Naruto training king

Chapter 74 I have a bold idea

The huge explosion immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the village, and the ninjas took action according to the predetermined emergency plan.

Iruka also summoned all the students immediately. While maintaining basic alert, he was also waiting for orders from the ANBU.

Not long after, a ninja wearing an ANBU mask appeared on the playground.

Iruka immediately greeted him and asked, "Do you need to take refuge?"

"The crisis is over. It's ANBU conducting ninjutsu experiments."

"I understand." Iruka breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned back to the students, conveyed the ANBU's words to them, and at the same time asked: "Everyone, continue to practice what you have learned in this class."

At the same time, Qingmi, who was mixed in the crowd, shook his head slightly and closed his eyes: "I can't see it. It must be outside my field of vision."

Kurama Yakumo patted his chest in shock: "The Byakugan's sight distance seems to be one kilometer. What kind of ninjutsu is needed to cause such a big explosion?"

Ino thought for a moment and said: "It is said that there is a blood successor boundary called Bakuden over there in Iwagakure..."

She excitedly guessed what kind of ninjutsu the explosion just now was, but Hinata on the side noticed that Kiyomi was frowning in thought, his pace gradually slowed down, and he separated from the crowd.

Hinata walked up to him and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Qingmi hesitated for a moment before continuing: "I feel something is wrong."

In Konoha Village, there is a complete process for conducting ninjutsu experiments.

The first step is to evaluate whether this jutsu is dangerous.

This kind of "danger" is mainly divided into two types, one is a great risk or cost to the practitioner, and the other is the destructive power of Ninjutsu.

If it is the former, this technique will most likely be classified as a forbidden technique, and the Hokage will order to prohibit the research of this ninjutsu and seal the relevant information.

If it is a completed ninjutsu, the relevant data will be destroyed and then recorded in the sealed book for storage.

The latter is even more unreasonable, because it is absolutely impossible to experiment with powerful ninjutsu near the village, and the specific standard for "nearby" is seven kilometers.

If the experiment was conducted seven kilometers away, even if a tailed beast jade exploded, it would not be possible for such a loud explosion to reach the village.

So there's definitely something wrong with that ANBU's statement, and he's covering up the truth.

Therefore, the explosion was not a ninjutsu experiment at all, but more likely a battle.

Another suspicious thing is that the ANBU's reaction speed is too fast.

The place where the explosion occurred was beyond Kiyomi's field of vision, one kilometer away.

This distance, even with the strength of a ninja's feet, would take about two minutes, plus a series of operations such as transmitting information, reporting to superiors, issuing notices, etc.

There was no way he would rush to the school so quickly to announce that the danger was over, unless... this was already prepared.

A well-prepared battle.

At this moment, what Sasuke had just said flashed through Kiyomi's mind.

"I haven't seen Brother Zhisui for a long time. I heard from other tribesmen that Brother Zhisui seems to have disappeared..."

That ninja just now is actually a person from the root!

Qingmi suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction where the root ninja left.

Seeing his reaction, Hinata quickly asked: "Did you discover something?"

Qingsi opened his mouth, but the sound was stuck in his throat and could not come out.

What should he say?

Tell Hinata that Uchiha Shisui is going to die, will the Uchiha genocide process begin?

Qingmi turned his head and looked to the other side. Sasuke was holding a bamboo sword and practicing hard. Although the grove was gone, it seemed to have no effect on him.

To be honest, he quite likes the normal Sasuke now.

If possible, as a friend, Qingmi doesn't want to see him live in such pain.


"Nothing." Qingmi shook his head.

All he can do is take care of himself and the people around him. This is what he can do.

You have to grow up quickly!

A sense of urgency suddenly appeared in Qingmi's heart. He took the bamboo sword and walked towards Sasuke: "Hinata, I'm going to practice first."

Hinata looked at his back and hesitated to speak.

At this moment, Ino turned around and waved to her: "Hinata! Hinata!"

"What's wrong?" she replied quickly.

Ino ran up to her and held her arm, then pulled her to Yakumo and whispered in her ear: "Do you want to be alone with Kiyomi... and then do whatever you want?"

"Huh?" Hinata's CPU was immediately ignited by these words.

But soon, she turned her head and her face turned red. She waved her hands in a panic and shouted incoherently: "伱...What are you talking about? Ino!"

Ino glanced at her calmly, and then calmly added an additional attack: "I'm just asking you if you want to?"

"Ino, don't make such a joke!"

"I'm not kidding." Ino crossed her arms, and her cheeks turned red. "Anyway, I just want to go on a date with Sasuke..."

"But this is impossible." Hinata decided to pour a basin of cold water on her to avenge her just now.

However, what she didn't expect was that Ino nodded matter-of-factly, and then said, "It's definitely impossible now."

Hinata was slightly startled, didn't you just say that you had a method?

But before she could ask, Ino continued to explain: "The method I mentioned is actually Yakumo's genjutsu."

"Yakumo's genjutsu can control the five senses, which is equivalent to her being able to create an almost completely real genjutsu world. In this genjutsu world, I can do whatever I want to Sasuke..."

Her face was filled with a crazy smile, and she didn't know what bold scene she had imagined.

As if realizing that she was a little too perverted, Ino quickly pretended to cough twice.

"Actually, what I just said is not the key part. What I want to express is that Sasuke in the genjutsu world created by Yakumo is based on Sasuke in the real world."

"In this way, I can try different methods to pursue Sasuke in the illusion world. Once a certain method is successful, I can directly use it in the real world."

Ino reached out to hold Hinata's arm and whispered in her ear: "You don't dare to confess to him because you are afraid of failure."

"There is no chance for trial and error in reality, but don't you dare to enter the world of illusion?"

Ino's voice was like a devil in hell, born to tempt humans.

Hinata felt as if her head was being manipulated, and she clicked it unconsciously.

I know there are many readers who are keeping the book, so I thought, since it will be on the shelves soon, it shouldn’t be a big problem if I keep it for a while.

As a result, I received a message from the editor this morning, telling me that Sanjiang was not in the newspaper, and I only had a few hundred dollars left to pursue it. In the afternoon, I was notified that Sanjiang was not in the newspaper.

I was stunned for a moment. After that, I went out and said to others, "No. 5 on the new book list, Sanjiang is not listed"...

I can't even imagine what that picture would be like.

No, grandpas, am I really naked?

woo woo woo woo……

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