Naruto: Six Paths of the Senju Family

Chapter 236 Orochimaru’s generosity

Without disturbing the father and daughter who were separated by more than ten years, Orochimaru's shadow clone took the rope tree and silently walked towards the deepest part of the underground laboratory.

Arriving at a gate that seemed full of modern high-tech atmosphere in the eyes of the rope tree, Orochimaru's shadow clone formed a series of complex hand seals, opening the layers of barriers that shrouded the secret laboratory. .

"Let's go in and have a look!"

"It will definitely surprise you!"

Orochimaru's shadow clone completed the action of opening the door, turned his head and said something to the rope tree with a smile, and the figure quietly disintegrated into wisps of dark chakra.

At this time, Nao Shu couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart. He reached out and pushed open the unprotected door and entered the laboratory where Konoha's highest secrets were hidden.

A row of tightly sealed modern cultivation chambers came into view. Through the silver-white metal shell, one could faintly hear the sound of a faint flow of nutrient solution coming from inside.

Only with a layer of protection, Rooshu couldn't guess what was inside.

In front of the only exposed culture chamber, Orochimaru was standing there carefully recording experimental data.

"come and see!"

Through the news sent back by the shadow clone, Orochimaru knew everything that happened outside. Seeing Naoki looking around at the surrounding training warehouses with some curiosity, Orochimaru simply waved to Naoki, gesturing for him to come to him.

Shen Shu came closer and looked up at the human figure suspended in the culture fluid, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Teacher, the children here."

"It's just like when you were a kid!"

A smile appeared on Orochimaru's lips, and he put aside the notebook recording the experimental data in his hand.

"Teacher, apart from studying ninjutsu and exploring the mysteries of the world, he doesn't have much interest in other things."

"Therefore, there is a high probability that the teacher will not find a woman to marry and have children in this life, and live a life bound by a family."

Orochimaru stretched out his hand and pressed it against the outer wall of the culture chamber, looking at the clones inside calmly.

"But since you have walked through this world once, you always have to leave something to prove your existence, right?"

"So, I plan to use my own cells to cultivate a brand new life from scratch."

"Moreover, he is different from the clone of Amado's daughter because of some special reasons."

"He has a soul!"

"Except for not having a mother, he is already an independent life!"

Naoshu suddenly opened his mouth in shock.

Although Orochimaru in later generations also used technological means to cultivate offspring with extraordinary talents like Mitsuki. But at that time, Orochimaru had a body that could be either male or female. He didn't need to find a woman to provide him with genes to create Mitsuki independently.

Just like Orochimaru said at the time, he is Siyue's father and Siyue's mother at the same time.

But what did Shengshu hear just now?

"Teacher, you said this child has no mother?"

"If the mother's body did not provide you with genes, how did his soul come into being?"

Orochimaru hesitated slightly, seeming a little embarrassed to speak.

After a while, Orochimaru looked away from the child and looked at his disciple with some evasive eyes.

"When I created him."

"Added a part of your cells"

As if being hit by a heavy hammer, Naoshu's brain suddenly turned to stone.

"This, this, this."

Orochimaru looked at the shocked disciple with an apologetic look and shook his head slightly.

"Rose Tree, teacher wants to say sorry to you!"

"During the experiment, I discovered that your life form was completely beyond the understanding of humans in the ninja world."

"While preparing to conceive this child, the teacher had a sudden idea and put some of your cells back into it."

"I just didn't expect it."

Orochimaru sighed and looked at the child in the training warehouse with complicated eyes.

"After adding your cells, this experimental body automatically completed the entire process of life gestation before I had time to conduct the next step of the experiment."

"This result may be just an accident!"

After hearing the teacher's explanation, Naoshu breathed a sigh of relief.

"So that's it!"

"Teacher, I thought you were treating me"

Orochimaru raised his eyebrows and asked curiously:

"What to you?"

Naoshu shook his head hastily and changed the topic.


"I mean, Yin Yang Dun itself has the ability to create life. This may happen because my life level is too high!"

"I just didn't expect that the teacher would use my cells for planting."

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

Shengshu laughed twice and secretly let out a sigh.

"I almost thought Orochimaru-sensei was about to embark on the path of backstabbing!"

"so far so good!"

Orochimaru had heard Naoki mention the nature of Yin Yang Dun's power, and nodded with envy.

"It is worthy of the power that can only be possessed by a being of the level of the Sage of Six Paths."

"The teacher only has the power of dark attributes in his body now, and I'm afraid he may never have the opportunity to have anything like Yin-Yang Escape in this life!"

Orochimaru sighed, raised his head and smiled at the rope tree.

"The appearance of this child was just an accident. Teacher, let me show you my real experiment."

As Orochimaru spoke, he reached out and touched a button on the experimental table. The row of culture chambers in front of the rope tree suddenly made a soft sound of mechanical rotation, and the surface shield slowly disappeared under the experimental table.

"Teacher, I only know that the topic you are currently researching is biological cloning, but I never thought that your work would be so big."

Naoshu stared blankly at the true figure in the training warehouse, swallowed his saliva, and his tone was full of shock.

Orochimaru looked at Naoki's shocked look, narrowed his eyes and laughed.

"Teacher knows that you have been worried about the coming war for the past two years."

"So, I set out to clone these powerful people who might be helpful to you."

"Their bodies have gone through many experiments, and after fusing several White Zetsu, they have almost reached the most perfect state."

"As long as the soul is injected into their bodies and they adapt a little, they will be able to exert their strength as before!"

"Are you satisfied with this gift from the teacher?"

Naoki could still hear Orochimaru's narration, and looked at the familiar figures in front of him in trance.

His grandfather is the young First Hokage Senju Hashirama; his second grandfather is the equally young Senju Tobirama. And Uchiha Madara, who was defeated by him and sent to the Pure Land by the Sage of Six Paths, had the same youthful appearance as the first two.

"Teacher, you have really helped me a lot!"

"Using Bai Jue's cells and adding their original genes, to what extent can their strength be improved after Grandpa and the others are resurrected?"

"I can't wait to see that moment!"

Shengshu murmured to himself, stretched out his hand and pulled Ah Fei out of his body.

"A Fei, help me make three sacrifices!"

"I need the kind of White Zetsu that can carry the strength of my grandfather's soul to the greatest extent during his lifetime!"

"You can use the chakra in my body as you wish. Make sure these three sacrifices are in the most perfect state!"

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