Naruto training king

Chapter 73 The most terrifying illusion (two in one)

"Yakumo, can I ask a more presumptuous question?"

Kurama Yakumo was slightly startled, then nodded towards Ino: "Yeah, you ask."

Ino clasped his hands together and asked with a very sincere expression: "Um...can I ask why you were absent last semester?"

"So that's it." Yakumo smiled slightly, "There's nothing I can't say. I'm just weak due to physical reasons..."

At this moment, Hinata Kiyomi's concerned condolences came from the side.

"Yakumo, can you do the taijutsu class in the afternoon?"

Hearing Kiyomi's voice, Yakumo immediately leaned forward slightly, bypassed Ino and Hinata who were sitting in the middle, and looked towards Kiyomi.

"No problem, and I have already agreed with Mr. Iruka in advance that if you feel something is wrong, you can sit aside and rest."


Ino was stunned for a moment, looking left and right at the two of them: "Do you know each other?"

"We know each other." They both replied in unison.

"Eh? How do you know each other?" Ino asked curiously.

"I picked it up on the road." Qingmi joked with a smile.


Did I just hear it wrong?

Ino quickly turned to look at Kurama Yakumo and confirmed with her eyes.

Seeing Ino's brain shutting down, Yakumo raised his hand to cover his mouth and laughed: "Actually, what Kiyomi said is right."

Ino rubbed her temples, extremely confused: "No, what happened between you two?"

"To put it simply, when I went out to buy things, I picked up Yakumo who fainted on the way, and then took her to the hospital."


"No more." Qingmi said calmly, he was too lazy to explain what happened next.

Then he cleared the table and took out the lunch box and drinks.

Immediately afterwards, everyone took out their lunch and gathered together, chatting while eating.

During the meal, Ino kept thinking about something. It wasn't until she was about to finish eating that she suddenly realized and hammered her left palm with her right hand.

"I remembered, isn't Yakumo's surname the only Kurama who can compete with Uchiha in genjutsu according to rumors?"

The only family that can compete with Uchiha in genjutsu, this is the only impression the world has of the Kurama clan.

Kurama Yakumo's eyes darkened slightly, but she quickly regained her composure.

Isn't it her goal to spread Kurama's name to the ninja world?

At this moment, Ino suddenly became interested.

"I heard that the Kurama clan's illusions are known as the most terrifying illusions. Can you let me see what kind of illusions they are?"

Kurama Yakumo immediately shook his head: "It's better to say goodbye..."

However, Yamanaka Ino was not afraid at all: "Don't underestimate the name of Yamanaka!"

"Before learning the secrets of the mountains, I had gone through training to build spiritual barriers. Ordinary illusions have no effect on me."

Normal genjutsu is naturally ineffective against the Yamanaka clan, but the problem is that Kurama Yakumo is not an ordinary genjutsu ninja.

She still rejected Ino's request: "I'll just tell you about the genjutsu directly."

At this moment, Hinata Kiyomi intervened: "Let Ino try it. He won't shed tears until he sees the coffin."

He was holding a drink in his arms, looking like he was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

However, the more Qingmi said this, the less Ino believed it.

She shook Yakumo's hand: "Anyway, I won't get hurt with everyone here, and I also want to test whether my spiritual barrier is strong enough. Every time I say that I want to learn the secret skills of the mountains, my father always Shit it off, saying I’m not qualified enough.”

Seeing her persistence, Kurama Yakumo nodded hesitantly: "Then...okay."

But then, she immediately added: "If it doesn't work, just say it quickly and don't hold on."

Ino grinned, his face full of confidence: "Let me guess, what will appear in this illusion? Is it what I am most afraid of?"


However, as soon as Yakumo said her words, Ino immediately waved her hand to interrupt her.

"Come on, I can't wait to see what my worst fears are."

Kurama Yakumo opened his mouth, wanting to explain more, but he saw Kiyomi sitting behind Ino making gestures with his lips and said to her: Don't say it, that's it.

Obviously, unlike Ino, who knew nothing about it, he had understood the genjutsu.

"All right."

Kurama Yakumo nodded, then raised his hand and placed it in front of Ino.

The hand that suddenly reached out immediately attracted Ino's attention, but as soon as she looked over, Kurama Yakumo's genjutsu was quietly activated.

Darkness filled Ino's vision in an instant.

She concentrated on filling the barriers of her soul, and at the same time she was a little excited and a little expectant waiting for the darkness to recede.

What am I most afraid of?

At the same time, Kiyomi sitting aside immediately opened his eyes and looked at Ino's head.

But just for a moment, Qingmi was stunned.

The chakra in Ino's head was very active. If I had to use an analogy to describe what Kiyomi saw.

That's a bunch of messy optical fibers. Chakra is like the models in the optical fibers, flowing in various complex ways from all directions and at multiple levels.

There is a pattern, but... I can't remember it at all.


Qingmi sighed, no longer anxious, closed his eyes and happily drank the drink.

He was waiting to see what Ino would do.

Choji, who was sitting in the row behind, was also looking forward to Ino's reaction, but the second lunch box was almost finished, and there was no change in Ino's face.

He couldn't help but ask: "Is she really under an illusion?"

Shikamaru cleared the table, looked at Ino and shook his head slightly: "Although she is a bit stupid, I didn't expect that she can still hold on."

Choji immediately turned to look at him and asked: "Shikamaru, what is the 'most terrifying illusion'?"

"It's about turning off the five senses," Shikamaru explained.

"Turn off the five senses? What kind of strange illusion is this?" Choji frowned in confusion.

Shikamaru then explained: "The so-called five senses are vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch."

"Among them, vision and hearing belong to somatic senses and are the most intuitive ways for people to contact the world. Taste and smell belong to visceral senses, and the remaining touch is classified separately."

"Once a person loses his five senses, he will first lose the ability to perceive the world, and gradually lose the feeling of the body in the absolute silent darkness."

Qingsi shook his head and said: "This is not the most terrifying thing."

"In medicine, there is a more accurate description of the five senses. For example, the sense of smell includes the perception of pressure by the nasal mucosa. Once you lose this part of perception, you will not be able to perceive breathing."

"Another example is touch, which includes both external and internal sensations. When people gradually lose their perception of the inside of the body, they will begin to be unable to confirm their physical condition."

“Then questions like ‘Am I still here?’ ‘Are my hands still there?’ ‘Am I still breathing?’ ‘Am I still alive?’ and so on.”

Just hearing what Qingsi said, Choji already had goosebumps all over his body.

He touched his hands and then his head: "You'd better stop talking!"

At the same time, Ino finally couldn't hold it any longer.

She sat up suddenly from the ground and tried to move her body to feel her situation.

But as soon as he stood up, he immediately lost his balance and fell forward.

Hinata Hinata, with quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed her and hugged her.


Ino's breathing began to worsen, and she had begun to lose awareness of her breathing.

"I can't stand it anymore, Yakumo, can you hear it? Can you hear it!" Her voice was extremely trembling.

When he heard her speak, Kurama Yakumo immediately released the genjutsu.

After the illusion was lifted, her vision was the first to recover, and the light brought her a sense of security.

Immediately afterwards, his hearing gradually returned, and Yakumo's shouts came to his ears.

"Hey! Ino...Ino! Did you...hear...hear?"

Ino nodded: "I can hear it."

At this moment, her body began to break out in a cold sweat, but after just a short while, her whole body felt as if she had been fished out of water.

Seeing her desolate look, no one around her made fun of her, not even a joke.

Shikamaru glanced at the time: "Almost five minutes."

Then, a rare word of praise came out of his mouth: "You are very powerful. I think you can ask your uncle to teach you the art of turning your heart when you go back today."

Ino's breathing gradually calmed down, and she held Hinata's arm tightly.

"I finally know...why it is called the most terrifying illusion. I don't want to experience this excruciating feeling again in my life."

She raised her head and glanced at Kurama Yakumo, showing a smile that would survive the disaster: "Yakumo, fortunately we are friends."

Then everyone finished lunch, but when Kiyomi and others were lying on the table to take a nap.

Ino, however, walked to the top of the teaching building alone and looked at the entire Konoha Village.

She didn't dare to close her eyes.

As time passed, everyone gradually woke up.

Kiyomi and others got up and walked towards the toilet. When they reached the playground, they realized that Iruka who asked them to wait had already arrived.

He stood under a big tree and slowly waited for the students to come over. Behind him is a huge playground, which is divided into different areas by rows of big trees.

It didn't take long for the students to arrive.

After Iruka finished calling the names, he held a basket of bamboo knives and walked ahead to lead the way.

The playground has changed a lot. For example, the grove that Sasuke often visited has disappeared and been replaced by an empty lawn.

After arriving at the designated location, Iruka put down his bamboo sword and officially started class.

"The Konoha Fluid Technique practiced last semester is mainly to train everyone's body coordination and the stability of the lower body."

"These two are the foundation of ninja. Although we are about to start learning new content, we still hope that everyone will not underestimate them in the future."

Iruka picked up a bamboo sword: "This semester, we will learn Konoha-style swordsmanship. As before, we will teach everyone one move after another."

After that, he made a standard horse stance, and then held the handle of the knife with both hands.

"When learning swordsmanship, first learn the horse stance, open your legs, straighten your back, and lower your hips..."

Then, he twisted his wrist to lift the blade from the lower left to the upper right, and then reversed the direction to lift the knife.

"Taking the sword is the basic movement in swordsmanship."

"Before formal practice, picking up a knife is a very good way to warm up. And in combat, it is also a commonly used starting method."

As he spoke, Iruka's voice became louder and louder.

"In addition, in actual combat, the sword is often used as a linking action in different sword moves, so it is very important. It cheers me up!"

A loud roar immediately woke up the sleepy Shikamaru.

He opened his eyes and subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound, only to find that it was Iruka looking at him with wide eyes.

Shikamaru was so frightened that he quickly smiled and said with gestures: I will listen carefully!

After Iruka finished his demonstration, everyone spread out with their bamboo swords and started practicing individually.

Qing Si was naturally familiar with the movement of stabilizing the lower body, such as the zama step, but this was indeed his first time holding a sword.

While there were still some impressions in his mind, he quickly picked up the knife and started practicing.

At this moment, Sasuke, who was standing aside, suddenly reminded him: "You will sprain your wrist if you do this."

After that, he walked up to Qingmi with the knife in hand, held the handle of the knife with both hands and demonstrated: "Don't hold it too tight, otherwise the pressure on your wrist will be great."

After watching the details of Sasuke's movements at close range, Qingmi's brain immediately shouted: I learned it!

So he took a step back and held the handle of the knife with both hands, left hand on top and right hand on the bottom.

Use one hand to hold the knife, release the force with the other hand, twist your wrist at the same time, and lift the knife upwards.

The two hands practiced alternately, and after a while, Qingmi's hand also started shouting: I learned it too!

Qingmi smiled and put away the knife: "Thank you very much."

Sasuke held the knife in one hand and put the other hand on his waist. He closed his eyes and said, "I just don't want you to have an excuse next time you lose to me."

He had long been accustomed to Sasuke's arrogance, so he said with a smile: "Who taught you your swordsmanship? Shisui or Itachi?"

If it were normal times, Sasuke would have blushed and made a few tough excuses.

But today he was completely silent.

Qingmi noticed his change and quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

Sasuke shook his head slightly, with a worried look on his face: "I haven't seen Brother Zhisui for a long time. I heard from other tribesmen that Brother Zhisui seems to be missing."

Although Sasuke always said that he hated Shisui who competed with him for his brother, he actually still missed him in his heart.

"Missing?" Qingsi was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously, "Did he go on some secret mission?"

"I've never heard of any news about this..."


A deafening explosion suddenly came from the distance, like thunder on the ground, shaking people's hearts.

My wrist started to hurt again. At such a young age, I had already started applying plaster to compress the tenosynovitis. Alas.

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