Chapter 20 Angel projection, descending to Dongdu (6 more! Guiqiu flowers, evaluation!)

Small island country, eastern capital.

At this moment!

A huge angel projection appeared above the entire eastern capital.

All the people from the small island nations in Dongdu couldn’t help but look up to the sky.

At this time, the east is all night.

So against the backdrop of the sky.

Everything is special but clear.

That angel is a sacred and flawless existence.

After seeing the phantom of the angel, many people knelt to the ground, shouting the prestige of God in their mouths.

at the same time.

The satellites of all countries have locked the small island nation at this moment.

The high-levels of the countries are all staring at the situation of the small island countries.

Any force that can use satellites.

At this time, all can pass through the satellite.

Just below the sacred projection, there is a huge pit.

Naturally, the pit is the hive base.

The bottom of the base.

Yang Xuan was slowly flying upwards.

In front of him, there was a warhead that was as tall as a person floating.

That is… The Messenger of Peace!

It is rising with Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan has lifted the ban on the hive base.

The hive base at this time has been completely restored.

But the Messenger of Peace was banned in isolation by Yang Xuan.

The time and space around the messenger of peace are all in a stopped state.

Because of this, it didn’t explode.

Yang Xuan intends to show his strength in front of the world.

Promote your name.

The appearance of the Messenger of Peace fits the stage on which he played.

“Huh? Something happened at the umbrella company!”

“Super artificial intelligence, the lord of life, was actually swallowed by another brain.”

During the ascent.

Yang Xuan also received the message from Sinoe.

However, these are harmless to Yang Xuan.

It just made him feel a little surprised.

“Of the twelve members of the umbrella company, only eight are under my control.”

“There are still four unsuccessful!”

“However, it doesn’t matter anymore!”

Yang Xuan ignored these, but continued to let Sinoe proceed as planned.

Maybe outsiders will think that the umbrella company has lost its super artificial intelligence, the lord of life.

All forces and strengths will be weakened by at least 70%.

But Yang Xuan himself is very clear.

When I became the owner of the umbrella company and became the owner behind the umbrella company.

The overall strength and influence of this company.

Not only will it not decrease, but it will increase.

The increased multiple will be countless times.

“Sino, publish the numbered story on the Internet!”

“Let everyone know that the countries have established a new department!”

“On the surface it is called a special event response bureau, but in fact it secretly wants to unify the world, destroy beliefs, and control sentient beings.”

“They intend to detonate a peace messenger in the eastern capital to deter the nations.”

“But God comes to save all beings!”

“So far, Dongdu has been rescued!”

Yang Xuan passed his request to Sino while flying.

Sinoe also immediately began implementation.

Ever since, at this moment, the entire network has set off a storm.



The live video of Dongdu suddenly appeared on all the web pages.

But many live links just appeared, and then disappeared automatically.

That came from the blockade of ‘Xihe’.

This situation also attracted Yang Xuan’s attention.

But after Yang Xuan found out, he said a word.

“I said: Dongdu information cannot be blocked!”


The mysterious power spread all over the world in an instant.

Basically, at the same time, the blockade on Dongdu was completely lifted.


Special incident response bureau.

United States, headquarters.

“Director Yi, can’t continue to blockade!”

“Just a second ago, Xihe suddenly gave up the blockade of Dongdu live broadcast.”

“We asked Xihe the reason, she just said that she couldn’t do that!”

“The specific reason, it can’t be said at all!”

Yiyun’s subordinates quickly reported the situation here.

“Is it a mysterious power again!”

“It’s like letting us not even notice that billions of people appear out of thin air.”

“Sure enough, this is a technological method that we cannot understand.”

“And the other party also controls Sino and Dongdu’s brain core.”

“The Internet is about to fall into his control.”

Yi Yun said lightly about the current situation.

She didn’t think about it in her heart, but spoke it directly to the person next to her.

There is nothing to hide.

Those who can join this department are among the elite.

Even if they will be shocked and gaffe, they will never collapse.

“This! How could this happen!”

“Minister Yi, is it true that the other party is really the ‘that’ in the Bible?”

“Perhaps, only the existence of’that’ can have such great power.”

“Others are in the Eastern Capital, and they are controlling the’Peace Messenger.’ How can they somehow interfere with our blockade of the live broadcast.”

An assistant under Yi Yun couldn’t help but exclaimed.

However, he did not say the word ‘God’.

Because Yiyun has ordered the ban.

In the special time response bureau, as well as the high level of the countries, no one can say the word’God’.

Because once you say it, you will be perceived by the other party.

She calls this ability ‘everything that is spoken will be known’.

The source of this information is a Bible. *

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