Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 321: Return of Megatron

"Take me to see another alien."

"Okay, as you wish."

Simon was respectful, leading the way, and at the same time disturbing the agents in doubt.

Loki directly collected the source of the fire, which was questioned by others who could not guard the source of the fire.

Fortunately, Simon's work ability is indeed very good, and all of them are perfunctory.

Rocky was also awarded the title of Doctor of Science.

The Decepticons are not far away, on a large square next door.

When Loki saw the Decepticons, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He has seen the giant family, so he was not surprised by the auto man about seven meters ago.

But the Decepticons in front of him-nearly 20 meters tall, was enough for Rocky to be surprised.

"How long have you been studying this thing?" Rocky asked Simon.

"It was discovered by us in the Arctic in 1934. The texture on it is very similar to that on the energy cube, so we transported it here and used the refrigeration system to freeze it all the way to ensure that it will not resurrect."

"Resurrection?" Loki froze: "You mean, it's alive?"

"Yes, its system functions are well preserved, and the brain is always ready to be activated, but the extremely low temperature keeps it asleep."

"Well, talk about the information you know." Rocky nodded.

Simon heard the words and began to introduce everything he said he knew.

"We think that when he flew over the North Pole, the gravity of the earth disturbed his navigation system. It fell into the ice, probably something thousands of years ago."

"We call it-nbe-1."

"And the energy cube, according to the detection of carbon-14, probably came to earth more than 10,000 years ago."

"Our Seventh Elder, the energy cube discovered only in 1913."

"The Hoover Dam built by President Hoover."

"According to the reverse research on nbe-1, we only have high-tech products such as cars, chips, space flight, satellites and so on."

"This is everything I said to know, and what I am responsible for is to guard their work."

Loki nodded, looked around, looked at Patton and Eric, who followed him, flipped his right hand, and took out a blue energy cube, the Universe Cube.

But it turns out that the suitcase in Eric's hand has always been just a guise.

"Barton, you go to the previously discussed location to assist Eric in building the space doorway."

Just give a brief command, and wait for Patton to answer. Loki's scepter of the soul is a bit of a Rubik's cube, a beam of energy is directed at the two of Patton, the light flashes, and the two disappear from the place.

After dealing with the burden, Loki turned to look at Simon with a smile on his face.

"You said, your job is to guard them?"


"So, now I want you to unfreeze it. I have something to ask him, is there no problem?"

"Of course, as you wish." Simon nodded directly, without hesitation.

Rocky nodded in satisfaction.

However, there is always no shortage of brave people in the world, they insist on justice in their hearts.

No, there was an agent captain who raised an objection.

"Simon Monte, I don't think you can unfreeze nbe-1. This requires the authorization of the president. Do you have it?"

"The president knows no more than I do." Simon glanced lightly at the agent's captain: "You are fired, now, immediately, leave here, otherwise you will be treated as an intruder."

"What!" Agent Captain's face was unbelievable and his voice was high: "I've been guarding nbe-1 here for more than ten years, and you turned out that I was an intruder? If I were, what about him, this one is more circus A clown-like person, what is he? A predator?"

The voice of the agent's captain is very unpleasant, which is not abnormal for a person who has just lost his job for more than ten years.

However, Loki is not a benevolent person.

For those who have satirized her, but have no effect, then...


Rocky raised his hand to be an energy cannon. The agent captain who dared to speak turned into a little starlight and disappeared into the air.

It's like never appearing.

This scene shocked everyone else and took out their guns and aimed at Rocky.

"What are you doing!" Inner Mongolia guarded faithfully, directly blocking Loki: "This is the scientific research doctor sent by the government this time. If he is injured, who is responsible for the research project? Are you?"

"Even if it's a Ph.D. in science, can you kill someone at will?" A spearhead agent did not accept: "Hitley's old man working longer than you, no matter what, this so-called Ph.D. Must pay the price!"

"Yes!" Another agent who pulled the gun echoed: "And, this doctor does not look like it? Look at his means of attack, like a superhuman...Simon, you won't Was it controlled or betrayed?"

This statement was immediately echoed by everyone.

Simon's approach is really too incompatible.

This time, excuses were found, and agents secretly threatened with guns ~ ~ ready to tie Loki.

Simon was also a little flustered, pretending to calmly refute the crowd, but really repelled several people, so that they did not dare to take any action-the same, there is no plan to retreat.

For a time, the situation was deadlocked.

Seeing this, Loki frowned impatiently.

He didn't have so much time and wasted here.

I saw that he lifted the scepter of the soul, and a blue glimmer of light lit up, and then was lightly tapped into the void, and then, a circle of energy waves ripped open, sweeping over the crowd very quickly, spreading out a hundred After more than meters, it was dissipated at the edge of the square.

The agents who have been swept by this turmoil, with the exception of May Day, all put down their guns and stood on their hands, just like soldiers waiting for orders.

"Sorry, I still need your shot, it's my incompetence." Simon's face was terrified.

"Okay." Loki's voice faintly: "Come on and unfreeze it, time is running out."

"Okay, as you wish."

After Simon's respectful answer, he began to direct the surrounding agents to the main points of the base.

Quite easily, under Simon's command, the entire base was controlled by Loki.

As the order was issued, the freezing system on Optimus Prime was shut down.


A large amount of cold air is released from Megatron, which is the frozen gas produced by decompression.


"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The hard ice shattered, and pieces of it fell to the ground, making a bombardment.


The red light rose from Wei's eyes all day long.

He, Megatron, the leader of the wild faction, is awake!

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