Eventually, the phantom delved into the system space.

I just don't know if the life card has the function of crying.

Zhang Lan can already feel that the phantom is crying without tears.

This little episode actually adjusted Zhang Lan's emotions back.

Give Mirage an order to monitor Loki and Decepticons, Zhang Lan turns his eyes to Optimus Prime.

"Well, there aren't too many things for the time being, would you like to take a look at my house?" Zhang Lan invited several people to Optimus Prime.

"Your home?" Jazz's living treasure jumped out: "Your home in New York has been seized by the government, including the Osborne Building, and a villa."

Zhang Lan heard that, frowning.

what's the situation?

After consulting with Phantom, I got a rough idea.

Nothing more than that, the government ordered him to counterattack his renunciation of nationality and the destruction of superhuman prisons.

Crisis public relations.

Even though there was some anger in his heart, Zhang Lan did not intend to control this for the time being.

Rocky hasn't solved it yet, and has no time to make trouble with them.

Now, the currency of the earth is a pile of waste paper in his eyes.

Gold and silver are nothing but good electronic chip conductive materials in his eyes.

He inherited an empire!

Looking at the leopard in the tube, the spaceship of a single frigate is already so powerful. Of the Atlantis as the main body, there are certainly better things waiting for him to discover.

Looking up at Optimus Prime, Zhang Lan nodded and turned to walk out.

"So, Optimus Prime, let's compare a game, see who finds that guy first, bet... just use the right to use the Fire Seed, Phantom his evolution has not been completed, I am the master , Somehow do something for him."

Optimus Prime heard, no matter whether Zhang Lan could see it, nodded, and turned his gaze to the side of the Jeep Autobot, shook his head with a sigh.

"Unfortunately, you followed the wrong owner."

I don't know what it means.

With the reluctant bumblebee, Optimus Prime shouted his slogan, and several carmen roared away.

"Autobots, start to transform!"


The Stark Building, Tony and Banner’s comprehensive laboratory, are busy.

Looking at their work attitudes, you can see how talented the two are.

You are free to deal with the work at hand, and you are not idle, and you can communicate calmly.

The most important thing is that there is no slight discount on the achievements made by others, even the top ranks.

This is genius.

The two geniuses are far from a simple addendum where one plus one equals two.

That is the relationship of geometric multiples.

I saw that Tony dealt with a huge robotic arm in his hand-that robotic arm, exaggeratedly large, was by no means the latest mk model.

"Tony, don't you really plan to talk to Lan?" Banner said with a huge mechanical arm bone, worried: "She is... after all, don't talk to Lan, how do you know he has no solution?" "

"This is a world problem!" Tony welded his joints, but his mouth was very tough: "Even if you and I can't study the world difficulty, he...why did he finish it!"

"This is your excuse?" Banner put down the bone of the mechanical arm at hand and used the ruler to check the data: "Oh, don't believe him, then don't go to your own private laboratory as soon as you leave the laboratory to study what he gave you. Something."

"That's another matter!" Tony stopped his hand and glared at Banner: "It's a kind of knowledge, it's a brand new technology. Of course I have to study it, and I have to study it well."

"Don't talk about the topic." Banner also stopped the job at hand and looked directly at Tony: "Why are you so afraid to tell Lan? Are you afraid he is crazy?"

Tony listened, as if remembering Zhang Lan that day, his brows curled up, and there was an unsolvable worry in his eyes.

Seeing that Tony didn't answer, Banner continued to work on the job at hand, and kept talking.

"I didn't catch up with the live broadcast because of my research on that day. I watched it seriously afterwards and felt that you didn't need to hide him at all. This would only increase the distance between you two and send him out..."

"You don't know him at all!" Tony interrupted Banner, irritated tone: "From the very beginning, I saw him first in that cave, and I knew that he was a very serious friend. People."

As soon as the word box opened, it was endless.

"Because of this, even though I hate people deliberately approaching me, I still admit this friend Lan."

"Facts, he later proved that he is a very affectionate person."

"You don't even know that when I was about to die, even Rod had abandoned me, it was blue, and he dragged me back from the edge of death."

"At that time, I myself chose to give up."

"This is the second time he saved me."

"If you let him know, his... know her... her current situation, I can’t solve it, I don’t know, but I’m sure there will be a lot of people buried for this ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is a lot People, many people!"

"Too many people who can form a country!"

"I... I dare not, I dare not tell him, I can't even speak!"

Banner was on the side, listening quietly, and Tony's complicated emotions infected him, even unable to concentrate on the job at hand, faintly, there was a trace of green on his body.

"Drop! Drop! Drop! Drop! Drop!"

The silver-white wristwatch in Banner's hand sounded hurriedly. This is a new product specially designed to detect the content of adrenaline in human body.

This is a piece of cake for Tony.

It is for this reason that Tony, who is the designer, reacted immediately and his face changed dramatically.

"Hey, Banner! Control your emotions!"

"The last test product was just destroyed by you. This has not yet created a new one. If you demolish my building, this experiment will be interrupted for a long time!"

Tony said verbally, behind the idea control room, there were experimental doors open behind him, and a lot of light came flying.

——It's mk-8.

That set of steel suits that can be controlled by mind, and each component has a flying device.

Soon, Tony finished the mk-8 dress, which gave him some courage.

The last time Banner turned, he completely smashed his Los Angeles villa, which was not a good memory.

At that time, there were still cases where the finished product was suppressed.

For Banner, now Tony can't be too careless.

Seeing Banner's body about to start to swell, Tony swallowed subconsciously and made his final attempt.

"Banna, next time I meet, I will tell Zhang Lan about her, ok?"

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