As for the puppet beast, it is even simpler. Under the control of Cangmu, all the skin on the puppet beast's body exploded, exposing the innermost layer of extremely sharp needle points.

The several poisonous snakes that rushed towards the puppet beast directly died like this after encountering the trap on the puppet beast's body, and they hung blood dripping on the puppet beast, which was extremely miserable.

Six hundred and thirtieth chapter: cruel

Seeing that the poisonous snake died so miserably, there was no fluctuation in Dashewan's heart. Such a poisonous snake could not be counted in the Longdi Cave, even if one or two died.

In Longdi Cave, there is a truly strict hierarchy. High-level snakes such as big snakes and green snakes have absolute control over lower-level venomous snakes.

Unlike the toads of Miaomu Mountain, although there are distinctions between immortals and non-immortals, they look more like a family. Unlike Longdidong, the lower venomous snake is the lower venomous snake.

As the psychic of the Orochi, and as the only contractor of the Longdi Cave today, the position of the Oshe Maru in the Longdi Cave is almost the same as that of the Orochi, which means that he can arbitrarily control the life and death of the lower viper.

Although Dashemaru didn't bother to do such a thing, fighting would inevitably be sacrificed. For those dead poisonous snakes, the cold-blooded creature like Da She Wan would not feel heartache at all for even a second.

Seeing the death of his poisonous snake, Da She Maru put down the outstretched hand, and his pale face was covered with a sneer: "It's interesting, but do you think this can contain me here?"

"Who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru?" Da She Wan shouted, his body was constantly stretched, dragging a grass naginata sword, and slashing straight on Eilao Zang's fishing rod.

"Crack!" With a sound, the two artifacts collided with each other, making a crisp sound, and a trace of sparks flashed from the place where the two touched.

Unprepared to take the attack from the Oshe Maru, Eezang couldn't help but stepped back again, backhanded with a fishing rod, and barely stopped the retreat.

When his eyes were drifting over his weapon, Eezang couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, because he discovered that there was a trace of cracks on his fishing rod.

That is a weapon made of chakra conductive metal. Although it can't be regarded as unparalleled in the world, it is also a famous artifact in the Kingdom of Wind.

He Hai Lao Zang has used it for decades without leaving a trace on the fishing rod. As a result, he didn't expect that he would not be able to withstand the attack of the Oshomaru Grass Naginata sword today.

Eilao Zang stretched out his other hand and placed it gently on the spot where the fishing rod was cracked. He doesn't worry much about cracks. After all, although Chakra conductive metal is not the strongest metal in the world, his recovery properties are indeed the strongest among all metals.

As long as it is given enough time, then the chakra conductive metal can be restored to its original appearance. Of course, all of this is based on the fact that they can safely evacuate from Kikyo City today.

"This is!" Cang Mu slowed down, glanced at the crack that Eilaozang gently covered in surprise, and couldn't help but take a deep breath, looking at the Kusanaru sword in Dashemaru's hand, thanking him fortunately, but fortunately he was useless. The puppet beast and Dashewan are tough. Cangmu thought that the material he used to make the puppet beast was not as good as that of Eilao's fishing rod.

Even Hai Lao Zang's fishing rod is no better than Oshe Maru's weapon. If this is tougher than Oshe Maru's Kusanaru sword, I believe his puppet beast will be disassembled into parts by Oshe Maru within minutes.

"Master Eilaozang!"

"It's okay!" Eilaozang gently shook his head. Although this blow was a little caught off guard, it didn't hurt his roots. With the help of the backlash, he was able to remove the power from the Oshe Maru.

Besides, even though he is not a ninja known for his force, Oshemaru's physical skills are not much better. If Tsunade is to strike this punch, it goes without saying that Eilaozou can already go back to recuperate, but the attacker It's Oshemaru, he doesn't have the strange power of Tsunade, Oshemaru is best at all kinds of novel forbidden techniques.

Because there are too many Konoha ninjas in this place, this makes Oshemaru a little unable to use his skills. There are many large-scale forbidden techniques he can't use, and he can only choose a small-scale fight to solve the battle.


On the battlefield of Kikyo Castle, Shigeru Kazuru and Shigeru Hagaki are facing each other outside the castle, Osamaru is confronting Ebina and Kuraki, Chiyo is confronting a large group of Konoha's elite ninjas, and inside the castle is a group of Ninjas. The man is confronting Konoha's ambush personnel.

At this time, the flames of war have invaded the entire plain. At this time, there is no room for civilians to survive either outside the city or in the city. Only elite ninjas who are more elite than ninjas can survive on the battlefield filled with gunpowder. .

Those innocent civilians either died under the attack of Konoha's companions or died under the venting attack of the people of Sand Shinobu. The poor they didn't know anything and just died inexplicably. Until the moment of death, they didn't know why there were so many ninjas in the city, and why they would take action against civilians like themselves.

Uchiha Tatsumi looked indifferent, or that he was indifferent to the outcome of the war. In his eyes, he only cared about the last inside story of the war. Of course, after seeing the ongoing war, Tatsun I probably understood something.

Now only Shigeru Hagaki officially announced after the end of the war.

When a person's realm reaches a certain height, he will not care about the life and death of those ants. It is not that he ignores all lives, but that he has no time to care about it. Every minute and every second in this world someone will die. Although Uchiha Tatsuo is the strongest in this world, he doesn't have time to care about everyone's life and death one by one.

He also didn't have the time to care about everyone's life and death. If everyone had to go to silent and pray once when everyone died, then it would be useless even if he put all his energy in this life on this.

The most correct way is to be indifferent. The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog. It is not that the saints of heaven and earth do not care about them, but hope that they will work hard and develop by themselves, instead of following the actions of heaven and earth at the mercy of the saints as the code of action.


It was Nara Lujiu who couldn't bear it. He turned his head and covered his ears uncomfortably, trying to make the miserable screams lingering in his ears disappear, but what's the use? The screams of Kikyo Castle couldn't reach this place at all, all of this was just his psychological function.

After all, he proposed to perform this task first.

Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty One: Repaying Personal Feelings

This task was first proposed by him Nara Shikahisa. If it weren't for his proposal of this plan, where would the innocent people here be ruined?

Even when Shigeru Hagaki advocated the cancellation of the task, it was his Nara Shigeru who insisted on carrying out the task. Although it was not him but Oshemaru who gave the order in the end, if he hadn't dragged Shigeru Hagaki, it might be. Shigeru Hagaki announced the dismissal of the mission long before the signal flare out of the Oshe Maru.

It is for this reason that Nara Luji blames himself for all the problems that caused all the consequences, even if he did nothing wrong in this matter.

But Lujiu still felt that all these mistakes were on him alone. For this reason, Nara Lujiu felt that he was surrounded by all the innocent civilians in Kikyo Castle.

The screams in their mouths all complained to Nara Shikahisa for the cruel and inhuman behavior of the ninjas.

At this moment, Lujiu Nara no longer had the demeanor that pointed Jiangshan to tease Uchiha Tatsuta before, and became nervous.

He hugged his ears with his hands, his body squatted down and shivered on the ground, the Chakra inside his body began to riot uncontrollably, and began to flow backwards along the meridians in his body, and those brutal deaths seemed to materialize. , Lujiu Nara could even feel the coldness beside him.

"No, no, I..." He shivered all over, fell on the ground with eyes wide open, but his eyes were filled with dullness, there was no expression at all, and he was no longer the one who lashed out at Fang Qiu and directed the entire Konoha operation. Konoha's brain is gone.

Seeing this, Uchiha Tatsun couldn't help but sighed, and shook his head helplessly. The situation of Kikyo Castle is no longer needed. Although it looks like Sand Shinobu is taking the lead, after all, Shigeru Hagaki and Oshomaru are two. All of Konoha's shadow-level powerhouses have been restrained, and no one can stop Chiyo's attack, and the city has already broken through the siege of Shinobu.

But is the result really like this?

Don’t watch over the crane now seems to be inextricably fought with Shigeru Hagaki, but now the anger in Shouhe’s heart has long been aroused to the limit, if he could see that he had let Sand Shinobu on the face of the old monk. So now Morozuru who is hitting the real fire is directly against us, whether it is Konoha or Sanin, as long as they dare to appear in his line of sight, they will tear them apart!

As for Eilaozang and Oshemaru, although it looks like Eilaozang and Cangmu stopped Oshemaru now, anyone with a slight eye will know that Eilaozang and Cangmu will not last long, as long as Oshemaru Finding the flaws of the two of them will be able to defeat them in one fell swoop.

Even Chiyo had somebody holding him back. Although Konoha no longer had a shadow-level powerhouse, Hinji Kenji and Hyuga Naruto could also block Chiyo's attack.

As members of the Hyuga family, they are inherently the nemesis of the puppet masters, and letting the two of them play against Chiyo has to be said to be a good game.

As time passed, the balance of victory gradually shifted towards Konoha.

However, Uchiha Tatsuno knew that even if Konoha could win, they were destined to be unable to stop the remaining sand in Kikyo Castle. After all, their three or four movie-level powerhouses are not vegetarians. Although they are trapped in the city and cannot escape, once they find a chance, they will definitely be able to escape.

However, in just a few breaths, Uchiha Tatsun clearly analyzed all the situations on the battlefield. He shook his head helplessly, looked at Nara Lukisa who fell on the ground, and sighed slightly: "Count me back. !"

Uchihatatsu squatted down and stretched out a hand. The natural Chakra inside his body spread to the tips of his fingers. After a slight pause, Uchihatatsu's finger lightly touched Nara Kajiu's head.


Chakra filled with rich natural attributes followed Uchiha's fingertips and injected Nara Kajiu's eyebrows.

When the natural energy of that point touched Nara Lukisa’s eyebrows, a dazzling light suddenly bloomed and exuded a turbulent aura. Chen frowned, and the other hand pressed down slightly, no matter what the blooming was for a while. The light was still turbulent, and it dissipated like a cloud of smoke at that moment, as if it had never appeared before.

The people fighting inside and outside Kikyo Castle didn't react at all. Only one Morizuru faintly felt something. He tilted his head and glanced suspiciously at the mountain where Uchiha Tatsu was.

Seeing that Shouzuru was distracted, Shigeru Hagaki seized the opportunity to move forward with a short knife in his hand and pierce deeply into Shouzuru's body.

Suddenly suffered heavy damage, Shouhe couldn't help screaming hard, and he couldn't pay attention to the aura on the mountain that made him a little concerned. Instead, he roared angrily at Hagaki Shigeru, and opened his mouth with an air-refining bomb. he.

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