Chapter 19 Unspeakable name (5 more! Guiqiu flowers, evaluation!)

PS: 5 more! Add more today! The last one is a little bit later.

Dear readers, please give me some flowers and comments for support

The following text!


That’s right!

Super artificial intelligence is the painstaking effort of the umbrella company for countless years.

The entire umbrella company is the most powerful and core force.

The most important existence of the entire umbrella company.

Super artificial can only be the lord of life.

It was hacked and went offline.

“This is… what happened?”

Li Feng looked at everything in front of him incredulously.

At this time, a very pleasant, but slightly deserted female voice appeared in his ear through the connection of smart glasses.

“Don’t click that to accept!”

“The Sino of your umbrella company should have been controlled by another person.”

“Fortunately you are in **, otherwise you will become someone else’s puppet the moment you click to accept.”

The cold female voice is not someone else.

It is the director of the Special Incident Response Bureau, Yiyun.

“It’s you! Yiyun!”

After hearing the other party’s voice, Li Feng also directly said Yi Yun’s name.

“Sure enough, you know my existence!”

“It should be your super artificial intelligence, the Lord of Life, who once helped you capture my information.”

Yiyun was not surprised when he heard his name being called.

Because she knows the umbrella company.

More than that, she also knows the super artificial brain of the umbrella company.

And the high-level situation of some umbrella companies.

“So what happened!”

“Although the department you are in now is a joint establishment of various countries!”

“And you also have a strong artificial intelligence Xihe.”

“But it shouldn’t have the ability to invade the Lord of Life.”

Not only Yiyun knows a lot about Li Feng.

Li Feng also knows a lot about Yiyun.

“Your Lord of Life is the strongest artificial intelligence brain in the world.”

“It stands to reason that our’Xihe’ is absolutely impossible to invade.”

“But this premise is when the Lord of Life is in a normal situation.”

“I know that the Lord of Life has been monitoring Xihe.”

“Xi He has also been monitoring the Lord of Life.”

“They both want to swallow each other!”

“Our Xihe has always been in a weak state.”

“But just, not long ago.”

“Your Wisdom Brain, Lord of Life has a very fatal weakness.”

“It is also this weakness. Now our Xihe has swallowed up 80% of your Lord of Life.”

“The remaining 20% ​​is controlled by Sino, and 10% is in Sino’s hands.”

“Ten percent is in the Eastern Capital and has been taken away by strangers.”

Yiyun quickly explained.

This made Li Feng a little bit puzzled.

“Why tell me this?”

“Do you want me to support you and become the owner of the umbrella company!”

“Although I don’t know why things developed like this!”

“Since your intellectual brain has swallowed up 80% of the Lord of Life, its energy is already sufficient to deter nations.”

“But you still tell me this!”

“Don’t even let me communicate with Sinoe. Could it be that Sinoe is also a stranger?”

“The stranger who has been lurking here long ago?”

For a time, Li Feng couldn’t figure this out either.

“I tell you this, I hope you will cooperate with me fully.”

“Take all the power in your hands to our special event response bureau.”

“Because the enemy is too strong.”

“This time, we must unite all our forces.”

“Next I will let you have the right to use these glasses.”

“You also take the opportunity to take a look at the situation on the small island country.”

“Remember, don’t watch in holographic projection mode!”

“Don’t read those two words silently in your heart. Those two words represent the Father of the Kingdom of Heaven!”

“The picture there is amazing.”

When Yi Yun said this, he hung up the communication.

He did not wait for Li Feng to say whether he would cooperate.

Because these do not need to be asked at all.

Those high-level officials in the umbrella company will lose their intellectual brain, the lord of life.

So the strength of 10% is weakened by at least 70%.

Therefore, the current umbrella company is no longer sufficient.

If Li Feng refuses Yiyun, he will be a street rat in the future.

Therefore, he didn’t get Xuan.

“Damn it!”

After Li Feng waited for the other party to hang up, he gritted his teeth with anger.

But Yi Yun didn’t let him think too much, and directly passed the image of the small island country east to his glasses.

“That’s…impossible, right?”

“This is a movie special effect, right?”

“Am I being tricked by other councillors’ teamwork today?”

When Li Feng saw the scene of the eastern capital of the small island country.

He was stunned. *

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