National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 70 Prism Grass, Recapture of Kyle City

After reaching the Great God level, his mana source more than doubled! Even while maintaining the plants of villages and city-states, he can use the human wave tactics to fight! Even more terrifying than before!

As for what level can be achieved with full firepower... Jiang Yang himself can't estimate it for the time being.

But one thing is certain, the power of full firepower can destroy a city.

The biggest difference between the Great God level and the Grand Master level is that the summoner can use external forces or rely on his own talents to condense the second magic ring. The effect of the second magic ring is the most special and also the most important magic ring. For ordinary people, only when they reach the Hall level can they have the opportunity to awaken.

The first magic ring awakened by the summoner is usually the ability to assist the summoned spirit as the core, while the second magic ring is the ability to strengthen the effect of the magic ring.

Some summoners' first magic rings are mediocre or even useless, but the second magic ring is powerful, which directly increases the combat effectiveness of the whole person!

The most important thing is that the effect of the first magic ring strengthening the summoner's body will also be enhanced by the second magic ring. The summoner, who is already at the peak of human beings, can instantly become a "superman" who can stop a car with bare hands, fly over eaves and walls, and break concrete and steel pillars with one punch!

However, the second magic ring ability of Mr. Fu before was obviously not very good, otherwise he would not be forced to that point by himself.

Jiang Yang entered the system, and he gave all the sunlight he harvested to the cherry bomb and the nut wall, raising its level to A level. The nut wall was upgraded to a high nut, and the magic consumption increased a little, but it was nothing for the current god-level self.

The energy beans planted before have just sprouted, and it will take some time to harvest them. Jiang Yang has already begun to think about which plant to give this energy bean to.

He ran to Dave with the gold coins, and the latter jumped out with a pot lid on his head, staring with two big eyes and shouting: "Hey! My neighbor! Have you seen what I lost?"

"No, what did you lose?"

Jiang Yang's heart trembled slightly, and his eyes subconsciously avoided the other party's sight.

"I don't know! I don't know what I lost! Anyway, have you seen the lost things?"

"You don't know what you lost, how do I know if I saw it?"

"That makes sense! Let's buy things first!"

Dave pulled out the shelf and shouted.

There were obviously more things on it than before. Although Jiang Yang wanted to steal the most expensive one, the other party was staring at it after all, so he thought about it and gave up.

Jiang Yang used gold coins to buy prism grass, "beam enhancement" and triple sunflower.

The former is a plant that attacks with the Holy Spirit spells to replace the twin sunflowers. It has an A-level rating and a higher magic attack panel. Although its destructive power is lower than that of the fire dragon grass, its penetration is stronger, especially when combined with the purchased "beam enhancement". Whoever tries it will know how powerful it is!

The three-cell sunflower is mainly used to produce sunlight. As the level of the summoned spirit continues to increase, more and more sunlight is needed. If the experience value is not enough, the plant will even be restricted from "opening the spirit", "modification" and "proliferation".

As for the healing ability of the three-cell sunflower, Jiang Yang thinks it is dispensable. After all, the magic power consumed by the three-cell sunflower can proliferate a few more plants. There is no need to summon the three-cell sunflower for the healing effect.

Jiang Yang calculated that his current plant-based physical attackers have "corn cannon", "pea assault car" and "cherry bomb", which are sufficient for breaking defense and siege, or raiding and breaking the enemy's living force.

The magic attackers have "Tianshi Sunflower", "Fire Dragon Grass" and "Prism Grass" to back them up. Although they are not extremely strong, they are cheap and easy to summon, and their own Sunburn Magic Ring can increase the magic attack by a large level. In short, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the magic system.

As for the undead system, there is nothing to worry about for the time being. There are poisonous zombies leading the way, Gatling zombies and gun array zombies as the mainstay, swordsman zombies as the trump card, and the S-level Ah Yan who often gets angry but will still take action at critical moments. It can be said that it is quite complete.

Jiang Yang returned to reality and moved the things back to Kyle City with the Golden Flower. He took away the surviving golden cup in the fortress. This is the favorite toy of the Bull Head King. Taking this thing back undoubtedly means that he has killed the Bull Head King.

The city of Kyle was more lively than ever. Even though it was late at night, the lights were still on in all the houses. The people surrounded Jiang Yang and formed a crowd to walk towards the castle. The city lord, who had just recovered a few days ago, lay by the window in shock, watching this scene and whispered: "What's going on? What happened?!"

"Lord, that magician, he, he said, he dealt with the Bull-Headed Heavenly King!"

The reporting guard swallowed his saliva, his body trembled slightly, and his eyes flashed with excitement: "Moreover, all the surrounding villages have been recovered, many townspeople have settled there, and there are still many vacant residences!"

"Impossible! Ridiculous! How could a mere magician beat the Heavenly King! That was a brave man holding a holy sword..."

Before the city lord finished speaking, Jiang Yang relied on the power of the magic ring to say: "This is the golden cup of the Bull-Headed Heavenly King. That guy died without a complete body, so there is no way to bring back his head."

"If you don't believe it, my summoned spirits also moved the things from the Tauren King's fortress back, and some of them are original to this city. You should know them even if you don't know the Jinzhan Cup."

"Now, it's time to fulfill your promise back then and hand over this city to me!"

How could the city lord not recognize the golden cup? The Bull-headed King was most famous for his love of forcing women to play with the golden cup. Even from such a distance, he knew that the golden cup was genuine.

"Give the position of city lord to the magician!"

"It was the Master Magician who gave us a new lease of life! You useless loser, please step down as soon as possible!"

"That's right! Get off the stage! Get off the stage!"

The shouts of everyone gathered together, and the city lord's face turned purple. He quickly came to the observation deck of the castle, and with five heavy crossbowmen, he looked down at everyone with a bit of harshness and anger in his voice: " Kill them! Especially the magician!"

Jiang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. He was ready to use the tall nut wall to block the crossbow arrows at any time.

"What are you doing standing still? Kill them!"

The city lord realized that the heavy crossbowmen behind him made no movement, turned around suddenly and shouted.

“He saved my mother from dying of starvation.”

"My brother will never have to live in a pig shed again."

"We no longer have to let monsters take everything away from us!"

The heavy crossbowmen raised their heavy crossbows, pointed them at the city lord, and said in unison with a solemn voice: "You should get down from this position!!"

The crossbow arrows burst out, and the city lord had no time to react. His whole body was pierced by the crossbow arrows, and he fell down with his eyes wide open!

Thunderous applause erupted under the castle, and the people were cheering for this scene. Jiang Yang was relieved to release the summoning state. It seemed that the people in this city-state had brains and knew where they should stand.

From today on, Jiang Yang becomes the new city lord of Kyle City!


The author has something to say:

An afternoon of sketching homework. I was so exhausted after the evening self-study that I updated a little late. Sorry!

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