Naruto training king

Chapter 8 How difficult is it?

Not even a moment saddened by Uzumaki Naruto's fall. The next person to rush to the battlefield was...

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!"

The sound of falling down one after another, like one after another, continued to occur all around.

The back kick is an attack aimed at the enemy's lower body, which is a distance that fists cannot reach.

Compared with the more powerful high kick after turning around, its difficulty has been greatly reduced.

But even so, it is already difficult for these children who have never received training before going to school to control their center of gravity to rotate their bodies.

In addition to natural fighting geniuses, almost every ninja has fallen over. Controlling one's body is the basic quality of a ninja.

For the Hyuga clan, controlling the rotation of the body is even more convenient, because in the soft boxing method, many movements require the body to rotate.

Especially the secret of Rouquan - Kaitian, but when it is enough to practice Kaitian, the Byakugan will naturally open. Under Byakugan's field of vision, the dizziness caused by rotation will be greatly reduced.

Compared to Hinata, who was training to turn around and kick in a mediocre way, Kiyomi showed great interest in this simple attack move.

For example, after a regular turn and kick, rotate the body again and add a turn and high kick.

Because the ordinary turn and back kick is aimed at the enemy's lower attack, when you use this move, the enemy will subconsciously jump up to avoid it. Once his feet are off the ground, Iruka will have to take a kick if he turns around and kicks again, unless he prepares a substitute technique in advance.

I have to say that Metkai's Konoha Whirlwind is simple and crude, but extremely easy to use.

After being able to skillfully use Konoha's Great Whirlwind, Kiyomi said to Hinata with some excitement: "Hinata, let's have a little sparring."

Faced with Kiyomi's sudden proposal, Hinata was just stunned for a moment and nodded quickly: "Oh, okay."

Then the two of them walked in the direction of Naruto. The open space around him was larger, making it less likely to accidentally injure others during a fight.

Iruka, who was instructing the students on the side, naturally noticed the actions of Kiyomi and Hinata. Not only Iruka, but also many people in the class noticed the two people who were about to start sparring.

This included Shikamaru, Choji and Sasuke who was standing a little further away.

Kiyomi and Hinata formed the Seal of Opposition, and then they raised their hands and started the soft fist stance.

Rou Fist is a taijutsu passed down from generation to generation in the Hyuga clan.

Thanks to the see-through properties of the Byakugan, Hyuga ninjas can see the meridians in the human body that transport chakra, and developed a soft boxing method that targets the meridians and strikes the internal organs at the same time.

If the Hyuga tribe wants to open their Byakugan, they need to go through a lot of practice. At this time, Hinata and Kiyomi did not have the ability to activate the Byakugan, but they had already begun to learn Rouquan from the day they refined chakra.

It is said to be a boxing technique, but actually Rou Quan is more like a palm technique. Therefore, before the Byakugan is turned on, the damage that Rou Fist can cause is very limited, which is why Iruka will let them practice.

However, after the two exchanged a few moves, Kiyomi suddenly raised his hand and swung a palm, aiming at Hinata's chin.

This was not a soft fist move, but Hinata's fighting skills made her raise her head quickly and narrowly dodge the blow.

However, raising your head to dodge is not a good choice. While losing the enemy's vision, it also exposes the weakness of the chest to the enemy.

The moment she raised her head, Qingmi took half a step back to control the distance just right. Then she stepped hard on the ground with her left foot, and used her waist to rotate her body.

"That's right!" Iruka's eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Konoha Fluid Technique - Turn around and kick!"

His right foot cut through the air, and the moment he was about to hit Hinata, Kiyomi stopped and stopped his right foot in front of Hinata's side.

Faced with this result, Qingsi was already very satisfied. Even if the opponent is more powerful than Hinata, the worst he can do is kick him out and add a Konoha windmill. If his chakra has fire attributes, he can spit out a huge fire ball behind the Konoha windmill.

Hinata was relieved that she was not injured and would not affect her training after returning home.

"Why did you suddenly use the steel fist technique?"

The so-called steel boxing is a method of causing trauma to the enemy through external force. Except for soft boxing, almost all physical skills belong to steel boxing.

Hinata Kiyomi smiled: "Isn't it often said that the battle between ninjas is the battle of intelligence?"

"But when every enemy sees our eyes, they know not to fight closely with Hyuga ninjas. But in normal battles, we still have to test the enemy's intelligence step by step, and find ways to get close to the enemy to create soft and powerful attacks. The conditions for boxing..."

Qingmi didn't lower his voice. As long as you focused your attention here, you could basically hear what he said.

Choji stepped on the filled ground, grinned at Shikamaru and said, "Shikamaru, the entire ninja world knows to be careful of the shadow of the Nara clan."


Shikamaru put his hands in his pockets, curled his lips and continued: "The whole ninja world knows about Ino Shikacho, but what can they do?"

His words were not actually criticizing Qingmi's "crooked ways", but rather explaining a very simple truth.

Hinata's Byakugan, Uchiha's Sharingan, Ino Shikacho's cooperation...everything is famous for a reason.

Everyone in the ninja world knows that you should not look into the eyes of the Uchiha clan when fighting, but who can guarantee that you will not look into the eyes of the enemy during the battle.

The same is true for the shadow imitation technique of the Nara clan. Many Nara ninjas will deliberately hide the length of their shadows in the trial stage of battle, causing the enemy to misjudge. Wait until it's time to decide life or death, and then make a sudden attack to increase the distance the shadow extends.

The simpler something is, the easier it is to use. The ever-changing battlefield does not leave much time for thinking.

On the other side, Qingsi was still talking, and many people were listening.

"When the enemy sees our white eyes, they will subconsciously focus on our hands. Just like in the battle just now, Hinata, you didn't even think that I would attack with my legs, did you?"

What Qingsi said is not complicated, it is just a misunderstanding of people's thinking.

In fact, ninjas are very comprehensive when they receive training. Are you saying that Hyuga ninjas don't know the Three Body Technique?

Of course not, but you can hardly see them using the Three Body Technique, because it is human nature to constantly enhance their strengths.

Soft Fist and Byakugan are so easy to use, and they are something only I have, so why should I practice the universal ninjutsu that everyone knows?

When the Hyuga ninjas thought this, they also brought the thinking of the entire ninja world to this point. After all, whether they were Hinata or not, they had already formed the stereotype that people with Byakugan disease can only do soft fists.

But at this time, an abstract guy suddenly jumped out, adding southern boxing and northern kicking to the soft boxing routine, and even planned to add ninjutsu to it.

Is it difficult to learn one or two ninjutsu and one or two steel fist moves?

Of course it's not difficult, but as long as you take the time to learn it, you can surprise your enemies in battle.

And this information gap is the distance between life and death.

It is estimated that from now on, Kiyomi will become famous among the Hyuga clan just like Neji.

It's just that one will be hailed as a genius, and the other will also be hailed as a genius.


[Through your efforts, Hinata Hinata's ability values ​​have changed]

【Hinata Hinata】

【Age: 6】

[Chakra amount: 3]

[Ninjutsu ability: 1]

[Physical skills: 5]

[Illusion ability: 0]

[Knowledge level: 3]

[Current favorability: friends who understand each other]

[Evaluation: She has a clearer view of the path she wants to take, but now she still needs more recognition and trust]

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