National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 50: Hundred Schools League, officially begins

Jiang Yang jumped out of his joy and remembered that he had to participate in the Hundred Schools League. As soon as the door opened, Ying Xiao stood in front of the door and said with a smile: "Congratulations on the breakthrough. I've made a meal, let's eat together."

Seeing Jiang Yang's anxious look, Ying Xiao quickly reacted and whispered: "Is there something urgent? You go first, I will take care of the house."

"No, it's nothing urgent. Let's eat first."

Jiang Yang thought for a while, put his phone in his pocket, and answered.

He worked hard every day to do the dirty work without complaint. If he turned around and left without saying a word, let alone Yingxiao, he would feel uncomfortable.


At this moment, everyone in the East China Sea Arena was holding their watches and staring at the only vacancy in the neat troops, with puzzled looks on everyone's faces.

"It's been over a minute."

The person who spoke was the vice-president of the Association. His name was Tianhu. His strength had reached the peak of the palace level. Just sitting on the stage and doing nothing would release an invisible pressure.

"Something must have happened..."

Kong Qingyu smiled bitterly while frantically sending messages to Jiang Yang on WeChat.

"After all, I was attacked by a stranger a few days ago. I was attacked on the territory of the Association!"

Xia Li, who had a lot of meaning behind his words, held his chin, blinked his different-colored pupils playfully, and smiled.

The corners of Tianhu's mouth twitched a few times. Although he was very unhappy, even if he was as powerful as he was, he couldn't play official with this young woman.

As for why, the other party is a member of the World Calling Federation!

An existence beyond the palace level!

Tianhu had no idea how such a big shot could be interested in watching the Hundred Schools League! It's not a world-class competition. People of their level wouldn't even take a glance at it, right? !

In fact, Xia Li was called here by Kong Qingyu. The former was once Kong Qingyu's junior. The two competed and grew up. In the end, Xia Li, who was blessed by nature, became a member of the WCA.

But Xia Li has always liked Kong Qingyu, a senior, and basically obeyed his words. Whenever the latter spoke, he would immediately run over to her. This made Kong Qingyu think that the other person was weird, but it didn't matter after getting to know Jiang Yang.

Compared to that guy who contracted a lot of awesome summoning spirits for no apparent reason, Xia Li was pretty normal.

"Okay, the Hundred Schools League is a national competition system. If you dare to be late for this kind of competition, you will throw Chiguo's face away! Delete his qualifications!"

Tianhu shouted unhappily: "We have been waiting for a minute. Fortunately, this is the registration meeting. If it is an official competition, do we have to let the national audience wait for him alone?!"

"Wait, wait! Please wait a little longer! Jiang Yang will be here soon!"

The branch director couldn't sit still anymore. He gritted his teeth, stood up, stared at the other party seriously and said, "I guarantee with my official position that Jiang Yang will definitely come to the scene within one minute!"

"...You actually work so hard?"

Tianhu looked at the latter in surprise. The other person was trained by himself. His character is famous for his caution and tolerance. He didn't expect that someone like him could take a gamble. What is this Jiang Yang like? person?

In fact, he has long since lost interest in being the branch director.

At his level, he could live comfortably just by selling magic rings and selling magic props. After using Baihua Ting to rescue his daughter, he now just wants to be a househusband and make up for the companionship she lost.

Between career and family, he chose the latter without hesitation.

Come quickly! !

Kong Qingyu anxiously urged Jiang Yang on WeChat. The other party who had not responded for a long time suddenly called:

"Look up."

She raised her head in confusion and saw a huge golden bird sliding from the sky. Its tail was like a stream of colors, and a burst of firework-like light passed by, causing an exclamation!

The golden bird circled in the sky above the arena, and then swooped down to the ground. Jiang Yang jumped off his neck, looked up at the people on the podium, and shouted: "Tiantong College contestants, Jiang Yang reports!"

This is so fucking cool! !

The other contestants couldn't help but feel excited. They all lined up and walked in honestly. This guy appeared directly on the golden bird!

It's like a full-screen domineering special effect suddenly appeared in the QQ group!

"Wow, that thing is not a summoning spirit."

A bit of amusement appeared in Xia Li's eyes, and he smiled and said: "It is the embodiment of the magic ring. He is already a great master."


Tianhu and the branch chief were both stunned on the spot. They had only heard that Jiang Yang had reached the Grand Master a few months ago, and now he suddenly became the Grand Master?

How long has it been? This upgrade speed is just like fucking cheating!

Kong Qingyu's face was expressionless. After all, for her, even if Jiang Yang came out and said that he was actually at the palace level, she would have expected it.

Apart from the fact that this guy choked to death, there was no news that would surprise Kong Qingyu.

"Very good, this will make it worthwhile to be killed by me..."

Chu Linyuan stared at Jiang Yang's back with a fierce look. As a summoner who had already entered the Grand Master level, he could easily feel that it had not been long since Jiang Yang entered the Grand Master level.

Maybe it’s just a breakthrough.

If you fight him with all your strength, you will definitely win... no, not only win, but also hack him to death!

The corners of Sun Tianxing's mouth raised slightly, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became stronger.

From the battle in the bamboo forest till now, the two are finally on the same level!

A real showdown!

"Okay, go back to the team."

Tianhu wanted to scold him, but Jiang Yang's talent made him reluctant, so he had to pretend that it didn't happen.

With his order, the photographers took their positions, and the lights shone on the faces of hundreds of young summoners, each with a proud look on his face.

"Welcome to the opening ceremony of the Hundred Schools League!"

Tianhu looked at the camera with a serious expression and said: "The Hundred Schools League is a fine tradition that has been passed down since the summoning era in our country. Every time it starts, it will attract the attention of the summoning community. Based on the principle of friendship first and competition second, the competition is exciting and inspires people's body and mind..."

At this moment, on the big screens on the streets of various regions, the camera shot from the contestants one by one, and the barrage on various live broadcast platforms exploded immediately when Jiang Yang's face appeared.

"It's Jiang Yang! He actually participated in the Hundred Schools League!"

"Damn, I bet with my friends yesterday that Sun Tianxing would win the championship! I should have bet on Brother Jiang!"

"Brother Jiang's aura is different!"

"Fast forward to Brother Jiang's weird opening to break the opponent's defense!"

"This is my son!"

Jiang Yang's parents pointed at Jiang Yang on the big TV excitedly, their faces full of pride.

"Sure enough, people like you will eventually go to a place I can't find."

Qing Xuanhua looked at Jiang Yang on the screen quietly, her eyes a little dim: "Don't lose."

After Tianhu finished his opening remarks, the camera also took a picture of the 100 contestants. The former stood up, took a deep breath, and shouted in a majestic voice:

"I declare! The 15th Hundred Schools League officially begins from now on!!!"

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