Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 76: Public and Private (Part 1)


 “The rebellious kid is really troublesome!”

  I heard from Kurenai Yuhi that Asuma Sarutobi just ran away and was not injured in the pursuit of the Kiri ninja, so Cross Country was relieved.


 The reason is that if Asuma Sarutobi was injured in the pursuit of the mist ninja, he must be partly responsible for off-roading. Although Asuma Sarutobi left the camp of the Konoha Medical Force, he disobeyed Cross Country's order and left privately. However, as a member of the Cross Country team and the captain, Cross Country has the obligation to ensure the safety of Asma Sarutobi. .

 All in all, whenever something happens to Sarutobi Asuma while performing a mission, someone who is thoughtful can throw the blame to Cross Country.

Especially the eyeing Uchiha clan, it is even more likely that they will use cross-country and Sarutobi Asuma's affairs to make a fuss about the relationship between the Nara clan and the Third Hokage.

 However, since Sarutobi Asuma escaped due to the negligence of the Konoha camp after returning to the Konoha camp, it really has nothing to do with off-roading.

When the sky falls, aren’t there people above who are holding it up?

 Furthermore, Cross Country doesn’t believe that anyone in Konoha Village dares to sow discord between the Fourth Hokage and the Third Hokage.

 In this case, Sarutobi Asuma's escape was nothing to cross-country.

 After all, in the familiar original plot of Cross Country, Sarutobi Asuma still had to run away because of the bad things he had with the Third Hokage. Escape earlier or later, so what? Sarutobi Asuma will not die. The third Hokage cannot put the responsibility on Yuchi. Yuchi has a mentality that it has nothing to do with him and hangs high. Enough.

However, Kurenai Yuhi showed her worry about Asuma Sarutobi, so as Yuhi Kurenai and Asuma Sarutobi's captain, she had to be patient and comfort Yuhi Kurenai. Fortunately, Kurenai Yuhi had some prejudice against Sarutobi Asuma as early as when they were on the mission, and felt that he was a little willful.

Other than being a companion and worrying about Asuma Sarutobi, Yuhihi Kurenai didn't say much to Cross Country, and she secretly looked down on Asuma Sarutobi's character in her heart.

Comparing it to off-roading, Sarutobi Asuma is simply a negative example.

 Disobeying orders, disobeying rules and regulations, it seems that apart from the status of "noble young master", there is no redeeming quality.

 Looking at people going off-road, he was an ANBU at a young age and made great contributions to the Leaf Village.

If the off-roader was older, Yuri Hong might have different thoughts.

 Then, after chatting with Kurenai Yuhi about Asuma Sarutobi for a while, Cross Country started chatting with Kurenai Yuhi about what happened after he fell into coma.

It was also from Yuhi Kurenai that Cross Country gradually learned about the current situation of the three battles between Konoha and the Mist Ninja within a week of his coma.

 First of all, the first thing to do is to deal with the Konoha medical force that Cross Country originally belonged to.

The day when Kakashi followed Kakashi back to the Konoha camp, Kakashi reported the cross-country matter to the Fourth Hokage.

 Who is the Fourth Hokage?

  Although he usually smiles and gives off a amiable feeling, on the battlefield, the Fourth Hokage is the "god of death" that everyone fears and fears!

Hearing that the Mist Ninja dared to surround Konoha's medical troops and disturb the rear, the Fourth Hokage gave the order and several ninja troops were dispatched from the front. Within three days, the Mist Ninja's siege was resolved and the rear was successfully liberated. Konoha Medical Force.

 The captain of the Konoha medical force was a little shocked when he heard that it was really the mission completed by Cross Country and others that led to their rescue. Obviously, even the captain of the medical force to which Cross Country belonged originally did not place much hope on Cross Country, and then sent many teams to seek help.

Who would have thought that all the teams he sent out later died tragically in the encirclement of the Mist Ninjas, and only the off-road and others sent out first could complete the mission?

Secondly, the second more important thing that happened recently is that the Mist Ninja built a plank road openly, crossed Chencang secretly, and sent a troop to prepare to sneak into the Kingdom of Fire.

 This task is undoubtedly what Kakashi needs to perform.

After returning to the Konoha camp with the cross-country, Kakashi successfully completed his mission while the Fourth Hokage went to rescue the Konoha medical team at the rear.

  However, when I heard from Yuhi Kurenai that Kakashi was depressed every day after completing his mission, Cross Country's heart "thumped" a little.

 Obviously, those who are familiar with the plot of the original work have guessed that Kakashi has probably obtained information about Lin, so he has been depressed recently.

Moreover, combined with the third news heard from Yuhi Kurenai, that is, the Fourth Hokage is preparing to divide his troops into two groups. One group will start an all-out war with the Mist Ninja, and the other group will return to the Land of Fire to deal with the group that attempts to sneak into the Kingdom of Fire. When he joined the Mist Ninja troops, Cross Country's already slightly heavy mood suddenly became even more depressing.

It’s just that in front of Yuhi Hong, Xue Yu couldn’t show too many strange emotions, and he always talked to her with a smile. It wasn't until Yuhi Hong bid farewell to Cross Country in order not to disturb her training, that Cross Country's face gradually became ugly, and then she secretly thought in her heart:

“The tragedy of the original plot is about to begin!”

"Based on the information obtained from Kurenai, Minato-sensei will soon give the order to personally lead most of the troops to fight the Mist Ninja head-on. Secretly, Kakashi will lead the team to complete the mission of rescuing Lin. And in Madara Under his methods, even if Minato-sensei can achieve a superficial victory, when the seed buried in the dark sprouts, Minato-sensei, Kakashi, and even Uchiha Obito who "died in battle" may have to fight. Because of an inconspicuous Lin, she went the same way as the original plot! "

Huttered to himself, Cross Country's eyes suddenly became filled with unwillingness.

Especially when his eyes fell on the injury on his arm, Cross Country couldn't help but sigh deeply and thought to himself: "Damn it, it would be great if I wasn't injured!"

"As long as I am not injured and can follow Kakashi on the mission, with my foresight of the original plot, I can definitely change the tragedy of the original plot, right?"

"And Kakashi, I clearly told you about Mizukage's problem, why didn't you report it to Minato-sensei?"

“Forget it! While there is still time, the only thing left is to make a dangerous move!”

"Whether it's for Teacher Minato, Kakashi, Obito Uchiha who "died" in battle, or Lin who died "unjustly", I have to take the risk!"

His eyes gradually became firm, even though he was a little cautious in his contact with the Fourth Hokage, Kakashi and others. But it is undeniable that in the contact with them, Cross Country has gradually established a deep bond. Even if the relationship is not good with Kakashi, Cross Country does not want him to suffer too much pain in the future, so he resolutely chooses Take risks out of desperation.

However, just when Off-Road was struggling to get up and go to have a good talk with the Fourth Hokage, a majestic voice suddenly echoed in Off-Road's ears, which immediately made Off-Road froze.

 “Going off-road, lie down!”

 “You are injured and need to take good care of yourself, don’t you know?”

Hearing the familiar voice, Su Shi was stunned for a moment, then quickly lay down.

 Because the person who came at this time was really none other than Cross Country's uncle, the leader of the Nara clan, Shikaku Nara!

It is possible not to listen to what others say, but how can you not listen to what Lujiu says?

 So, no matter how urgent the matter was, when he saw Lu Jiu coming, he could only lie there obediently and remained silent for a while before awkwardly asking:

 “Uncle Lujiu, why are you here?”

  “Humph, if I didn’t come? If I didn’t come, you would have died a long time ago!”

Looking at the serious injuries on Cross Country's body, Lu Jiu's eyes clearly flashed with a look of unbearability, which made Cross Country's heart feel warm.

 But this time, Lu Jiu obviously had something important to say when he came here, so even though he couldn't bear it, Lu Jiu still put on a serious expression and said slowly:

“Off-road, I came here first to see you.”

 “As for the next best thing”

"I have both business and private matters that I want to talk to you about. Do you want to talk about business matters first? Or do you want to talk about private matters first?"

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