Naruto training king

Chapter 62 Hinata, have you learned it?

"So, it's you who threatens me, right?" Nonoyu smiled.

Although she was threatening on her lips, she actually knew in her heart that the two children in front of her were not the same type of people as Danzo.

Qingmi shook his head pretending to be helpless, and said with a smile: "Who told the dean not to take my emotional card, then I can only change to 'threat'. Then, we can sit down and discuss the terms now."

Nonoyu nodded: "Please wait a moment."

After saying that, she turned around and moved out two chairs and came back with another pot of tea.

"Actually, the purpose of my visit today is not Dean Nonoyu, but these children."

Kiyomi put away the blank scroll, then held the tea cup and continued: "At the beginning of the year, the ninja school in Konoha Village will be demolished and expanded. There will be many more empty seats, and there are not enough students in Konoha Village."

Nonoyu raised his hand and knocked on the table: "You should know that I don't want these children to become ninjas. This is my bottom line."

Qingmi shook his head: "The bottom line can actually be very flexible. For example, I can promise you that the village will not force these children to register for the ninja school. It is all voluntary."

Nonoyu laughed. She didn't believe Kiyomi's rhetoric and just asked: "Why can you make the decision?"

"What's the specific reason..." Qingmi pursed his lips and continued, "Does the dean really want to hear it?"

She nodded slightly: "Yes."

Kiyomi spread his hands, shrugged and said, "The answer is - the Third Generation doesn't care whether these children can become ninjas."

If Kiyomi hadn't mentioned it last night, Hiruzen Sarutobi might have forgotten about this orphanage built outside the village.

But it was precisely because Sarutobi Hiruzen forgot that Danzo Shimura came up with the idea of ​​​​here again.

After hearing Qingmi's answer, Nonoyu's performance was somewhat beyond his expectation. Her face was very calm, without even a slight change in her eyes.

"The dean is really big-hearted. If it were me, I definitely wouldn't be so calm." Qingmi praised.

Nonoyu shook his head: "Actually, my heart is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface. It's just a habit left over from when I was a spy."

Qingmi picked up the tea cup and drank it all, then asked: "Actually, the situation is very clear. The third generation of adults does not need these children to work for him. The only thing he values ​​​​is your value, Dean."

"The same goes for Danzo." Nonoyu sighed, "These big shots are like this. People in their eyes can only be judged by the word value."

"There is a difference. Danzo values ​​the dean's value as a spy, while the Third Generation sees the dean's value in taking care of these children."

Qingmi touched the armrest of the chair and placed the blank scroll in the center of the table: "How do you plan to choose, Mr. Dean?"

Nonoyu stretched out his hand to hold his glasses, lowered his head and murmured: "Can I get Kabuto, this child, back?"

"I can't guarantee this, but if Dean Noonoyu can rely on the big tree of the Third Generation to do things, there will always be more hope than now."

Speaking of this, Qingmi also sighed, and then said: "Dean, it is very important to hold your thighs. I understand this very well."

Nonoyu was stunned for a moment, looked up at the caged bird between Kiyomi's forehead, and then glanced at Hinata's forehead.

Her eyes looked towards the table again, and finally landed on the Hokage's seal on the scroll.

Finally, Nonoyu smiled and picked up the scroll: "You are indeed good at holding thighs."

Got 150,000 taels!

Hinata Kiyomi showed a bright smile. He already had the money, what's wrong with asking someone to say a few words?

So he didn't care at all about Nonoyu's last teasing words, and then, he leaned forward.

He lowered his voice and asked, "Now that we're done talking about the business, can I ask a more personal question?"

Nonoyu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Go ahead, I can answer if it's convenient."

"I'm curious, how did Dean Noonoyu escape from Danzo? Could it be that he was threatening him with Konoha's military intelligence?"

Nonoyu smiled and shook his head: "No matter what, I will never betray Konoha. Hinata Kiyomi, it is already remarkable that you can understand so much at your age."

"But I can only tell you that the darkness of the roots is not limited to what you know. I just compiled some information that can destroy the roots on a moral level."

"I see." Qingmi nodded thoughtfully.

Genbu is always arrogant in his work. In the early years, he even got the nod from the third generation.

For example, the Wood Escape Experiment was shut down by the Third Generation because the mortality rate was too high.

But at that time, the roots that had the approval of the third generation were definitely more arrogant. With Nonou's ability, it didn't take much effort to collect these evidences.

At this moment, Hinata asked curiously: "Then...can't we use the same method to bring Kabuto out?"

Nonoyu shook his head: "After he escaped, Danzo strengthened his control over the roots and gave every member of the roots a seal of tongue evil. This method will not work a second time."

"What is the seal that eliminates tongue trouble?" Hinata asked again.

"A sealing technique that can shut people up."

"I see."

After talking about this, Qingmi couldn't wait to rush back to collect the money, so he said to Nonoyu: "The mission is completed, then we will leave."

Nonoyu stood up and said, "Well, let me see you off."

Then the three of them walked outside the orphanage together and called Naruto over who was still playing with the children.

"Is the mission accomplished?" he asked.

Qingmi nodded: "We have to go back and report to the Hokage. Let's go back as soon as possible."

"Okay! I've already completed a B-level mission before I graduated. Hehe... I'm so far ahead!"

Naruto smiled, picked up his empty schoolbag, and started on the road back to the village together.

"Then it says on the resume that Naruto Uzumaki completed this B-level mission while lying down, right?"

Naruto said angrily: "Why do you mean I'm lying down? Didn't you tell me that I only need to be responsible for playing with those children?"

"Okay, okay, you are the meritorious boy, okay." Qingmi raised his hands in surrender.

At this moment, Hinata suddenly said: "I feel like I didn't help at all. I couldn't collect useful information, and I couldn't help in the negotiations..."

"If you don't know how, then learn it. It's not Hinata's character to feel sorry for yourself like this."

"But Qingsi is already so powerful now..."

"Hinata!" He interrupted Hinata, turning his head slightly to look into her eyes, "As the saying goes, what you see on paper is only shallow in the end. You have seen so much at close range today, haven't you learned anything? "

Hinata was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I learned something."

Qingmi smiled: "Then the gap is made up bit by bit, isn't it?"

Hinata nodded, her eyes becoming firm again: "I understand, I will review it again when I go back."

Kiyomi: What did you learn?

Hinata: Threats are really useful, don’t you think?

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