National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 71: Build Kyle City and challenge the trial again

As the Golden Flower said, the city of Kyle is in a state of disrepair. Even if he becomes the lord of a city, his status in the world has not improved much.

If he wants to establish diplomatic relations with Dolly City, he must at least develop Kyle City to an equal level. Otherwise, he cannot reach the premise of negotiation just by saving the blonde girl.

Kyle City is located in a remote area with inconvenient transportation. In many cases, it can only produce and sell by itself. However, the farmland area and mining resources are quite large. Especially after the iron core crystal is excavated, the foundry industry will be a powerful weapon.

In the conversation with the blonde girl, I learned that Dolly City is a typical commercial hub city. The kingdom often uses it as a circulation center to transport goods to the entire eastern city. Therefore, Dolly City has sufficient supplies, except for food reserves.

Because the hero died, the task of conquering the demon king was handed over to the kingdom army. Even those who only know a little about military tactics know that fighting is a matter of food and grass first. Most of the food in each city was taken away during the long march, and they could only barely fill their stomachs.

Faced with the increasing population and increasingly undistributable food, the city lords of various cities are in trouble.

In addition, this year's harvest is average. If this continues, I'm afraid that the first batch of civilians will starve to death on a large scale...

However, there is not much else in Kyle City at present, but food is overflowing.

No matter when you go to the farmland, you can get fresh peas and pick fresh nuts. The originally barren granaries are now full. When people in other cities are still worried about tomorrow's food, people in Kyle City have begun to have better requirements for food.

Under Jiang Yang's call, Kyle City has vigorously developed the foundry industry, allocated funds to the blacksmith industry, and even built two blacksmith training bases in the city. Anyone with a blacksmith certificate can receive a pot of fire dragon grass to melt and cast iron core crystals.

The biggest advantage of iron core crystals as advanced casting materials is high strength, and it is a non-attribute material itself, with strong compatibility with other materials, and there will be no conflict tragedy.

Soon, there was thick smoke from cooking in Kyle City, and the sound of knocking echoed in the streets from time to time. Everyone was happy to get a job.

Only half a month later, Kyle City had 60,000 iron cores, which became extremely solid walls after processing and forging, or solid crossbows with strong penetration that penetrated the steel plate at once. The adventure group was classified as the city-state army, and they were all replaced with iron core plate armor, and their swords were also replaced with new ones. The combat effectiveness has increased by a large level!

The big change in Kyle City surprised the blonde girl from Dolly City. After all, half a month ago, this place was full of desolation, but now it has become a strong city-state cast in steel. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s really hard to imagine.

In addition to the foundry industry, Jiang Yang also allocated people to build professional breeding farms. Before, because the Demon King’s army occupied the territory, the breeding industry was hit hard. Now even the king has been killed by himself. In order to improve the quality of life of the people and improve the food of the army, the breeding industry must be put on the agenda.

He didn't want to watch his army fighting monsters with skinny bodies. If he didn't capture a few wandering souls, he would become one first.

As the new city lord, there were many things to deal with, so many that sometimes he couldn't finish them all day long, but Jiang Yang was very leisurely. He not only had time to wander around the streets, but also occasionally went to see Ying Xiao who was training the new army and the blonde girl who followed Ying Xiao from morning to night.

So, who was handling the funding requests for the breeding industry, the teaching grants for the foundry industry, the expansion permits for farmland, the personnel resources of the intelligence department, the allocation of military barracks, and a series of large and small issues?

"Damn, why are there so many documents again?"

The Golden Flower took a breath of cold air. It had just processed a batch of documents when the manager next to it brought up another stack of documents.

"The city-state is still under construction, so I can only trouble you."

The manager bowed respectfully and whispered: "Who made the city lord only have you, an expert, who can handle this kind of thing?"

"Humph, that's true. After all, this is something that only I, a great genius, can do!"

When the Golden Flower heard the second half of the sentence, its already bright petals became even brighter. It took the document and continued to write furiously.

In fact, it quite likes this feeling.

Although Jiang Yang has time to run around, he is not idle every day. He often uses balloon zombies to draw maps in the wild to determine his own power.

There are circles and crosses of various colors on his map, and each pattern represents a different meaning. For example, the red circle means that he plans to build a barracks at this location, and the green cross means that he plans to build a large farm here.

Time gradually passed, and a month later, Kelly City already looked like a "city", but it was still a little different from what Jiang Yang thought.

However, compared with the city-state, Jiang Yang now has more important things to do.

He closed his eyes and entered the system space. When he arrived in front of the Zen Garden, Jiang Yang once again activated the ability of the Wisdom Tree and entered the trial mode.

Last time, he only reached the twentieth level, and he couldn't continue after getting the corn cannon. But now that he has broken through to the Great God level, he doesn't have the burden of maintaining farmland and fire dragon grass in the trial mode, so he can focus on opening the state of full firepower.

With his current strength, he might be able to directly reach the fortieth level!

Soon, the zombies rushed out from the plains, five AAA-level giant zombies, ten AA-level snowman zombies, and a hundred dancing king zombies!

In the past, he might have felt a headache, but for him now, it was nothing.

After opening Senluo, Jiang Yang's pea assault vehicle and corn cannon were ready to go. Cherry bombs and potato mines formed a terrifying explosion zone. All zombies that set foot here were covered by a piece of fire. The dance partner summoned by the dancing king zombie was simply sent to death. As soon as he appeared, he was beaten to pieces by pea bullets!

The blessing of the torch stump increased the combat effectiveness of the pea assault vehicle by a large level. Even the giant zombie could not withstand the repeated firepower tilt for a few seconds, and was soon beaten like a sieve! The giant zombie roared and even threw the little ghost zombie out before dying!

The direction was exactly Jiang Yang's position! As a surprise attack unit, Jiang Yang, who had not yet condensed the second magic ring, could not resist its rapid bite. If the opponent succeeded, at least an arm would be lost!

Jiang Yang raised his eyebrows. The prism grass was still condensing the sun beam one second, and it burst out the next second, turning the body of the prism zombie into ashes!

With the strengthening of the beam and the blessing of the scorching magic ring, the prism grass not only increased its attack speed, but also greatly upgraded its power!

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