarting.

But it was not an individual who restarted.

It’s the whole world.

In this process of restarting.

Now, in fact, only three people have complete consciousness.

One is naturally Yang Xuan.

There is another one, Metatron.

The first level of omniscience makes her turn back in time.

Although unable to move, but you can see this magnificent picture.

In addition to Yang Xuan and Metatron, there is another person who maintains a complete self-will.

That person is Kaisha, the god king of the holy light civilization, the angel family.

Sacred Tianchi Star.

After the god-king Kaisha found that she could not move and lost consciousness.

It didn’t take long for her to wake up again.

“It’s the sacred core in my body, the power of order!”

“The power of order helped me get in touch with imprisonment!”

“But why can’t my body move!”

“Consciousness can be released, and I can perceive that everything is still.”

“Everything is still.”

“Is it possible that in this universe, there is really a powerful civilization that can unite everything and restart the universe.”

God King Kaisha is the leader of the Holy Light Civilization and the king of the angel family.

She has a deep understanding of this universe.

Therefore, under her leadership, she once speculated what a higher level of civilization would look like.

The answer is to unify the universe.

Creator civilization!

The creator of the universe, everything is due to all effects.

The end of technology is theology.

The end of theology is the Creator.

God King Kaisha also doesn’t know whether the Creator civilization exists or not.

But she believes that it does not exist.Until today.

When time stood still, she was shaken.

“々, is it possible, is there really a creator civilization in this world?”

God King Kaisha kept thinking in her heart.


This is the time.

Under her perception, a terrifying high-energy reflection suddenly appeared in the universe.

This reflection was even more powerful and terrifying when the time of the previous universe was frozen.

Most importantly, that high-energy reflection seems to be a straight line.

Ever since.

God King Kaisha exhausted all her power to perceive.

In the end, she successfully sensed that a special phenomenon appeared in the universe.

Long time!

“Time has been realized!”

“Time is not an abstract existence. When it is realized, it becomes matter.”

“This is a phenomenon I cannot understand.

“The universe still has such a big secret.”

The heart of God King Kaisha has not been known for many years, and has not been so shocked.

This is the time.


“Above the long river of time, there is still a strong breath.”

“Even, that breath is still above the breath of time.”

“Long time, it’s suppressed!”

“This is too scary!”

“Is that a person? A humanoid creature? I have seen such a human civilization, they seem to be very weak!

“But why is this person so powerful?

“Wait a minute, what is he doing? The breath of time is gradually replaced by him.”

“He has been refining for a long time!”

“The time of the world has also changed!”

“Our world is going backwards fast!

“My body is also changing, I have left the sacred Tianchi Star!”

“I’m back on top of the fleet!”

“I went back to the black hole bridge!”

“Mine is back on the edge of the battlefield!”

“It’s going back in time!

At this moment, God King Kaisha finally discovered how terrible things had happened in this world.

Above their world.

Someone is changing the timeline of the world like the hands of a fluctuating clock.

What has happened can be erased.

Time can actually be turned back.

Such a powerful force is beyond the imagination of Divine Keisha.

Just when Holy Keisha was shocked.


Another huge wave came.

In the next second, she discovered her body and returned to normal.

“Enter the black hole and return to the main star!”

At this time, the guards beside her conveyed her previous order.

Her own angel legion, also under her order, returned to the sacred Tianchi star.

“None of them noticed the abnormality!”

“Only the power of my order allows me to counter the influence of time going backwards!”

“However, the only thing that can be contended is my will. (Okay)”

“My body is totally unable to resist such great power.”

“Who the hell is that person!”

“How did he do it?”

The heart of God King Kaisha was extremely shocked.

Moreover, she did not intend to tell this matter.

“Wang, we are back!”

The left-wing guard of God King Kaisha reported the situation at this time.


However, God King Kaisha just nodded.

The left wing, the right wing, and the two archangels all discovered something wrong with the king Kaisha.

But they didn’t say anything.

Since God King Kaisha didn’t want to say, they wouldn’t ask anything.


Suddenly, God King Kaisha’s next move was a little gaffe, because she suddenly stopped her walking body.

The pupils are slightly dilated.


“What’s wrong with you!

The two guards hurriedly asked.

“I’m fine! I’m just tired and want to take a break!”

God King Kaisha is a sacred body.

Her excuse was simply to tell the two guards.

I have something, it’s very big.

But they are loyal guards, knowing that the guards should trust the king.

So even if I am worried.

But she didn’t say anything, so she escorted God King Kaisha back to her bedroom.

Inside the palace.

God King Kaisha has just returned.

I couldn’t help but convey a message to a certain one in my heart.

“Who are you? How did you get in touch with me.

“Also, did your Excellency turn back time?”

The God King Kaisha asked several questions in a row.

Because the reason she lost her attitude just now was because she was walking, there was a voice in her mind.

If only someone contacted him, then God King Kaisha would not be too shocked.

After all, there are so many civilizations in the universe, and the races in the universe are endless.

A certain race, or a certain civilization, invented some special means of communication.

Can ignore the planet’s defense system, as well as her power of the king, then it is not impossible.

This has happened before.

Once that kind of civilization appears, or a race appears.

God King Kaisha directly sent troops to suppress and subdue.

In the end all became a member of her order.

But the voice just now, what she said in her mind, would only make Kaisha the God King feel heavy.

Because, the other party’s original words are:

“You are very good, you can actually keep your memory!”

This is a compliment.

However, if it weren’t for the body, the god-king Kaisha has evolved into the most perfect body of the angel family.

I’m afraid that her cold sweat will be shed.

PS: Subscription is not ideal, but the author will work hard.

These two days have been updated with more than 10,000 words.

I will do it next time, so thank you readers for their support.

Please also continue to support. .

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