Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 58 Action Begins

The next day.

At night.

In the drizzle, a large group of Konoha ninjas were moving forward rapidly.

Qingming raised his head and glanced around. There were dense figures everywhere. It was estimated that there were hundreds or thousands of people.

Except for the ninjas who stayed at the base camp and the front-line strongholds, Orochimaru almost mobilized all the ninjas he could mobilize.

This shows how powerful this operation is!

It was not until noon today that Qingming received the mission notification and knew that the goal of this mission was to attack a stronghold of the Hidden Rock Village.

Orochimaru spent so much effort, it was naturally impossible to attack an ordinary stronghold.

In fact, this stronghold is the largest material transfer center of the Hidden Rock Village in the Rain Country, responsible for providing various materials to two-thirds of the battlefield.

Once this stronghold falls, the Hidden Rock Village will not be able to organize any decent attack in the next one or two months.

It was also at this time that Qingming vaguely understood why Orochimaru asked them to launch a full-line attack before.

First, they probably want to make the Iwagakure Village dispatch personnel to the front line by making both sides lose, thus leaving the rear empty, so as to pave the way for the current action.

This is an open plot. Even if the Iwagakure Village detects something unusual, it must send more personnel to the front line, otherwise Orochimaru will definitely launch a second full-line attack.

At that time, it is possible that the fake play will become real and the front line will be pushed to the Iwagakure side.

In this way, the situation will be even more unfavorable.

Therefore, the Iwagakure Village can only dispatch personnel to the front line to make up for the lack of combat power on the front line.

At this time, Orochimaru made some investigations and determined that the goal had been achieved.

Then, he quietly transferred some personnel back, forming a short-term advantage in numbers.

This is the confidence that he dared to launch this raid.

There is also the second mission goal during the full-line attack, which is the mission that Qingming is carrying out-destroying the reserve supplies in the enemy's stronghold.

This may be the foreshadowing of the shortage of supplies in the Iwagakure Village after this battle by Orochimaru.

In addition, there is the Sand Village. How to ensure that the enemy will not take advantage of the situation? Qingming estimated that Orochimaru had already made arrangements.

‘Tsk tsk, it’s really a chain reaction! ’

With a sigh in his heart, Qingming followed the large army and quickened his pace.

According to the plan, after they arrived at the designated location, they will be divided into three teams, two of which will be responsible for blocking the enemy’s reinforcements, and the third team will be responsible for attacking the base head-on.


Didn’t you say that the intelligence was not leaked? Why do you still need to block the enemy’s reinforcements?


As long as the Iwagakure Village is not blind, they will definitely notice their large-scale actions.

Even if they didn’t find it on the way, the Iwagakure Village Command will get the news when the battle starts.

Ninjas don’t need too many ways to pass on information to the outside, not to mention such an important base, there must be channels to contact the headquarters in an emergency.

Therefore, it is almost inevitable that the enemy will provide support.

In this case, are all the preparations made by Orochimaru useless?

The answer is of course no.

All Orochimaru did was to create a time difference so that the Hidden Rock Village could not respond effectively in the first place.

And this was enough.

Next, the competition was about the hard power of both sides.

If the hard power was not good, even if you played tricks, it would not be of much use.

As the saying goes, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is futile.

All Orochimaru could do was to tilt the balance of victory a little towards Konoha.


In a flash.

More than ten hours passed.

Time came to the early morning of the next day.

It was dawn.

Qingming and his party stopped in a dense forest.

The action route of this mission had been planned long ago, and there were no accidents on the way.

Next, they will rest here for a day, wait until night falls, and then continue their journey under the cover of night.

In this way, they will arrive at the designated location almost tomorrow morning.

After that, they will rest for a while and launch a surprise attack before noon.

This arrangement will be a bit tight in terms of time, but it is also a last resort, because if it is delayed any further, the risk of exposure will rise sharply.

In order to catch the Rock Ninja off guard, the attack can only be launched as soon as possible.


The next day.

In the morning.

Qingming and others arrived at the designated location smoothly.

After a short rest, the team was divided into three parts.

Qingming and Mizutani Shizuko followed a 300-man detachment and went to the first blocking point.

This is a river valley corridor, with mountains on both sides, a long river in the middle, and spacious sandy land on both sides of the river.

This corridor connects to the headquarters of the Rock Village in the Rain Country and is the closest route to the logistics base.

If the Rock Village headquarters supports, it will most likely go this way.

And their mission is to drag the enemy's reinforcements here to buy time for the three teams to attack the Rock Ninja base.

As the largest and most important logistics base of the Rock Village in the Rain Country, the troops stationed there are not few and the combat effectiveness is also very strong.

In this way, coupled with the advantage of fighting at home, even if they have more troops, it is impossible to break through in a short time.

Therefore, the blocking mission is destined to be not easy.

It can be imagined that this must be another tragic battle.

With this thought, Qingming said to Mizutani Shizuko beside him: "Don't stay too far away from me later."


Shizuko Mizutani nodded obediently, and did not pretend to be hypocritical and say that she did not need protection, nor was she overwhelmed by hatred and shouted for revenge for Furukawa and Ryosuke.

Qingming was very satisfied with this.

Although he had said before that he would not be a babysitter, if his companion was so sensible, he would not mind protecting him.

After all, there were only two of them left in Team 17. If the other party died, he would really be alone.


Time passed by minute by minute.

Near noon, Qingming glanced at the time and muttered to himself: "It should have started over there."

Unfortunately, this place is some distance away from the battlefield over there. Even if there is a battle over there, they can't hear it here.

And at this time, the leader sent a message, asking everyone to cheer up, pay attention to the movements around, and be ready to meet the enemy at any time.

Hiding in the woods on both sides, Qingming, like other Konoha ninjas, held a kunai, breathed the air carefully, stared at the river corridor, and waited quietly for the enemy to appear.

However, one minute, two minutes

five minutes, ten minutes

one hour.

Two hours passed, and the enemy still did not appear.

Qingming could clearly sense that there was some slight commotion in the team.

But it was quickly suppressed.

In a daze, another half an hour passed.

At this time, everyone had been waiting here for two and a half hours.

I don’t know whether the Iwagakure Village reacted slowly, or Orochimaru’s arrangement worked, or they simply did not choose to take this shortcut.

In short, the enemy’s reinforcements have not appeared.

But even if they changed the route, someone was watching, and it was impossible that there was no news at all.

Just when everyone was worried, a figure suddenly ran from a distance and went straight into the jungle.

After a while, the leader sent a message that the enemy would arrive in three kilometers, so everyone was ready.

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