Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 77: Public and Private (Part 2)


“Uncle Lujiu, let’s talk about personal matters first!”

Seeing Lu Jiu's face of interrogating the prisoner, Yue Yue couldn't help but secretly smile bitterly, thinking that Uncle Lu Jiu was really here to cause trouble.

Moreover, listening to Lu Jiu’s intention is to “interrogate” oneself from both public and private aspects. Under the depression, Xue Xiu can only listen to Lu Jiu’s “lessons” in private matters first.

 As for why you choose private matters first?

It's nothing more than an off-road feel. He handles business very well with almost no problems, so Shikaku doesn't have much to criticize!

 When Lu Jiu heard that Xue Yu had chosen a private matter, the serious expression on his face became a little unbearable.

Especially when his eyes fell on Cross Country's shoulders again, Shikaku couldn't help but sigh deeply, and said with sincerity: "Yu Cross Country, your performance is very good, even Minato keeps praising you. Without you, our rear area of ​​Konoha Village would really be in chaos. An entire medical team might be killed by the mist ninja. As a ninja of Konoha Village, I really feel for you. to glory."

 “But off-roading, you have to know.”

“You are not only a ninja of Konoha Village, but also the future of our Nara clan!”

"the most important is"

 “Xiu Xiang, you are my nephew!”

As he said that, he could clearly see that Lu Jiu's eyes were a little wet. He silently lowered his head and said apologetically: "Uncle Lu Jiu, I know I was wrong."

“Off-road, I don’t want you to admit your mistake, but I want you to recognize your situation.”

Listening to Cross Country admitting his mistake, Shikaku shook his head and sighed: "Xu Cross Country, even in a few months, you will only be five years old. At only five years old, you have achieved such an achievement, which means you are the future of Konoha. "

"Why do you have to be competitive? When the older generation like us are no longer useful, you have to do some things even if you don't want to do them, because that is your responsibility, the responsibility of being a Konoha ninja . But now, I hope you will think more about it when you deal with it. If you are really good at it, how do you want me to explain it to your father?"

“Of course, there are some things that uncle did wrong.”

“Just like I put you in the rear medical unit, thinking of keeping you away from the battlefield to avoid injury is a wrong idea.”

“Off-road, if you really want to experience it, I will select some tasks with appropriate difficulty for you in the future!”

“You really scared me on this mission!”

There is no doubt that Nara Shikaku in the original work is an enlightened father, but it is a pity that Nara Shikamaru was a bit unsatisfactory in the early stage.

On the contrary, at this time, during the communication between Xuejiu and Lujiu, listening to Lujiu's words that contained endless painstaking efforts, Xuejiu really didn't know what to say.

Just lowering your head and silently responding to Shikaku's words is something that can be done off-road.

Moreover, the more he understands Shikaku's painstaking efforts, the stronger his desire to protect the Nara clan becomes.

 Sometimes, protecting something cannot be forced, but only when a person wants to protect it from the bottom of his heart can that person be willing to protect it.

Just like Off-Road, Shikaku never said he would let Off-Road protect the Nara clan, he just took care of him silently.

Under such circumstances, isn’t Yue Yue also proud to be a member of the Nara clan, and is he willing to silently protect the Nara clan for the sake of his uncle Shikaku?

 Then, Lu Jiu finished talking about his personal matters, which made both his and Xiqi's eyes red.

 But when it came time to talk about "business", Off-road Road saw Lu Jiu wipe his eyes fiercely, and then his eyes widened, and he asked Off-road Road:

 “Okay, off-road, let’s finish talking about personal matters!”

 “Let’s just talk business!”

 “Cross-country, do you know you are wrong?”


 Suddenly hearing Lu Jiu's question, he froze there as soon as he crossed the road.

 There are no mistakes in private matters?

What kind of mistakes can be made in handling official business?

 Off-roading is really a bit silly and unclear!

 However, as if he had known that off-roading would not recognize his mistakes, Shikaku smiled coldly. Then, without even giving him time to react, Shikaku slapped him on the head, and reprimanded him angrily: "You privately took the Third Hokage's son to carry out such a dangerous mission. How dare you? Didn’t you find your mistake?”

“You are lucky this time. Asuma is back safely. What if Asuma does something bad? How do you want us, the Nara clan, to deal with you?”

“Off-road, as I said before, you have to think more carefully when dealing with some things!”

"It's okay now. Asuma has escaped again. If the Third Hokage is to blame, let alone you, let's just say that we, the Nara clan, are all in trouble!"

"I can forgive you this time, but that's not necessarily the case for Minato!"

“I guess the credit for your adventurous mission will be lost because of a small mistake!”

“But there’s one thing you have to remember, cross-country!”

“Don’t complain about anything, and don’t hold a grudge against Asma. That won’t do you any good. Do you understand?”

 Listening to Shikaku's lesson, what else can Cross Country say except "understand"?

 Furthermore, even though Shikakudu asked Yuchi not to hold a grudge against Asuma, is that something that humans can do?


Sarutobi Asuma gets into trouble, and with the Third Hokage as your backer, nothing will happen to you.

I worked hard to perform the task, but in the end, because of one person, I didn’t even get basic credit. What does that count?

 Is it considered a shady story?

 The more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

If Asuma Sarutobi was right next to Cross Country, then he would be beaten lightly.

 On the other hand, it was Shikaku, how could he not understand the grievances of off-roading?

 But there is no other way. As the guardian family of Hokage, one must face unfair treatment in some aspects when going off-road. In particular, Sarutobi Asuma's identity was a bit subtle, which made Shikaku feel very uncomfortable when he was being taught cross-country lessons. Just because of some factors, Shikaku had to come and give a lesson on off-roading to show it to some caring people, so as to avoid trouble in the future.

Who would have thought that just when Lu Jiu had finished "teaching" him a lesson about official matters and he and Shi Guo remained silent in the ward, another familiar laughter echoed in the ward.

Hearing the laughter, Lu Jiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that his previous cross-country lessons were indeed not in vain.

As for Cross Country, when he heard the familiar laughter, he first glanced suspiciously at Shikaku next to him, and then all of Cross Country's attention was focused on what the person said!

“You have completed the task for our village, how can you not get a reward?”

“Shikaku, it’s not a good thing to scare children!”

“There is also cross-country, so don’t be sulky there! If your uncle doesn’t give you a reward, the master will give you a reward!”

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