Chapter 66 The end is coming-flooding (subscribe!)

Time to restart itself.

Reverse all cause and effect.

This is one of the abilities of the Ouroboros of Time.

No, it’s not just ability.

It is one of the magical powers engraved on its own origin.

He Tian used restart before, looking back in time, to restore his body to integrity.

However, there is no way to restart the consumed mental power.

Not only the spiritual power, but the power of faith is also irrecoverable.

The self-restart that He Tian mastered before is the lowest-level restart.

But now.

With the condensing of the illusory angel wings, half of the angelic person was obtained.


The further refinement of the imprint of the Ouroboros of Time.

He at this moment.

Let yourself restart and upgrade.

Moreover, as a believer, he has a pious belief.

He has become a believer himself, and countless people have recognized him and blessed him at this moment.

Directly restart this skill once again, and be faithful and sacred.

So that when He Tian returned.

His personal attributes, awareness of restart.

Earth-shaking changes occurred again.

The magic restart!

Restart oneself, restore the body, spirit, and will.

Before activating the magic spell, lock in advance the state you want to restart.

The process of initiating divine art.

Even if you are killed, you can come back again.

This is something He Tian couldn’t do in the past.

But for him now.

Restarting oneself, not only does not have the restriction that oneself cannot completely die.

At the same time, it will not consume too much.

the most important is.

After restarting, not only will his physical body be restored to a perfect state.

At the same time, one’s own spirit will be restored to a certain extent.

This restoration is not all.

It is decreasing.

In other words.

In the past, if he restarted up to ten times in a day.

So now, he can restart up to a thousand times a day.

That’s right!

Not ten times, but a full one hundred times.

“Your strength is very weak!

“But your ability is very powerful!”

“The time to lock yourself can make you ignore death!”

“This is no longer explainable by extraordinary power, this is a miracle.”

“You have mastered the power of the miracle level.

Song Sisi looked at He Tian condescendingly.

There is a little bit of unpleasantness in my heart.

But she did not forget her purpose.

This time, it was to promote He Tianhe with himself.

Therefore, she wants to shoot again.

“Since you can keep restarting time, then I will consume your time.”

“It keeps you in the process of death and restart.

“Although your talent is very strong, you shouldn’t have much time.”

“The eradication of the world and the floods have no meaning to the two of us.”

“But, for those ordinary traversers, as well as ordinary people on this planet.

“Once the end comes, I’m afraid it will be difficult for them to survive.”

Song Sisi finished speaking.

He directly waved at all the ghosts in the sky.

Next second.

Tens of thousands of heavenly ghosts appeared again.

They landed on the ground.

Continue to attack He Tian.

“Heaven Ghost-Soul Eater!”

Special sonic attack, powerful impact force.

He Tian’s body exploded again in an instant.

Only two seconds later, He Tian returned again.

“Damn it!”

After returning, He Tian was suddenly angry.

He was very anxious in his heart.

It’s getting closer and closer to the doomsday flood.

However, he was trapped here by Song Sisi, who was also the traverser, and also the one who sat down as the messenger for the Lord.

This feeling is simply aggrieved.

Moreover, He Tian also felt that Song Sisi didn’t seem to care about the death of others.

But he can’t.

He got the Mark of Hope 31 twice in a row, and he was empowered by people with the help of faith.

At this moment, all believers have been regarded as their relatives.

Because at that time, they really supported him unconditionally.

Those people tried every means to help him.

Someone hacked into the official system and mobilized missiles to blow up demons.

Someone edits the map to guide the location of the Doomsday Ark warehouse.

Someone called everyone to pray together to create a miracle.

These people, He Tian didn’t want to let them down.

Ever since.

He began to directly incorporate the mark of hope into his soul.

This fusion will be interrupted every time he is killed.

So in order to turn this hope into my own strength.

He Tian spent a lot of time.

At the same time, he also experienced an extremely terrifying number of deaths.

After each death, although he can restart and return.

But the pain suffered at the time of death is extremely real.


The pain did not decrease because of the large amount.

On the contrary it is.

The pain experienced at death will become stronger after each restart.

Ten times, fifty times, one hundred times.

Two hundred times.

Three hundred times.

Five hundred times.

Seven hundred times.

When the violent storm in the sky fell sharply.

When the end of the world on the blue star is only the last half an hour left.

He Tian has died seven hundred times.

For his death.

All the people who watched in the Umbrella Company’s live broadcast room were stunned.

Death again and again.

Come back again and again.

Painful screams.

The blow of the soul.

The average person will endure such suffering for several hours, let alone.

Even if it takes a minute, the soul will collapse.

But He Tian persisted.

In these countless deaths.

Each restart will make his soul stronger.

Seven hundred restarts.

He Tian’s soul has reached a new height again.

He has reached the critical point of transformation.

Above the kingdom of God.Yang Xuan was also watching the battle between He Tian and Song Sisi.

Moreover, every time it restarts.

Yang Xuan’s understanding of time is also stronger.

When He Tian realized the restart, Yang Xuan directly realized the perfect restart.

He Tian realized when time is still.

Yang Xuan can already stop the entire planet easily.

Yang Xuan can do it before, but it consumes a lot of money.

But now Yang Xuan’s essential power has not improved much.

But now, as long as he thinks about it, just a thought, he can directly stop the entire Blue Star.

This is Yang Xuan using the power of omniscience to lock He Tian.

So every change in He Tian’s body will make Yang Xuan grow a lot.

“Really a lucky one who was chosen by time.”

“With the help of him, I also thoroughly refined the power of the Ouroboros of Time.”

“If there is a weak world, I can also stop the whole world from time to time.”

“But this universe is huge!”

“If I want to, I can make the whole world stand still for three seconds.”

“But if it’s just the Blue Star, I can make him stand still forever.”

“So, as a reward.”

“Let me provide you with a little “trivial” help at the last moment when you complete the sublimation. ”

Yang Xuan sat on his god seat.

Gently waved his hand at the world below.

For a time.

Countless golden lights turned into illusory angels.

They have come to the world one after another.

Outside the solar system.

Metatron is also watching all this.

She has the power to get the first level of omniscience from Yang Xuan.

Although there is no power of omnipotence, just power of omniscience will give her a certain amount of space.

“Time to restart!”

“It’s a powerful force.”

“Especially after completing my own restart, even if I have recorded so many times, I can’t deduce it.”

“Although, restarting has become a magical technique.

“But as the King of Angels, I want to fully learn this magic, then it will take at least ten days.”

“Furthermore, the restart of the Ten Days of Learning is only the lowest level restart.

“I have to say, He Tian is lucky.

“Father personally helped him.”

Changes in the kingdom of God.

Metatron naturally felt it very clearly.

Countless divine powers have descended from the kingdom of God.

The landing place is naturally where He Tian is.

Blue star.

A troubled country of sticks.

“He Tian, ​​let me help you complete this final sublimation!’

Song Sisi had already seen He Tian’s situation.

If you die again, He Tian will complete the sublimation.


The next second she came directly to the ground.

All the heavenly ghosts stopped at this moment.

When He Tian restarted.

Song Sisi directly pierced his heart with a palm.

Ended the days of restarting again.

“Every death is a trial.”

“Every restart is a sublimation.

“Every return is a miracle.”

Now He Tian has accumulated enough miracles.


A more powerful miracle was born.


Above the sky.

A golden light appeared out of thin air.

The gate of heaven is coming again.

Immediately, hundreds of figures flew out from the gates of heaven.

Those figures are the shadows of illusory angels.

One hundred, two hundred, five hundred, seven hundred.

Seven hundred and seventy seven!

A total of seven hundred and seventy-seven angel phantoms.

This corresponds to the number of deaths of He Tian now.


When He Tian is advancing for the hope and salvation of sentient beings.

Every death.

Will accumulate the angel’s blessing once.

More than 700 deaths have accumulated more than 700 blessings.

In the end, all the blessings broke out at once.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Above the sky.

All the angels are coming quickly.

They were very orderly, one by one, they landed on the corpse of He Tian’s heart.

The fall of every angel.

A golden spot of light would appear in He Tian’s empty heart.

When a hundred angels fall.

An angel’s heart is formed.

The powerful angel’s heart directly restored He Tian’s breath.

This time, He Tian has not used restart.

However, he was resurrected.

This is a miracle!

A very big miracle!

The remaining angels, after He Tian was resurrected, turned into light spots and fell on his illusory wings.

It is blessed by more than 600 angels.

At this moment, the wings behind He Tian changed from illusion to reality.


A golden ring began to appear under his feet.

That is the mark of the Ouroboros of Time.

Behind him.

The wings began to spread out slowly.

Every inch of unfolding, there are a large number of illusory circles appearing around him.

The wings behind.

It was also a pair from the very beginning to three pairs.

Three pairs of six wings.

He Tian became a seraph directly under the trial of the gods.

This is even among angels.

They are all beings with extremely high personalities.

“Shi Angel-He Tian!,

“Sure enough, you became an angel of time!”

“And it’s still a Seraphim!”

“But now you don’t have much time.”

“There are still three minutes before the flood is destroyed!”

Sublimation takes time.

The moment He Tian evolved successfully, there were only three minutes left before the countdown to the end.

“Three minutes is enough!”

He Tian looked at Song Sisi coldly.


He gently shook the void.

Soon a long sword appeared in his hand.

Name: Sword of Time

Grade: Artifact


This is a long sword condensed by time.

He has the powerful supernatural power of time standing still, time accelerating, and time going backwards.

Being hit by this sword will cause the enemy to appear in three states according to the wishes of the sword holder.

First, stand still.

Being permanently deprived of time, in a state of constant static.

Second, the root cause is obliterated.

Reversed by time, completely disappeared in time.

Third, deprivation.

All the time taken away from him was instantly wiped out.

As soon as this artifact appeared, Song Sisi felt a great threat.

He Tian at this time.

He is not at the same level before following up.

“Time accelerates!”

I saw He Tian quickly rushing to the level with a long sword.

The original distance of one second was accelerated to 0.**001 seconds by him in an instant.


Song Sisi had no time to react at all.

Next second.

She was hit directly.

He Tian’s long sword just scratched Song Sisi’s cheek.

But for He Tian, ​​this is enough.

“Time. Deprived!’

“I accept your time!”

In a whisper.

Soon Song Sisi’s body decayed and aging instantly, and finally turned into dust and disappeared into the void.

She was deprived of her time.


“She’s not dead yet?”

“I obviously robbed her of her time!”

He Tiancai, who slowly retracted the sword, was about to leave.

Relying on the perception of time, I know one thing.

That is, Song Sisi is not dead.

He even felt in the dark that he seemed to help Song Sisi to complete a certain kind of trial.


“Leave here first, I don’t have time to spend with her.”

“Time accelerates!

After He Tian became an angel, his thinking was actually much stronger than ordinary people.

He has discovered some things and has a certain guess.

A better understanding of God’s trial.

Therefore, he is no longer obsessed with killing Song Sisi.

Even in his heart, he said thank you to Song Sisi.

He knew that Song Sisi had accomplished him.

Let him completely evolve into an angel of time.

On the bumpy ground.

After the rain left in Hetian, it fell again.

The live footage of the umbrella company also moved with the angel He Tian to the warehouse where the sand grains are located.

No one is watching Song Sisi, who has just been deprived of time.

But at this time, an extremely sacred door opened, but the breath did not leak out.


Yang Xuan walked out of the door.

“Song Sisi, you are doing very well.”

He stood where Song Sisi was erased and whispered softly.

Immediately afterwards.

A ring image radiating endless sacred light covered the area where He Tian fought Song Sisi just now.


God said: restart!


Yang Xuan only said two words.

Next second

The golden ring began to spin rapidly.

Song Sisi’s figure also appeared in the rotation of the golden ring.

However, Song Sisi experienced a death.

But completed the trial that belonged to her alone.

Song Sisi, who returned again, should not be the bloody wings anymore.

Instead, they use jet black wings.

Her hair and pupils became the black hair and black eyes of the Asian again.

The wings on the back also changed from one pair to three pairs.

Three pairs of six wings, dark angels!

Although in strength, it is still inferior to the time angel.

But Song Sisi also completed his own sublimation and evolution.

“I have seen my lord!”

After Song Sisi saw Yang Xuan, his expression was extremely surprised and excited.

She knelt directly on one knee in front of Yang Xuan, and first bowed her head gently and bowed.

Then he began to look at Yang Xuan seriously.

It seems that he wants to remember Yang Xuan’s appearance in his heart forever.

“This world is no longer suitable for you.

“I arrange for you to go to another world.”

“There is also my pasture, but it is full of darkness and death.”

“You go there to build your country!”

Yang Xuan told Song Sisi’s arrangement.

The world in his mouth was actually snatched from the Ouroboros of Time.

The Ouroboros of Time was devouring a world when it attacked He Tian.

Most of that world has been swallowed.

For people in that world, their lives are in dire straits.

It’s the boundless day.

Therefore, under the apocalypse, people can only survive hard, and order does not exist.

There is the best place for Song Sisi to develop.

And that world is in the pendant of time transformed by the Ouroboros of Time.

“Thank you my lord!”

Song Sisi didn’t want to stay in this world anymore.

Like Yi Yun who was sent away by Yang Xuan before, he actually wanted to build an ideal country in his heart.

This ideal country is a country without evil thoughts.

All the evil thoughts are swallowed by her.

For such a country, she also has ideas on how to do it.

That is to divide the world into two.

Half of the world is the country of evil.

The other half is the sacred kingdom.

Only people who are committed to being good can live in the holy kingdom.

This idea seems a bit whimsical, and it seems difficult to implement in a normal world.


If it is a doomsday world that is about to shatter, plus Song Sisi can now directly suppress it by force.

The most important thing is that even if the whole world is destroyed, there will be Yang Xuan.

Then such a concept can be realized.

It will even have a good effect.


“I know where your heart is going.

“So let go and do it.”

“No matter how bad it is, it just destroys a world.”

“I give you the dark dimension, which belongs to you alone, the domain space.”

When Yang Xuan said this, he caught the void.

In a flash.

He caught a huge dark nebula from the sky.

This picture is as if the entire starry sky has been stolen by him.

“Dark latitude, this is exactly what I want.”

“Thank you my lord!”

Song Sisi took over the dark nebula, and then the nebula became a pendant.

The style of the pendant is almost exactly the same as Yang Xuan’s.

Yang Xuan didn’t stop seeing the other party’s operation.

Just waved his hand again, and opened a golden gate.

Behind this gate is not Yang Xuan’s kingdom of God.The place where it is connected is the world that has been swallowed up by the Ouroboros of Time.

Song Sisi stared at the door for a short while, and a struggling expression suddenly appeared on his face.

Her look made Yang Xuan a little puzzled.

Just when Yang Xuan planned to use the power of omniscience to read why Song Sisi felt embarrassed.

Suddenly, the wings behind Song Sisi opened instantly.

Next second.

The wings directly enveloped the two of them.

Then Song Sisi quickly came to Yang Xuan with a thunder and thunder, and gently hugged him.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan felt a hint of coolness on his left face.

After finishing this, Song Sisi loosened his wings, then fanned his wings and flew into the gate to that world.

“this ”

Yang Xuan was in a daze for a while.

He didn’t expect Song Sisi to be so bold.

You know, he is God.

Outside the solar system.

Metatron also opened his eyes wide.

She looked at the situation in Bangziguo in disbelief.

There was an extremely jealous look in his eyes.

“This girl, how dare she!”

“Damn it!”

“I really don’t know how to love myself!”

“How dare he do this to his father!”

“Even I can just think about it!”

“No! I have to plan it too!”

“But after my father was attacked once, he definitely wants to succeed next time. It’s definitely not that simple.”

“I missed a great opportunity!”

“No, you can’t just let her go.”

“I want to teach him a lesson, let my avatar go to the small world and promote love and kindness.”

“Let her dark dimension cannot recruit people at all.”

“Didn’t she want a paradise, then I will spread the knowledge of faith and let them all become believers of my father.”

“Let it be a paradise, a paradise full of divine arts and technology for common development.

“Finally let them get out of their own little world!”

“Let this girl 320 who wants to become a squat at home and live in a small world without seeing outsiders. It is impossible to conspiracy to succeed.”

Metatron thought fiercely.

Although she was jealous of what Song Sisi did.

But since Yang Xuan didn’t say anything, he didn’t intend to pursue Song Sisi’s disrespect.

What can she do.

She could only calculate in her heart how good it would be to replace Song Sisi with herself.

On the blue star.

With Song Sisi’s resurrection, he became a dark angel.

Yang Xuan also returned to his kingdom of God again.

He continued to be above the kingdom of God, watching He Tian complete this last step of salvation.

In other words, the final trial.


“It’s finally here. There are still two and a half minutes before the end of the disaster.

“I just have to invent the Ark of Doom with sand in two and a half minutes.

“Moreover, every time I fabricate a step, I use time to pause the sand in that place.”

“Although time is also an external force, time exists essentially.”

“Sand is always within the scope of time, no matter what time it is.

“So in this way, it is equivalent to fulfilling the conditions.”

When He Tian was on the way, he was always on the world chat channel.

The think tank formed with the travellers discussed how to complete the final step of the Ark of Doom.

Finally, after the joint analysis and research of those wise men.

With the power of time that He Tian has mastered.

This gave a most suitable solution.

“I can definitely succeed!”

“I want to save everyone!

He Tian cheered himself up secretly, and then opened the warehouse where the sand grains were located.

As soon as he came, the door was opened.Native inhabitants of the five stick countries.

The twelve traversers were looking at He Tian excitedly.

“Shi Angel, He Tian!”

“We have been waiting for you for a long time.”

“You finally came.

The people guarding this sand storage warehouse looked extremely excited after seeing He Tian.

The seventeen people in this warehouse are all believers of Yang Xuan.

So after seeing the angel sitting down by the Lord, or He Tian who had advanced from a mortal to become an angel, all of them were very excited.


All of them knelt on the ground sincerely, and his opponent He Tian prayed.

“Great Angel of Time, please save us!”

“You are the Lord’s substitute, if it is you, you can definitely build the Ark of Doom!’

“The great angel of time, you are our savior.”

As the seventeen people talked, they led He Tian to the sand.

These sands are the purest sands that have been screened.

“give it to me!”

He Tian glanced at the time.

A few people had lost a little time because of talking before.

There are still two minutes left before the end of the world.


He took a deep breath and hurriedly began to build the Ark of Doom.

Because I have become an angel.

He is still a very strong Seraphim, so he can fabricate the Ark very quickly.

“Time, speed up!”

He Tian didn’t use the powerful time force on the sand, but first used it on himself.

Ever since, his speed became extremely fast.

A huge sand model of the Ark.

He only took one minute.


When it was built, according to the previous idea, time stagnation was used to keep the sand grains in the posture of the Ark of Doom.

Ever since.

When there is one minute left before the flood is annihilated.

The Ark of Doom is finished.


When the Doomsday Ark is finished.

Everyone’s heart is extremely excited.


“Finally succeeded!”

“Sure enough, just as we thought, building the Ark has been failing, not because of the material, but the people!”

“Yes! Time always exists, so the angels only need to change the flow rate of time so that the sand does not scatter so quickly, and the request of the Holy Spirit can be fulfilled.”

“Finally succeeded!”

“Our Doomsday Ark succeeded.”

“I heard that the steel doomsday arks of the various countries have also been completed, but only more than 3.5 million people have entered it.”

“No matter what, we believers are saved anyway.

For a time, countless people sent barrage in the live broadcast room, telling the joy of their hearts.


Outside the solar system, Metatron, who revealed the true body of the angel, shook his head slightly.

“The current Doomsday Ark just has a form.”

“It’s just a model of an Ark made of sand, not a real Ark.”

“So, it’s a little bit close to the condensing of the artificial artifact-Ark of Doom!”

“Just a little bit!”

“Shi Angel’s idea is very good, but the real trial, how can it be like this!’

Metatron told this fact in his heart.

Time continues to pass.

Countdown to the end!

10, 9, 8. 7.. 3, 2, 1!

The countdown is over!.


Suddenly, a huge sound attracted everyone’s attention. .

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