A few minutes later.

The Rock Ninja team appeared at the end of the field of vision.

After approaching, Qingming roughly counted and found that there were more than 200 people.

This made Qingming breathe a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that Orochimaru's plan was successful.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Rock Village to send only so few people for such a long time.

Now, 300 to 200, they have the upper hand, and the battle will not be too tragic.

The Rock Ninja team is getting closer and closer. Qingming and others have raised the kunai in their hands, waiting for the leader's order to launch the first wave of attacks on the Rock Ninja.

But at this moment, the leading Rock Ninja Jonin suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, the leading Konoha Jonin did not hesitate at all and immediately ordered: "Shoot!"

The next moment, dense kunai flew out from the woods on both sides, like raindrops, shooting at the Rock Ninja team.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this scene, the leading Rock Ninja Jonin immediately shouted.

But the attack came too suddenly, and many Rock Ninjas were hit before they could react, especially some Genin, who were directly stabbed like hedgehogs and died on the spot.

In just one wave of attacks, one-tenth of the Rock Ninjas died.

Then came the second wave of attacks. The Rock Ninjas were prepared this time and took out their weapons to block them. In the end, only a few unlucky ones died.

After all, it was an away game, and the ninja tools they carried were limited, so after the second wave of attacks, the Konoha leader issued an order to attack.

Suddenly, a group of Konoha Jonin rushed out of the jungle with a howl.

Before they arrived at the battlefield, several Konoha Jonin launched the third wave of attacks.

I saw several powerful ninjutsu falling from the sky and hitting the Rock Ninja team directly.

The Rock Ninja Jonin reacted quickly and immediately used ninjutsu to resist, but he lost the initiative after all.

In the end, nearly ten Rock Ninjas died under the ninjutsu attack, and as many as 20 to 30 people were injured.

At this time, there were less than 200 surviving rock ninjas on the battlefield, and dozens of them were injured.

It was also because the rock ninjas were eager to rescue that they did not consider that someone would ambush them. When they found the problem, it was too late.

Otherwise, if they had sent out a few scout teams, they would not have lost so many people.

However, on the other hand, those who can serve as scouts are basically elites among ninjas.

But with the configuration and number of people on their side, no matter what kind of elites they are, they will die if they encounter them.

So, is it more cost-effective to sacrifice some middle and lower-level ninjas, or to lose a few elite ninjas?

This depends on the benevolent and the wise.

"Kill~ Kill~ Kill~"

Boom~ Boom~ Boom~

The shouts and deafening explosions echoed in the field.

Qingming's forward speed was not very fast. Before the two upper ninjas fought, the middle and lower ninjas who approached were in certain danger.

Because no one knows whether the enemy upper ninja will kill you at will, and no one will abide by the unspoken rules on the battlefield at this time.

Therefore, Qingming always stayed in the middle of the team, and only found a Chunin of Iwagakure after both Jonins had engaged in battle.

As for why he didn't find a Genin?

It's very simple. The Genin nearby were picked up by the Konoha ninjas in front.

Obviously, on the battlefield, everyone has their own set of survival rules.

Rushing to the front may be subject to force majeure risks, but the subsequent battles can be a little easier.

Retracting his sight, Qingming refocused his attention on the Chunin of Iwagakure in front of him.

Coincidentally, the other party also carried a long sword, and was a rare ninja practicing swordsmanship in Iwagakure Village.

Because of the unique geographical environment and values, most of the ninjas in Iwagakure Village don't like "fancy" things like swordsmanship.

Compared with swordsmanship, they prefer to practice serious physical skills and various ninjutsu.

Now that he finally met an Iwagakure ninja who practiced swordsmanship, Qingming naturally wanted to compete with him.

Similarly, the man saw that Qingming was just a Genin, and ran over happily.

However, he was too happy too early.

With a series of clanging sounds, Qingming slashed dozens of swords in just a dozen breaths, each of which was aimed at the opponent's vital points.

At first, the Iwagakure Chunin didn't take it seriously, and didn't think that a little brat like Qingming could have such profound swordsmanship.

After all, geniuses are not weeds on the roadside, and they can be found everywhere.

So, he resisted casually.

However, as the battle progressed, the face of the Iwagakure Chunin became more and more ugly, and fine beads of sweat gradually appeared on his forehead.

The reason for this is very simple. The Iwagakure Chunin suddenly found that he seemed to be no match for Qingming in terms of swordsmanship alone.

In the past period of time, he has been in danger several times, and the frequency of danger is still increasing, which makes him extremely nervous.

On the contrary, Qingming became more and more relaxed after the initial tension.

Because he found that not only the swordsmanship practiced by the opponent was not as good as his "Konoha Style Swordsmanship", but also his proficiency was also a lot worse than his.

In this case, what else does he have to worry about?

It just so happens that he has not had the opportunity to practice the "Konoha Style Swordsmanship" these days to accumulate proficiency. Now he can take advantage of the opportunity to fight and brush up a few points.

Ding Ding Dang Dang~

The battle was carried out in an orderly manner. Qing Ming fought with the Iwagakure Chunin while paying attention to the battle situation of Mizutani Shizuko.

The opponent was also a Chunin, but his level was not very good. Although he had a slight advantage, he could not completely suppress Mizutani Shizuko.

Seeing this scene, Qing Ming was relieved.

Time passes minute by minute.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

As time went by, the battle in the field became more and more intense.

That's it for Konoha. Their main purpose is to prevent enemy reinforcements, so they can delay it as long as possible.

But not the Iwa Ninja. The other party received the order to rush to the attacked stronghold as soon as possible to support them, so naturally they couldn't delay for too long.

So, next, I saw that powerful ninjutsu would appear from time to time on the Jonin battlefield, forcing the surrounding middle and genin to stay away.

Qingming's side was no exception. He and Shizuko Mizutani left the place early.

Taking this opportunity, the Iwagakure chuunin he fought with broke away from the battle, and his opponent became another Iwagakure ninja.

This man was also a chuunin and seemed to be quite strong. He had just killed two Konoha genin who had joined forces and immediately found him.

"Hehe, kid, you are unlucky to meet me."

Nishimura Ishihei rushed towards Qing Ming with a ferocious smile on his face. On the way, he stared into Qing Ming's eyes, as if he wanted to see the familiar fear in them.

As a veteran chuunin who had been on the battlefield for a year, Nishimura Ishihei knew exactly what this rookie who had just graduated from the ninja school was afraid of.

As long as he behaves ferociously enough, these rookies will not be able to exert 70% of their 100% strength, and even worse, they will be scared to death by him.


‘Be afraid, rookie! ’

Nishimura Ishihira shouted in his heart.

But until he got closer, he didn't see any fear on Qing Ming's face. Besides being calm, the other person's eyes were calm.

‘What’s going on? ’

Nishimura Ishihei's heart pounded, feeling as if he had gotten into trouble.

But the arrow is on the string and must be fired.

So, he shouted loudly, waved the kunai vigorously, and stabbed Qingming.

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