National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 51 Elimination System, Jiang Yang's First Opponent

"The competition will be held in a knockout system! There will be six rounds in total! The competition will last for two days, and the final winner will be named the champion and registered in the Hall of Fame of the Summoner's Association!"

"Now, we will announce the list of the first round of competition!"

Tianhu raised his hands, and behind him, the big screen hanging on the arena flashed suddenly.

A map that looked like branches appeared in front of everyone, and everyone looked for their names on it with different feelings.

"It seems that this is fate!"

Chu Linyuan's eyes lit up, and a ruthless look appeared on his face.

"Why did I run into a big guy in the first game!"

"It's over, it's over..."

"I haven't heard of this name, it shouldn't be strong..."

"The first game is against Sun Tianxing!"

All kinds of voices sounded immediately, Jiang Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Linyuan, who also cast his eyes over.

The first game, Tiantong Lingxue Jiang Yang vs Shanfang Lingxue Chu Linyuan!

The first game of the whole game is a battle between these two!

"Fuck! Two Grandmasters face off in the first round?"


"Don't say anything, just take a day off tomorrow! Why work!"

"I bet Jiang Yang beats Chu Linyuan!"

A bunch of comments immediately rolled over on various live broadcast platforms. The most popular commentator shook his head and said, "Don't cue, Jiang and Chu 37, Jiang 3 Chu 7!"


"Grandmaster Jiang Yang just chopped off one of Grandmaster Chu Linyuan's hands!"

"At the same level, Jiang Yang will definitely beat Chu Linyuan to death!"

"Brother Lin didn't take medicine today?"

"You are still amateurs. In the previous game, Chu Linyuan must have held back. If you don't believe it, go watch the replay. Chu was originally planning to use the hidden summoning spirit at the end! ”

Brother Lin said with a sigh: "When Jiang was slashing Chu, Chu's eyes had purple light! Rather than saying that he was persuaded not to use it, it's better to say that he was afraid that he would use it, so he persuaded him to fight!"

"There really was purple light! I just ran over to watch the video at that time, and I noticed it after slowing it down several times!"

"Is it that exaggerated? Was he afraid of using it, so he persuaded him to fight?"

"Let me tell you, the background of this Chilang is not simple. To be honest, Chu's background is really not comparable to Jiang's!"

Brother Lin said seriously: "Just watch tomorrow, Jiang will definitely be suppressed."

"Jiang Yang can't eat Chu Linyuan."

"I'll tell you from inside information that Chu Linyuan has an AAA-level summoning spirit in his hand!"

The commentators of major live broadcast rooms also expressed their opinions.

They were all "taken care of" by Chilang, and they had to build momentum for Chilang when Jiang Yang faced Chu Linyuan. In order to convince these big anchors, Chu Linyuan also showed his true strength.

But he didn't show that eye.

Even so, the anchors still believed that Chu Linyuan could beat Jiang Yang.

Even if Jiang Yang broke through to the Grandmaster level, they still believed it...

"It's really easy now, two strong guys collided with each other."

The young man next to Sun Tianxing seemed to be relieved and nudged the former's waist with his shoulder: "Who do you think will win?"

"Jiang Yang."

"Wow, so decisive!"

"Before he met me, he couldn't lose."

Sun Tianxing said firmly.

"What wishes do you have today? Hurry up and fulfill them. Tomorrow is the last day of your life."

Chu Linyuan walked in front of Jiang Yang with a smile and whispered.

"My wish is to press you to the ground and rub you like a whetstone."

Jiang Yang raised his eyebrows and sneered: "The medical technology is good. Can you still use your hands normally? It won't affect your daily needs, right?"

"This revenge will be avenged soon."

"It's me who should take revenge, Mr. K."

Jiang Yang's eyes turned cold and he said.

He still didn't understand who was behind Chu Linyuan. He was able to train a young summoner of this level, and he could continue to be famous with a vest after the trouble in the Red Country. His ability was extraordinary.

"Let's wait and see."

Chu Linyuan showed a strange smile, patted Jiang Yang on the shoulder and left without looking back.

Tomorrow, it is destined to be a fierce battle to the death!

Both sides knew that the best time to kill each other without being punished was in the Hundred Schools League with the "No Liability Clause" written on it!

At night.

Chu Linyuan and the swallow-tailed man came to a secret hospital.

The two of them skillfully said the code to the front desk, and a nurse took them to the last ward at the corner.

The silver-armored man Hess was lying on the bed. He was wrapped in bandages, with only a pair of eyes and two nostrils exposed. The electrocardiogram next to him floated lifelessly, like a staggering old man.

"Brother... who beat you like this?"

Chu Linyuan looked sad and asked in a low voice.

Unfortunately, Hess was in a vegetative state and could not answer him at all.

Chu Linyuan was a boy picked up by the Beixiong family. He was brainwashed to be loyal to the family since he was a child, and Hess was his sworn brother. However, the relationship between the two was closer than that of brothers.

In order to complete the task of "killing the genius of the enemy country", the talented Chu Linyuan was sent to the Red Country and cut off contact with Hess. Unexpectedly, when he saw one of them again, he became a vegetative.

"Don't think too much now, just focus on tomorrow's game."

Because the assassination mission of Jiang Yang was kept secret, the swallowtail man did not plan to tell Chu Linyuan for the time being. The news only said that Jiang Yang was assassinated, and did not find out who the killer was. Besides, Chu Linyuan was going to compete tomorrow, so it was important to keep his mind in mind: "I'm leaving first, three minutes, talk about anything you want to talk about."

After saying that, the swallowtail man turned and left the ward, and Chu Linyuan sat by the bed and started to greet him. The other party had been paralyzed on the bed and could not move, but when he mentioned a name, his fingers moved:

"Tomorrow I will duel with Jiang Yang..."

Chu Linyuan was stunned, and he said with tears in his eyes: "Brother, you are encouraging me, right!"

Don't fucking fight that guy! !

Hess shouted wildly in his heart, and he used all his strength to move his palm.

"I understand, brother, I will defeat that guy and complete the family's mission!"

Chu Linyuan stood up and said firmly.

I can't even beat him, what can you do! !

Hess was almost hysterical!


He suddenly opened his eyes, his eyeballs rolling around, trying to convey some information.

"I understand that brother wants to see me kill that guy, but it's more important to rest now. I'm leaving first! Brother, take good care of your injuries!"

Chu Linyuan clenched his fists and said in high spirits.

Looking at the other party's imposing steps, Hess was so angry that his eyes turned black and he fainted.

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