Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 327: Coleson visit

"Banna, next time I meet, I will tell Zhang Lan about her, ok?"

Tony is making his final attempt.

To give up treatment is not his style of Tony.

The previous palladium poisoning was useless.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or something. Anyway, Tony found the right way.

Banner's green muscles, which seemed to explode, shrank back.

This made Tony stunned.

Why, he feels cheated?

Is this... pitted by Banner?

Seeing Banner's good looks, Tony was sure that it must have been designed by Banner.

Anxiously let mk-8 return to the equipment cabinet by himself-Jarvis acts as a temporary driver.

"Okay, Banner, have already learned to deceive people, learn from whom to bad." Tony was unhappy.

"I swear, in the last year, the only people I have met with directly are you and Pepper." Banner made a straight line.


At this moment, Tony was helpless. The palm of his hand was fleshy, saying that Banner and anyone who learned badly were not good.

He with a low EQ is arrogantly prepared to use technological issues to shift the subject. At this time, a better excuse comes.

"Sir, Agent Coulson looks for you." Jarvis reminded Tony.

"Well? Just say I'm not here." Tony sent away.

"Um... Mr. Stark... Agent Coulson probably won't believe it." Jarvis' tone was slightly embarrassed.

"Be confident, Jarvis, I'm'dating' with important guests." Tony deliberately increased the word "dating."

Banner still handled the job at hand complacently, ignoring Tony's ridicule.

Seeing this, Tony poked his lips in a very boring way, ready to continue the work at hand, and over there, Jarvis, who had just been quiet, sounded again.

"Sir, your phone... my program has been modified..." Jarvis was not finished, and Coulson's voice followed: "Stark, we have to talk."

Tony was very helpless to put down his tools, picked up the borderless walkie-talkie, his face was solemn, and his tone became serious.

"What you see now is Stark's holographic projection, please leave a message if you have anything..."

"Things are urgent!" Coulson emphasized.

"Then leave a message quickly." Tony also emphasized.


With a soft sound, Tony's comprehensive research laboratory is made of high-strength bulletproof glass. The door opened by Tony was not closed. The first time he heard the sound, Tony and Banner saw both.

I saw that Coulson held two documents in his left hand, held the phone in his right, and looked at Tony with a serious expression.

"So, my security system is over?" Tony grumbled uncomfortably.

"I'm leaving soon." Coulson said briefly.

When Banner saw it, he was consciously prepared to leave and was stopped by Coulson.

"Dr. Banner, we also need your help."

Banner's stunned stunned, turned around, and pointed to himself, surely talking about him.

He, who has always been called a monster, was the first time someone said he was needed.

Even Zhang Lan and Tony didn't say the word.

Coulson nodded calmly, walked a few steps, and handed the two folders to Tony and Banner respectively.

Banner took it naturally, and he was curious what needed his help.

As for Tony--

"I don't like what others have given me."

Tony's face was full of rejection.

In this regard, Coulson has a special solution.

"It's about blue."

Zhang Lan’s name was obviously very useful for Tony. Tony frowned and hesitated, looked at the information in Banner, and finally took over.

"It's not the first time Coulson has met, and he shouldn't be a stranger." Tony felt so comforted in his heart.

Just turned a page, Tony's mouth began to clamor.

"I thought the Avengers program had been abandoned... And, am I not good enough for membership?"

"Joining a meeting?" Banner, who was looking at the document attentively, looked up: "Why doesn't it look good?"

"Yeah, because I was judged to be capricious. Extremely ego, and very uncommon." Tony took Benner's words.

"It has nothing to do with personality now." Coulson's answer was calm.

Tony rolled his eyes disdainfully and focused on the files in his hands.

At this look, the brows couldn't stop.

The document clearly describes the origin and danger of the Rubik’s Cube, as well as Loki’s identity, what Zhang Lan said, and the possible losses.

Finally, Tony threw a hard disk on his experiment table, and the data in it was directly extracted.

Immediately, countless videos and pictures are projected in the air.

Data from Captain America-Rogers,

Pictures of the universe cube,

Banner vs. abomination,

The battle between Zhang Lan and Loki,

Wait, supernatural events.

On one side, Banner, who had read all the materials, came and first glanced at the video when he was angry, paused for a while, then turned to the blue cosmic cube and grabbed it in his hand.

"So, is Agent Coulson? What do you need me to do and eat it?" Banner flicked the projection of the universe cube in his hand.

"No, Dr. Banner, we hope you can find it. It was taken away. The energy contained in it is enough to blow the earth many times." Coulson's tone was short.

He was really in a hurry.

"I'll find it? Um... In fact, the nose behind me is no better than a police dog." Banner replied with a magic, which exudes weak gamma Ray, but that is too weak, we can't find it. "Colson is still brief.

"So, aren't you here to catch the monster?" Banner took off his glasses, his tone was not kind.

"This is not my concern."

"Do I need to keep me in a cage?" Banner continued to ask.

"No, no, you can move freely as you do now." Coulson gave a guarantee, hesitating a little, adding: "Actually, before this, I called Lan, and he asked I recommend you."

At this time, Banner stopped speaking, and turned his attention to Tony, who was carefully reviewing the information video.

Seeing this, Coulson knew that he had persuaded one, but the next one could not convince him.

Tony is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Especially after the time of Chakra Research Center and the time of Genius Prison came to light, Tony's favorability with the government plummeted.

This is still not known to Tony. SHIELD has an arms dealer role.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that Coulson has just entered the door, facing Tony's expulsion.

"So, Tony, when do you think we can start working?" Coulson went straight in.

In the face of Tony, the roundabout tactic is that only beautiful women can be privileged-unfortunately, Natasha is not in New York.

"Well?" Tony turned his head, staring at Coleson in disbelief, dissatisfied: "When did I promise you that I would join the Avengers?"

"Conditions, what do you need to agree?" Coulson was unambiguous.

"Oh, condition?" Tony glared, and the lion said wide, "I want enough vibration to build a new suit, can you get me?"

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