"That's my sister!"

Qing Yili and the rescue team from the agency's headquarters have surrounded the entire museum, but K threatens to shoot the hostages directly if they dare to enter.

Even trying to change the obstructing circle won't work.

"Xiao Li! Don't be impulsive! If you rush in, he will only kill faster!"

The executive captain stopped Qing Yili and whispered: "Now we can only wait and see what happens!"

"Just wait and see! My sister will die if you watch for a little longer!"

Qing Yili snatched the communication machine and said, "K! Can you hear it? Let my sister go! Whatever you want, as long as I can have it, I will give it to you!"

"It's such a touching brother-sister relationship. Unfortunately, all I want is the 'Dragon Ruler'. Why don't you come and talk to the owner?"

K put the communication phone in front of the museum owner and said with a low smile: "Look, in forty-three seconds, someone will die because of you. How about listening to her brother's plea?"

"Damn it, it's airtight, you can't get in at all!"

Above the museum, the executives in the helicopter were anxiously looking for loopholes that could be used as shooting points.

"Jiang Yang, please don't die..."

Sun Tianxing sat on the helicopter, summoned Liu Er, and whispered: "We will see you across the country."

The only feasible solution at present is to wait for the interference-type summoner to finish singing and release the "disarm" magic, and then let the professional combat-type summoner rush in to rescue the hostages as quickly as possible. Finally, the executive officer tightly surrounded the museum and formed a blockade. The escape route for the Maoye organization.

This solution is safe and sound, but it takes at least three minutes.

In other words, at least three hostages will be shot.

They don't know how much impact this will have on society, but it's definitely not a positive one.

The purpose of the other party's live broadcast is precisely to cause social disturbance.

No matter how you play this game of chess, you can't get away with your whole body.

Qing Yili was in the most pain and anxiety now. His sister only had thirty seconds left to live, but he was powerless and could only watch all this happen before his eyes.

"Damn it, that girl is Qing Xuanhua, right?"

"Sister Qing Yili! Can't her brother rush in and kill him?"

"Don't think about it. The rescue team is obviously releasing interference magic. It will take at least two minutes. Not much else to say, this girl is dead!"

"Oh my god, I wanted to go to the museum with my family yesterday, but luckily something delayed me."

"So many people came together to kill these thugs!"

"You beat people to death with your keyboard?"

The barrages on major live broadcast platforms have become so popular that when the official closes one live broadcast room, another one pops up, and it is impossible to delete them all!

The eyes of the entire Jianghai City were focused on this minute. Time didn't care what anyone thought. As each minute passed, the thug's finger was already on the trigger, and the flames in the muzzle seemed to be erupting at any time. .

Fear invaded Qing Xuanhua's heart like spreading blackness. Her delicate body trembled slightly, and all she saw in her eyes was the muzzle of the gun.

The rest of the people were not only nervous, but also relaxed. At least for a minute, they no longer had to be pointed at the gun.

"Ten seconds."

The thug's voice was full of excitement, and he whispered: "It's so cool. I didn't even have the qualifications to talk to a woman like you before. I could only stare from a distance, humble and stupid, but now you are Trembling under my hand, it feels so good! If you beg me, I can extend it for a few more seconds."

"Hurry and save people!!"

"Damn I really want to beat him up!"

"No one can take action?"

"It's so scary. If I were that girl, I would cry out of fear!"

There were more and more barrages, and there were only three seconds left in the countdown.

Qing Yili knelt down on the ground and said in an almost pleading voice: "Say the 'Shenlong Ruler', please, please save her..."

Two seconds.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the muzzle of the gun.

At the last second when Qing Xuanhua lost hope, she neither begged for mercy nor asked anyone for help. She knew that if she asked Jiang Yang for help, the next target of the thugs would most likely be him.

At least one must survive. The brother has lost his sister and cannot lose another genius.

Qing Xuanhua closed her eyes.


The gun went off!

I saw a beautiful peony flower growing out of the muzzle, like a gift box for a children's toy.


The thugs froze on the spot.

In an instant, the entire museum turned into a vast forest. Big trees stood up from the sky. The dense bushes hid everyone. A stream slid to the center and turned into a ravine, directly blocking the mobs. Come on!

K's smile froze once again. He found that the museum owner beside him was also hidden by the forest. The extremely confusing layout made the structure of the museum become psychedelic.

The most important thing is that he can feel that the formation is destroyed, and the formation that suppresses the summoning technique is completely destroyed!

"Domain magic? That kid can use domain magic?"

K threw the communication device that turned into a frog to the ground and muttered to himself.

He had clearly seen it just now. At the moment when the thug was about to shoot, the boy beside the girl tapped his heel on the ground, and an emerald green ripple rippled under his feet.

A fierce light flashed in K's eyes.

"Damn it! Did you see it? That man is a master!"

"I just realized that this man is not the fiery mysterious person who was uploaded on the Internet before?!"

"Not only can he 'split', but he can also use domain magic so skillfully. How old is he?"

"The rescue team rushed in! This forest has hidden all the hostages. Mao Ye is doomed!"

"Awesome! So awesome!"

The live broadcast room was closed not long after the barrage was posted. It was probably because Mao Ye saw that the situation was not going well and was preparing to run away.

"Jiang Yang? When did you learn this trick?"

Qing Xuanhua asked in surprise when she saw that she was hidden among the flowers.

She had seen her brother perform "Sen Luo", but there was no such physical touch at all, let alone a Tibetan one.

"Learned it a few days ago."

Jiang Yang's brain was running rapidly. Although he had successfully expanded "Senluo" to surround the entire museum, Maoye's people knew that they could not escape and they would probably die.

"Jiang, Jiang Yang, I..."

Qing Xuanhua's cheeks turned red and she was about to say something when she was stopped by the other party.

"If you compliment me on my handsomeness, we'll talk about it later."

Jiang Yang whispered, and as soon as he finished speaking, K's figure appeared in his sight.

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