Naruto training king

Chapter 7: You know it as soon as you hear it, but you make mistakes as soon as you do it


Akimichi Chouji jumped down from the tree and made a large deep hole on the ground of the playground.

Nara Shikamaru looked at the pothole and slapped his face: "Chakra, Choji, remember to use chakra next time!"

Choji smiled shyly, scratched the back of his head and said, "Hehehe... I forgot."

"Go back quickly. I want to sleep for a while after I'm full."

After saying that, Qingmi picked up the bag and ran towards the classroom.

"so troublesome."

Shikamaru muttered, then started running. Although he didn't want to run hard, he didn't want to let go of the opportunity to sleep and fish.

Seeing his friends leaving one after another, Dingci looked back at the big pit, and finally decided to turn around and run away.

"Wait for me!"

At this moment, Ya who had just ran out two steps found that Naruto had not followed, so he turned and looked over: "Hey, Naruto, what are you doing?"

"Oh, here it comes!"

Before entering the teaching building, Naruto stopped and turned to look at the Hokage Rock.

The Fourth Hokage...what's his name?

Ask Grandpa Hokage next time.

It's still lunch break, and the children are always full of energy. They would rather go outside and play than stay in the classroom and sleep.

Hinata and Ino walked in from outside the classroom with clean lunch boxes. As soon as she sat down, Kiyomi took out a bag from the desk and placed it in front of her.

"What is this?" she asked.

"Sushi and milk."

Hinata was stunned for a moment, her cheeks turned slightly red, and she quickly pushed the bag in front of Qingmi and said, "Qingmi, I'm full."

"You're not full."

As soon as she finished speaking, Hinata's cheeks turned redder, and her toes hidden in her shoes unconsciously grasped the ground.

Did he...find something?

Hinata Kiyomi was lying on the table, trying various sleeping positions while explaining at the same time.

"We are all named Hinata. Don't I know how much training you do every day? Master Hizu will not reduce your training volume just because of the training in the ninja school. The things in the lunch box can't support it at all."

"I ate a big bowl of ramen outside. You hurry up and eat it. You're welcome."

After all, after struggling for a long time, Qing found that it was more comfortable to fall asleep with a book under his arm.

The book was placed under his arm, and as soon as his head rested on it, he immediately fell asleep, breathing evenly.

Looking at Kiyomi's appearance, Hinata blushed and took the bag, opening it carefully.

Then she looked up at both sides and found that both Kiyomi and Ino were already asleep on the table, not to mention Shikamaru and Choji.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Hinata buried her head under the table, picked up a piece of sushi and quickly stuffed it into her mouth.

The size of this sushi is not small, even if Qingmi eats it by himself, you have to take at least two bites to eat one piece of sushi, otherwise you will easily choke.

Hinata was just like eating snacks, one bite at a time, extremely relaxed.

In fact, she has always had an unspeakable shortcoming, that is, she seems to be very good at eating.

Kiyomi suddenly brought her such a large portion of sushi and milk, and she thought her shortcomings were exposed.

After suppressing all the thoughts in her mind, Hinata picked up the sushi and put it in her mouth. After eating two pieces of sushi like a gulp, Hinata finally realized something was wrong.

Hmm... This sushi seems a little extra sweet, as if honey is added.

Adding honey to staple food is just sugar on top of sugar. If this were placed on modern people, it would be a complete calorie bomb.

[Hinata Hinata's favorability towards you has changed. Current favorability: Friends who understand each other]

I don't know how much time passed before Hinata gently pushed his head and woke him up from his sleep.

"Qingsi, wake up quickly, it's time to go to class."


Qingsi stretched out, rubbed his eyes and asked, "How long have I slept?"

"Almost forty minutes."

"Then I'll go to the bathroom first and meet directly on the playground later."

Qingsi stood up and shook his head hard to shake the egg yolk evenly. As he walked outside, he reached out his hand to wake up the four sleeping people sitting at the back of the classroom.

Compared to Hinata's movements, he was not so gentle.

On the playground.

The students ran two laps around the playground under the leadership of Iruka. After the warm-up, class officially began.

For children of their age, learning Ninjutsu is far less cost-effective than learning Taijutsu, so the main teaching content of the Ninja School is actually Konoha Fluid Technique.

"Konoha Fluid Technique is a set of general Taijutsu developed by the Second Hokage and later improved by the Third Hokage... It has the advantages of low learning difficulty and great practical ability."

After Iruka introduced the origin of Konoha's fluid technique, he began to give a rough overall explanation, which was equivalent to a catalog.

Hinata Kiyomi discovered that the essence of the so-called Konoha Fluid Technique is probably one word - Kick!

As the saying goes, boxing has two doors, and you only hit people with your legs.

Whether it is a child or an adult, in most cases, kicks are more powerful and more powerful than punches.

"The first move of Konoha's fluid technique, turn around and kick!"

Iruka stood in front of the dummy, lowering his weight. Then the waist drives the entire body to rotate, and with the left leg as support, the body quickly rotates to the right and throws the right leg out at the same time.


The terrifying force hit the lower body of the dummy without any reservation, kicking the dummy high up from the ground and breaking it in half.


The children all marveled at the power of this blow, and Naruto jumped up excitedly and shouted: "It's so powerful!"

Under the adoring eyes of the children, Iruka did not lose himself, but spoke the key points seriously and responsibly.

How to lower the center of gravity to stabilize the body during rotation, how the waist drives the entire body through rotation, various details when throwing out the right foot, etc.

It is obvious from this move that the Konoha Cyclone commonly used by Metkai was born here.

After thinking about the way Metkai kicked Jiraiya in the face, it seemed that the Sandaime's boast about the wide application area of ​​Konoha's fluid technique was indeed true.

After explaining everything, Iruka asked loudly: "Do you understand everything?"

"I understand!" the children shouted in unison.

Iruka clapped his hands: "Okay! Now let's work in pairs and start free practice!"

Work in pairs…

Naruto was stunned for a moment subconsciously, then turned to look at Shikamaru standing behind him.

Sensing Naruto's gaze, Shikamaru raised his hand and pointed to a corner of the playground: "Chou and I are going to take this opportunity to fill that hole. I'm afraid we won't have time to practice with you."

"That's it..."

At this moment, Ya came over with the dummy in his arms, patted him on the shoulder and shouted: "Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you find a suitable open space quickly? What if someone robs you!"


Naruto happily ran to the corner of the playground and placed the dummy on the ground and set it up.

He stood in front of the dummy and lowered his body like Iruka. His eyes were fixed on the lower part of his "opponent", and then he exerted force on his waist and rotated...


Naruto successfully knocked himself out and fell heavily to the ground.

Looking at his cheek embedded in the ground, Choji finally understood why the ground of the playground made a hole so easily.

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