Naruto: Six Paths of the Senju Family

Chapter 235 Fulfilling the Promise 2

"Teacher, let's summon her soul first by reincarnating from the dirt!"

"If you want to offer a sacrifice, let's use this White Zetsu!"

Orochimaru looked at the degraded White Zetsu in front of him, his eyes full of admiration.

"These Bai Jue are really useful. Apart from having no brains, they are almost perfect creations."

After sighing with emotion, Orochimaru didn't waste any time. He took out the materials he had prepared long ago and set up a psychic circle on the ground.

Seeing that the hope of his daughter's resurrection was just around the corner, Amado stopped studying the physical data that he had read countless times and came over excitedly.

"Hokage-sama, Orochimaru-sama, please!"

Orochimaru nodded slightly and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Amado, lend me some blood. This is my shadow clone."

"If you want to cast Reincarnation in the Pure Land, in addition to the casting materials, you also need some blood to complete the contract with the Pure Land!"

Amado stretched out his hand happily and scratched his palm with his nails, causing a large amount of bright red to flow out.

"Lord Orochimaru, are these enough?"

Orochimaru looked at Amado's impatient look and sighed secretly.

"Amado is so persistent for his daughter's resurrection!"

With some blood on his palm, Orochimaru helped Amado stop the bleeding wound without letting go of his arm, and nodded with a chuckle.


"Since your blood is used as the medium for the reincarnation of the dirty earth, in order to avoid failure, you must also provide the chakra!"

Quickly forming the mudra reincarnation hand seal, Orochimaru directly pressed his blood-stained palm into the magic circle on the ground.

"Reincarnation from the dirty soil!"

As Orochimaru completed the action of reincarnating the earth, Amado felt the chakra in his body begin to pour out into the magic circle crazily.

A large amount of underworld soil was immediately summoned from the pure land, wrapping up the mindless Bai Jue.

Bai Jue spasmed instinctively for a while, and under the influence of the dirty earth turning technique, his body slowly transformed into the same appearance as the child lying on the experimental table.

Orochimaru waved a wave of chakra to awaken the soul reincarnated from the dirty soil. The little girl's eyelids trembled and she slowly opened her eyes.

"What am I?"

After looking around at the strange environment around her, the little girl who had just recovered looked at the somewhat familiar Amado and called out hesitantly.

"Father? Is that you?"

Amado looked at his daughter who looked like a broken porcelain doll. His heart was agitated, and tears could not help but fall from the eye without the prosthetic eye.

"It's me! It's me!"

"My child, I can finally see you again!"

Amado took a step forward, wanting to reach out and take his daughter into his arms, but he was afraid that his daughter's cracked body would be accidentally broken by him.

"Father, it feels like I've been asleep for a long time!"

Looking at his daughter's still innocent appearance, Amado could no longer hold back the sadness that had been suppressed in his heart for many years. Like a child, he half-knelt in front of his daughter and burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, it's my useless father who has left you alone in this world for so many years!"

The little girl was at a loss when she saw her father suddenly so sad. Although my heart was severely clogged, my body that was reincarnated from the dirt could not shed a single tear.

"Father, please don't be sad!"

"Although I don't know what happened, I also know that I have been away from this world for many years."

"I'm so happy to see my father again!"

Naoshu couldn't bear to see such a scene and sighed softly.

"Amado, if you want to compensate your daughter, it's better to wait until she is truly resurrected."

"Now, I will extract your daughter's soul first, and then inject it into the cloned body."

"This way she can grow up by your side like a normal person."

Amado stopped crying and stood up to wipe away his tears.

"Hokage-sama, I made you laugh!"

"I leave my daughter's affairs to you!"

Amado bowed solemnly to the rope tree, then turned to look at his somewhat confused daughter, his voice full of tenderness.

"Yuko, you should sleep for a while!"

"Soon, you will be able to live with your father like a normal person!"

Although the ignorant Yuko didn't know what was about to happen, she still nodded obediently, and at Naoki's signal, she lay quietly next to the clone that looked exactly like her.

Roeshu didn't hesitate and immediately summoned the God of Death.

"Take this little girl's soul out and reinject it into the body next to her. Make sure her soul and body are perfectly integrated."

"Move gently, don't let her feel too much pain!"

The God of Death understood, stretched out his hand and pressed Yuko's forehead, completely wrapped her soul with the huge soul power in her body, and carefully pulled out the reincarnated body of Guitu.

As soon as Yuko's soul left, the body that was reincarnated with white dirt immediately lost its support, instantly collapsed into a handful of underworld soil, and slowly disappeared.

Yuko's soul, wrapped in soul energy, squirmed gently in the palm of death, as if returning to his mother's arms, with a look of happiness on his face.

Death looked at the complete, small, pure soul in his hands and sent a message to the Creator.

"Master, please inject life into this body first."

"Only in this way, after the soul is injected, there will be no loss due to lack of vitality."

Sheng Shu nodded in understanding, and pure Yang Escape energy surged out instantly. The clone body, which originally only had weak life fluctuations, instantly became vigorous in its vitality.

Seeing this, the God of Death reached out and pressed Yuko's soul between the clone's brows. The power of the soul suddenly surged into the clone's body and began to guide Yuko's soul to take over this new body.

After a long time, the God of Death withdrew his hand, sent a message to the rope tree that the mission was completed, and disappeared into the tree's eyes.

After Yuko completely took over her body with the help of the God of Death, her heart began to beat regularly, her chest rose and fell slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.


Just after waking up, a hoarse voice reached Amado's ears, but like the sound of nature, it overwhelmed his whole body and mind, and every cell seemed to be cheering for his daughter's resurrection.

Amado could no longer hold back the excitement in his heart and tightly held his daughter who had been away from him for many years into his arms.

Orochimaru's eyes flickered, and he stared at the scene of father and daughter reunited in front of him for a long time.

Sighing slightly, he turned his head and smiled at the rope tree.

"Let's go!"

"Yuko's clone was created after the technology matured, so there won't be any problems!"

"Teacher, let's take you to see my real achievements in the past few months!"

Naoshu was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered the main purpose of coming here. A look of interest suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he nodded slightly.


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