National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 18 Cat Night Organization

Jiang Yang tried to use his magic power to summon the summoning book, but he felt an irresistible obstacle, and the light in his hand only dimmed.

"They may have set up a formation near the museum, and the summoning spell has failed."

Qing Xuanhua was also unable to summon the classics, and said softly: "In such an environment where summoning spells cannot be used, these guys with guns have absolute say..."

Jiang Yang turned his head and looked behind him. The door of the museum was also forcibly closed. It was obvious that Mao Ye had occupied the control room of the museum. Now it’s time to catch a turtle in a urn.

"Put your hands on your head! Squat down!"

Several gunshots were fired into the air, and the thugs, armed with assault rifles and wearing masks whose faces could not be seen clearly, shouted and walked quickly toward the crowd.

The crowd rioted for a while. After the thug fired a shot into the crowd, hitting one person in the ankle, the screams calmed down the rioting crowd. Everyone held their heads in their hands and rushed into a spacious warehouse like sheep being herded.

The fear spread silently among the crowd, as if to relieve tension, people inhaled and breathed frantically, competing for the little oxygen in the warehouse.

"Squat down!"

The thug shouted angrily, and everyone quickly followed the instructions, fearing that they would be given "special care" by the other party if they were too late.

"I'm just, I'm just here for a stroll, how could I encounter something like this..."

"What are they doing here? This is not a bank. Why are they robbing this place..."

"Mom, I'm scared."

Jiang Yang heard the whispers of the crowd. He squinted his eyes slightly, trying to see the faces of the thugs clearly, and asked softly: "Is there anything hidden in this museum? Setting up the formation to suppress the summoning spell in advance cannot be done in a day or two. Okay. These people have obviously been planning this for a long time.”

"I'm here to seize the national treasure."

Qing Xuanhua didn't panic much. She was also someone who had seen the big world. After the advent of the summoning technique, the entire society changed quickly and a lot. It was not just once or twice that her life was hanging by a thread when she encountered malicious attacks.

What's more, she felt that the other party was just taking her as a hostage, and the possibility of losing his life was not high.

"National weapons? What do they want national weapons for?"

Jiang Yang groaned for a moment and replied softly: "Are they used to summon contract spirits?"

If you want to summon a high-level summoning spirit, in addition to the factors of the summoner, the contract token is also a key point. Just like Jiang Yang summoned the pea shooter with golden melon seeds, he uses a national weapon with a long history and the essence of civilization. Summoning, it is very possible to summon an S-level or even SS-level contract spirit!

"It's very possible. There may be a rare and unusual national artifact hidden in this museum. Someone leaked the information, and the people from the Maoye organization came after hearing the news."

Qing Xuanhua lowered her voice and analyzed: "However, it is impossible for a single out-of-standard organization to carry out a terrorist attack of this scale. It is obviously just a chess piece, and there are multiple behind-the-scenes masterminds hiding behind it to fuel the fire."

Which forces would be happiest if their national weapon was lost?

The results speak for themselves.

Jiang Yang frowned, closed his eyes and began to formulate a plan in his mind.

Although summoning spells cannot be used, magic power can still be mobilized, which means that magic can still be used.

If you want to destroy that formation, the only way is to use the terrain-changing effect of "Sen Luo". But there is a prerequisite for this, which is to ensure that the range of "Sen Luo" is large enough to wrap up the formation.

If you don't succeed, you will definitely be punished for your actions.

"Good afternoon everyone."

An obviously tuned voice came, and everyone looked up to the source of the sound. On the large-screen LCD TV hanging on the wall, a man dressed slightly differently from other thugs was looking at the camera with a smile.

Next to him, the museum owner in white was being pushed to his knees on the ground by two thugs, with the dark gun pointed at the back of the owner's head.

"I am the leader of Maoye, you can call me K."

The man patted the museum owner on the shoulder and continued to smile: "We are here to find the 'Dragon Ruler'. Now that we know where this thing is hidden, we know the museum owner. But you should have guessed the result. The owner is unwilling to cooperate."

A bad premonition arose in everyone's hearts, and the strange atmosphere was like solidified asphalt.

"So, I thought of a good way! A good way to make the owner of the museum candid!"

The man raised his hands in the air and said in a hug: "Every minute that passes, my good partner will shoot an innocent customer in the warehouse! Oh, how pitiful! A family of three came to the museum to play happily, It turned out to be a tragedy! Master, now you can imagine the child’s desperate cry!”

"And you have to remember that sound, the other person died because of you! Next, if you think an instrument is nobler than human life! Continue to be silent."

As if he was playing a game, the man suddenly thought of something and put the microphone to the owner's mouth: "But if you are willing to save a family! Then open your mouth worth a thousand dollars!"

The owner's body trembled, his pupils shrank slightly, and he said softly: "I'm sorry... I don't expect your forgiveness, I'm sorry..."

The man's smile froze. He took back the microphone and said coldly: "Go ahead and transfer the execution scene to any platform that can be transferred to it!"

The thugs seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and they quickly equipped the cameras and other equipment, and completed the transfer preparation in less than a minute.

At this moment, all media platforms in Jianghai City were occupied by the thugs' live broadcast. People watched this moment in confusion. Just as Qing Xuanhua speculated, this was not an attack on a whim, but a trap that had been planned long ago!

People prayed tremblingly, hoping that the thugs would not point their guns at themselves. Some people even moved back a few steps to hide themselves from the thugs.

This is a closed space without even windows. Even if the office headquarters has started to act, it is impossible to complete the rescue operation within a minute.

"The first one is you."

The thug pointed the black gun muzzle at Jiang Yang's side, and Qing Xuanhua stood there with trembling pupils.

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