Naruto training king

Chapter 61 Dean, you don’t want to either

Chapter 61 Dean, you don’t want to either...

"So many photos are of him, is Kabuto the child of Dean Noonoyu?" Hinata asked curiously.

Nonoyu said with a smile: "Every child in the orphanage is my child."

Hinata nodded: "That's right. Dean Noonoyu is really kind."

She shook her head: "Just do what you can."

At this moment, Naruto's laughter came from outside the window, attracting everyone's attention.

Qingmi walked to the window and took a look outside: "He was having a good time."

However, this may be a good thing for Naruto. The children in this orphanage do not know the rumors about "demon foxes".

Seeing the children on the playground, Nonoyu couldn't help but smile. She worked hard for such a smile.

At this moment, Qingmi suddenly said: "The children here are growing up very well under the care of the dean."

After saying that, he turned to look at Nonou with a stern gaze: "Actually, there are many war orphans in Konoha Village. Should the dean consider adopting them?"

Is this... something serious?

Nonoyu was somewhat elusive and couldn't figure out Qingmi's true thoughts, so he could only shake his head and said: "To be honest, we can no longer make ends meet."

"And those children in Konoha Village can receive relief funds from the village every month. At least they don't have to worry about what to eat next."

Nonoyu's answer did not go beyond Kiyomi's expectations. He continued: "Although relief funds have guaranteed their material life, the warmth that home can bring cannot be supplemented by money."

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do."

"What if I have a solution that has both ends?" Qingsi Tuqiong saw.

No Naiyu was slightly startled: "I would like to hear the details."

Kiyomi took out the scroll that the Sandaime gave him from his arms and unfolded it completely in front of Nonou.

"This is...blank?" Nonoyu said in surprise.

After all, earlier, she only read the seal on the scroll and did not open the scroll without permission to check the contents.

Qingmi nodded and continued: "Before departure, I carefully understood some of the village's policies regarding war orphans."

"Generally speaking, the village only distributes monthly relief funds and ignores the rest. No one cares about how these children live."

"Because the village is short of people. To be more precise, there is a lack of people willing to take care of these orphans, because they are trouble."

"They are not trouble!" Nonoyu retorted angrily.

Qingmi was uncharacteristically gentle and argued coldly: "They are trouble! Otherwise, why would no one be willing to take care of them!"

However, Nonoyu just took a deep breath, as if the angry expression just now had never appeared on her face: "You don't need to play tricks like provoking generals, it won't work on me."

"Hyuga Kiyomi, you may not know that before I became the director of this orphanage, I was a spy for Konoha."

"That's it." Qingmi shrugged, and then sighed helplessly: "Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?"

"My abilities are limited, so please come back."

Seeing how indifferent she was, Qingsi was also a little angry.

He slapped the blank scroll on the table and said to Nonoyu: "I asked the Third Generation about your wishes this morning. As long as the dean agrees, this blank scroll can immediately become your letter of appointment. "

"For you, becoming the director of the Konoha Orphanage in the true sense should bring no harm at all! You can provide a better environment for these children and bring warmth to more orphans."

Faced with repeated questioning, Nonoyu was not annoyed, and there was no emotion on her face.

After Qingsi finished speaking, she spoke slowly: "It's harmful to these children."

Qingmi was stunned for a moment, and he somewhat understood the real reason why Nonoyu rejected him.

So he asked tentatively: "The dean doesn't want these children to become ninjas?"

Nonoyu nodded: "This is the price, after all... Konoha is not a good person who does not need anything in return."

She walked to the window and was infected by the smiles of the children on the playground: "I hope they will never become ninjas in their lives, just like this, always happy, always happy."

Qingmi was silent for a moment and walked to Nonoyu: "Dean, I admire you very much, but the path you have chosen is difficult."

Nonoyu said with certainty: "I know it's difficult, but this is the path I chose."

"You can't shield them from the wind and rain of a lifetime..." Qingmi hesitated for a moment, and then continued, "If you fall, who will bear the burden for them?"

"Is it Kabuto? Or another child?"

The moment the words fell, the atmosphere in the room immediately dropped to freezing point. Nonoyu's hands folded in front of his chest naturally dropped, hiding behind his white robe.

It seemed that everything was natural, but if there was anything wrong with what Kiyomi said next, this hand would take away his life with a sharp weapon.

At the same time, Hinata, who was standing next to him, raised her hand and pressed it against Nonoyu's acupoint on the back of her heart from an inch away.

As long as Nonoyu dared to move, she would smash her internal organs with soft fists without hesitation.

At this tense moment, Kiyomi raised his hands and said, "Don't be nervous. Actually, I don't know who Kabuto is. I just guessed."

"Go on."

Nonoyu's voice softened a lot, but he still didn't take out his hand hidden in his white robe.

Qingmi was not angry, but put his hands on the table to show his sincerity.

"When the dean was sorting out the photos just now, I saw a symbol that looks like a tree root on the back of those photos. If I guessed correctly, this should be the root symbol."

"In other words, this one is called Kabuto... Brother, well, it's okay for me to call him that. Anyway, Kabuto should have joined the root, am I right?"

Nonoyu nodded and took out his hands from the white robe in front of Hinata and Kiyomi.

"You're right."

The smile on Kiyomi's face became even wider, and he continued: "And the dean just said that you are a spy, and in Konoha Village, the one who is best at this kind of espionage is the root."

"In other words, there is a high probability that Dean Noonoyu is from the Roots. Even if he is not, you should know the Roots very well. I guess I don't need to introduce what kind of place that is."

Nonoyu was slightly surprised: "Your ability to collect intelligence is very strong."

"Excessive praise." Qingmi said politely, and then said, "Since the dean knows the root, it is impossible to allow Kabuto to join the root on his own initiative. In other words, he... No, it should be said that you are forced."

He walked up to Nonoyu, with a strange smile on his lips.

"Director, you don't want this orphanage to continue to be threatened by Danzo, right?"

Fast forward to "Hinata: Kiyomi, you don't want to either..."

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