Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 320: Fire source

(Girl Literature) "Yes, as you wish"

Simon responded, then quickly picked up the intercom in his hand and issued a ceasefire order.

The prohibition of orders is a rule in the soldiers' bones.

The ceasefire command was issued. Although everyone was very puzzled, they stopped their own firepower output.

The Jeep Autobot fired again, and found that the surrounding humans were no longer firing. He threatened again with his teeth, and found that the other party did not mean to fire again. This was also the shooting stop.

The first time he stopped shooting, he was walking towards the source of the fire source.

Seeing this, the team leader immediately asked Simon to ask if he was to be approached.

After all, the first task they received was to prohibit anyone from getting close to the source of the fire source.

What's more, the Autobots catalyzed by the source of the Tinder are even more inaccessible.

It was Simon's roar that greeted the dutiful captain.

"Whoever dares to shoot a bullet, I will immediately let him go to the military court! ... are watching quietly, this is the latest experiment."

In the end, Simon still gave an excuse for the past.

Under the faithful **** of Simon, the Jeep Automen came to the fire source unimpeded.

I saw that he raised his hands very piously, and placed his mechanical palm on a corner of the original flame source,


A circle of electro-optic light diffused from the point where the Jeep Autobot touched, and then transmitted to the apex of the pyrogen source at the other end.

A series of distinct blue lines emerged, dividing the surface of the pyrogen source into squares-it looks like a super large Rubik's cube.

"Click, click, click!"

A sound of mechanical operation came, and the original flame source, one by one, was divided into squares, abruptly retracted inwards-is a very large area.

I don't know where it is indented. In short, its size is gradually shrinking, shrinking, and shrinking again.

Finally, the huge flame source, a huge cube, reduced to a small cube with a side length of 20 centimeters, was held in the palm of the hand by the jeeps.

"Kaka Kaka!"

The Jeep Autobot made strange sounds, dancing all over, and he could see that he was very excited.

Not only was he excited, but Rocky on the side was also very excited.

The huge source of pyrogens just made Loki feel very surprised.

After all, he can create a living body through just one contact. This ability still surprised him.

It's just a surprise. For the time being, there is no deep-seated thought.

The size of the Pyrogen is really too big, which makes its strategic significance too big.

This place was known through Zhang Lan. I believe that Zhang Lan will come here soon. Such a big thing cannot be taken away except to destroy it.

Therefore, Loki would have to let the Jeep Autobot come in contact.

Anyway, I have made up my mind to destroy it. What more serious consequences can it have?

Maybe there are any surprises.

This came without surprise.

However, the source of fire with a length of 20 centimeters is a strategic significance for Rocky, which has raised countless grades!

As long as it still retains the ability to transform mechanical life forms, even if its size is slightly reduced, it is also a good strategic means.

There are countless electrical appliances on the earth.

With the seed of fire, it is equivalent to his Rocky, with an army of mechanical lifeforms!

This is different from the Cherrita Legion given to the Hegemony. It is the Hegemony, but to support him in controlling the earth.

This is an army that is in full control of his own hands!

Therefore, when the Jeep Autobots were happy to live for themselves, Loki lifted the scepter of the soul in his hand.



Five seconds after the energy bomb charged, Loki bombarded it.

The goal fell directly on the Jeep Autobot's head.

Unsurprisingly, the Jeep Autobot was bombarded by Rocky and directly shattered his head.


The giant figure of the Jeep Autobot shoved out of control while pushing down the jade column, but he was holding the fire source tightly in his hand, without letting it fall out of his palm.

Even if he died, he did not want to lose the source of fire.

Regardless of this, Loki ignored it and walked a few steps and found that the palm of the Jeep Autobot was tightly wrapped and could not be taken out. Loki stepped back and waved the scepter of the mind incessantly.

With the wave of energy of the scepter of the mind, it bombarded the palm structure of the Jeep Autobot one after another, carefully avoiding the fire source.

Until the palm structure was destroyed, Loki stopped the whip corpse.

Instead of taking a step forward, Loki asked Simon on the side to fetch.

This kind of unknown thing is better to let the people to experiment.

Affected by the gems of the soul, Simon put the walkie-talkie away from his waist and stepped forward without hesitation to embrace the source of fire.

There is no response, just like a normal cube cube.

Loki sees this at, glanced over, pulled down the intercom on Simon's waist, and gently touched it on the fire source in Simon's hand.


With an impossibly clear sound, Loki clearly saw that from the fire source, a trace of blue energy was absorbed into the intercom.

Immediately, Loki felt a slight movement in his hand, and the walkie-talkie, just like in Loki's hand, was transformed into a half-meter-sized mechanical body, which was firmly held by Loki in his hand.

"Kaka Kaka!"

The walkie-talkie was struggling, with a mini machine gun on his body shooting at Loki, and even firing a small missile.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"


At such a close distance, Loki undoubtedly accepted all the orders.

In other words, Luo basically did not mean to avoid.

He wanted to test how attacking this gadget is.

Facts have proved that although the walkie-talkie autobot still can't break Loki's body defense, it is much more powerful than the ordinary pistols.

At least, this gadget's attack is comparable to that of SHIELD's firearms. It feels a little bit more painful when shooting on the body.

After the experiment, Loki nodded in satisfaction.

The only thing that is unhappy is that these gadgets seem to be out of control.

His spiritual scepter has no effect on these mechanical life forms.

At least the man in the walkie-talkie in his hand has been struggling, and he didn't mean to stop the attack.

This attack is very irritable!

After a closer look, Loki crushed it directly with a hard hand.

Afterwards, he reached over and took over the flame source in Simon's hands, flipped his hands over, and entered into a different space, said towards Simon.

"Take me to see another alien."

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