After thinking about it carefully, before defeating the enemy and rescuing his grandson, he still chose the latter.

Nodded to Hai Laozang, looked at him solemnly and said: "Okay, I'll take one step now, pay attention to yourself, don't die! Don't resist, but I don't want to save my grandson. Having lost my brother again, you both must be well!"

"Don't worry, sister!" Hai Laozang nodded, and turned his head to look at the plain-faced Oshen Pill. He didn't know what words to use to express his feelings at the moment.

You know that they have to endure hard work in the sand, and don't know how many life and death battles they have gone through to barely reach the shadow level strength when they are about to die, but what about the big snake pill? Young people have ridiculously high talents, and young people can break the bottleneck of elite Shinobu and become a powerful film class.

This talent, this opportunity is completely unattainable, and only in the village of Konoha can there be such an opportunity and genius, and it is impossible to exist in other Ninja villages.

Not to mention that there is more than one such genius in Konoha. For people like Oshemaru, put them in other Ninja villages to support them as future pillars, but what about Konoha? Although Oshemaru has a lofty status, not many people are willing to approach him proactively.

They are all afraid of his cold personality, and the style of pulling people as guinea pigs if they don't agree with each other. By the way, in this world, everyone knows that Dashewan conducts in vivo experiments. Due to the fact that the second generation of Hokage is still alive, Dashewan is not forbidden to conduct in vivo experiments.

It even got the strong support of the second generation of Hokage. With the strong support of Qianshoujian, the research of Dashemaru has been developed by leaps and bounds.

In the world of Uchiha Tatsumi, the reason why Dashemaru cooperated with Danzo was because of insufficient research funds and insufficient research materials, so he was forced to choose to cooperate with Danzo. However, in this world, Dashemaru has gained the second generation. With Hokage’s support, there is no need to worry about funding, and even the experimental materials are delivered on time every day.

It is also for this reason that, after receiving the support of the second generation of Hokage, Da She Maru not only improved the banning techniques such as Reincarnating Dirty Reincarnation in advance, but also allowed his strength to grow by leaps and bounds.

Uchiha Tatsumi's Oshe Maru in that world was not as powerful as the O She Maru in this world at this time. Not to mention anything else, just this Kusanaru sword, Uchiha Tatsumi's Oshemaru in that world was only obtained after several rounds of turnover after defecting from Konoha.

However, it appeared early in the hands of Da She Wan. The divine weapon is alive, and if you want to control the treasures handed down from the ancient times, you must have the ability to match it, and the strength of the big snake pill has been recognized by the Kusuna Sword early, and now that he is using swordsmanship, it is not the same as Eilao Zang. .

However, Eilao Zang's goal was not to defeat Oshe Maru, he only had to drag O She Maru to live in this place without hindering Chiyo. Eilao Zang could barely do such a simple thing.

Biting his corpse fiercely, Eilaozang took out his weapon-fishing tackle from the ninja bag!

Yes, it is the fishing tackle he uses all day long. Don't look at this fishing tackle as if it had no power at all, it was one of the few treasures of Shinobu. This fishing tackle is forged from the chakra conductive metal that Eilao Zang made when he was young and was rewarded by the wind and shadow. The weapons made of chakra conductive metal in the entire kingdom of the wind are also one of the few weapons.

One can think of the status of Eilao Zang’s fishing tackle in Sand Ninja Village. Even if it is just a tool for fishing, it can kill people without showing weakness.

Eilao Zang held the fishing rod in one hand, spread his five fingers in the other, and splayed his feet in various positions. He put all the weight of his waist on his feet, posing a fighting posture, seriously guarding against the raid of Dashemaru.

"This way is nowhere! If you want to pass, just step over me physically!"

Da She Wan smiled coldly, how dare an elderly man dare to stop him? Nor do you look in the mirror to see what you are. Do you think you are the third generation of Hokage or the third generation of Tukage?

"When you are old, you should go back to the elderly. Don't be embarrassed outside, otherwise no one will collect your corpse if you die outside." Yubi Dashewan waved the Kusanaru sword in his hand and rushed towards Hai Laozang.

Several slender venomous snakes appeared behind Dashemaru. They quietly left the body of Dashemaru, hiding on the ground and lurking under the shadow of Dashemaru, trying to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to hide Eilao Zang when Dashemaru was fighting with Eilaozang. beat.

Oshemaru's movements are very concealed, there is no even seal, just quietly releasing the poisonous snake, Eilao Zang has no sense at all. Only when Oshemaru wants to break through his defense, he raises the fishing rod in his hand to prepare for the attack of Oshemaru. I didn't notice that Dashemaru's ultimate move was actually a poisonous snake hidden behind his shadow.

Longdidong is a gathering place for snake creatures, no matter what kind of snakes can be found in Longdidong, and as a contract with Longdidong, the big snake pill can summon all snakes except the white snake immortal.

A few venomous snakes were summoned without any effort.


Dashemaru's Kusanaru sword collided with Eilaozang's fishing rod and made a crisp sound. Eilao Zang, who was slightly weaker than Dashemaru, couldn't help but step back three steps after a hard fight.

At this moment, three venomous snakes unexpectedly emerged from the shadow of Dashewan. They grew up and swooped towards Eilaozang. Their fishy mouths were full of snake teeth. As long as they were bitten, they would be very likely to go immediately. Kill.

Chapter 629: Sand Ninja Puppet Beast

"What!" Eilaozang was taken aback, seeing the poisonous snake rushing towards him, he almost forgot to avoid it, and subconsciously bent down to avoid the attack of the poisonous snake.

But how can the well-planned attack of Oshemaru be dodged so easily? He just calculated that Eilao Zang's eyes were dim but not too much to guard against his venomous snake, so he took the risk and boldly shot.

If Dashewan's poisonous snake really bites Eilaozang, it will still be possible to make him lose the ability to move in a short time without saying that he is killed on the spot.

What is the difference between losing the ability to move in front of Oshemaru and dying on the spot?

Seeing that the poisonous snake was about to bite his body, Eilao Zang couldn't avoid it. He could only watch the poisonous snake approach step by step with wide-eyed eyes, and sullenly raised the fishing rod in his hand to try to intercept the poisonous snake.

At this very moment, a puppet beast suddenly flashed in front of Eilao Zang, abruptly blocking the attack of the poisonous snake for him.

"Huh?" Oshemaru frowned, but then slowly relaxed. He hadn't thought that he could kill Eilao Zang in one blow. He just wanted to try it. If it succeeds, it will be better. If it fails, he There will be no loss.

"Fortune telling you!" Da She Wan snorted coldly, and looked at the man who was controlling the puppet beast to block the attack for Eilaozang in a blink of an eye.

The strange middle-aged man was manipulating the puppet beast in one hand and a dead Konoha ninja corpse in the other. He trot to Eilao Zang, and said with concern: "Fortunately, I caught up, Eilao Zang-sama, are you okay?"

Hai Laozang shook his head and gave a bitter smile. With the help of the middle-aged man, he stood up and said, "It's okay, but it scared the old man a lot. I'm still old, thank you Cangmu."

"You're polite." The middle-aged man chuckled and manipulated the puppet beast with one hand. The puppet beast collapsed all over the poisonous snake and slowly came to the two of them. Cangmu calmly said: "Master Eilaozang is always strong , How can you say that you are old? It is really that Oshemaru is too cunning. It is normal for you to be careless by yourself. Let me help you deal with Oshemaru together."

"Are you okay? With your strength."

"Relax!" Cangmu Chonghai Lao Zang smiled slightly: "The puppet beast will not be killed by a poisonous snake. I will be sidelined. The main attack will still be handed over to you. After all, my strength." Smiled helplessly.

Indeed, the middle-aged man Kuraki's strength is full of forbearance. If he is convinced against Oshemaru, he will be slashed by Oshemaru in just one round, but if he unites with Eilaozang, Kuraki Contained with puppet beasts and attacked by Hai Lao Zang, it would not be defeated in one round.

"Okay, then I beg you to fight for the old man!" Hai Lao Zang stood up and nodded, taking a deep breath and staring at Da She Wan with a dignified look at the fishing rod in his hand.

After this fight, Eilao Zang never dared to look down upon Dashewan again. He was not a ninja famous for fighting. He was inherently at a disadvantage when fighting against each other. Now with Kuraki's control, they are barely standing on the same horizontal line. They can't say that they can definitely stop Oshemaru, at least not. It was so embarrassing to lose.

Maybe Chiyo had already rescued all the people trapped in Kikyo when Onomaru broke through the blockade.

"let's go!"

Eilao Zang yelled, his whole body vigorously surging, and the clothes on his body were calm and automatic, the Chakra in his body naturally appeared on his body, it turned out to be the Chakra released outside!

After reaching the shadow level, the use of chakra has become diverse, not only for releasing ninjutsu, but more importantly, the evaluation standard of the shadow level is not only the amount of chakra and the number of ninjutsu mastered. It also depends on the degree of control of Chakra.

If there is one item that is not up to the standard, it is not a strong shadow level. At most, it can only be regarded as a quasi shadow level that can match the strong shadow level. When the control of the chakra reaches the shadow level, it can make the chakra outside the body Put it just like the coat of the tail beast, but it's different from the coat of the tail beast.

This kind of power is just to better protect oneself and increase one's own strength, but the tail beast's coat is inherently corrosive, not only against the enemy, but also against itself.

In comparison, the chakra coat that can be used after reaching the shadow level is relatively more practical. However, not all shadow-level powerhouses can use the chakra coat, only the old-brand shadow-level powerhouses can freely sense their chakras before they can release them.

This is also the reason why there are so many shadow-level powerhouses in Uchiha Tatsumi's world, but no one can chakra coat. Because no one thinks about this.

And in this world, the ninja's strength is naturally higher than the ninja in Uchiha Tatsumi's world, and the ninja in this world can rival the middle ninja in Tatsun's world, let alone the movie-class powerhouse.

Natural horizons are broadened as the strength becomes stronger, and the various functions of Chakra are naturally developed. They are no longer just attached to the feet to facilitate actions, but also exist as a means of attack.

When Eilaozang rushed towards the Oshe Maru, Cangmu also started his action. He discarded the corpse he was dragging, and began to manipulate the puppet beast with both hands. He saw that his hands were moving continuously. The small puppet beast became erratic under his control, but the goal was very clear. Rushed to Dashewan.

Facing the two people's pincer, Dashewan didn't panic, he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips gently: "It's interesting, since you are so anxious to seek death, then I will fulfill you!"

Da She Wan's eyes shrank slightly, the Kusana Sword in his hand blocked Eilaozang's attack, and he leaped away from the spot. Cangmu's puppet beast missed a hit, and then turned around and continued to rush towards the Oshe Maru.

"Shulking Snake Hand!"

Da She Wan stretched out his other hand, and several poisonous snakes spouted from his cuff, rushing towards Hai Lao Zang and the puppet beast.

I saw Eilao Zang waved the fishing rod in his hand to form a rotating long stick, and directly smashed the poisonous snake that was coming towards him.

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