Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 156 Ghost Sword


The kunai and the dagger clashed, making a crisp metallic collision sound.

Looking at Shinsuke Ishida who was very close at hand, Qingming smiled slightly and activated the hypnotic ability of Sharingan.

However, Shinsuke Ishida, who was well prepared, immediately avoided looking.

Seeing this, the smile on Qing Ming's face suddenly faded, and his temperament changed accordingly. He no longer had the arrogant feeling just now.

At the same time, the whole person's fighting style has also undergone great changes. It has changed from the head-on confrontation when killing those Iwagakure chuunin to the weird and unpredictable one now.

I saw that the moment Shinsuke Ishida looked away, Qing Ming's figure flashed slightly, and his whole person appeared in the blind spot of the opponent's field of vision.

Immediately afterwards, the dagger in his hand stabbed out, aiming at his heart from a position that Shinsuke Ishida couldn't see.

Immediately, a sense of crisis hit his heart, and Ishida Shinsuke instinctively stepped back to avoid Qingming's attack.

Qing Ming reacted quickly. After the blow missed, he immediately adjusted his body shape and once again appeared in the blind spot of Ishida Shinsuke's field of vision.

Without any hesitation, the dagger thrust out again.

Sensing the danger, Ishida Shinsuke dodged again, and Qingming's attack failed again.

However, there was no trace of disappointment on Qingming's face, but only absolute calmness, with his scarlet-blood Sharingan staring at Shinsuke Ishida's every move.

Then based on this, predict its movements, then position one step ahead, and continue to attack from the blind spot of its field of vision.

Even if Ishida Shinsuke himself is not weak, in this case, he can only defend passively, and cannot display his strength at 60-70%.

And this is why there is a survival rule spread in the ninja world: "When you meet an Uchiha ninja, one-on-one, you must run away."

Ultimately, it's because the Sharingan is too restrained against ordinary ninjas.

Just a hypnosis is enough to give many ninjas a headache.

After all, the hypnotic ability is the function of the Sharingan itself. There is no need to form seals to activate it, and the process is silent.

Although the effect is not very strong, in a fierce battle, a single loss of consciousness is fatal enough.

Therefore, many ninjas and Uchiha ninjas did not dare to look at each other for a long time when fighting.

In this way, the combat effectiveness will naturally be greatly reduced.

On the contrary, Uchiha ninjas can use the insight of Sharingan to predict the enemy's opportunities and further seize the initiative.

Under the circumstances, ordinary ninjas are naturally no match for Uchiha ninjas.

Of course, all of the above is based on the fact that there is not much difference in strength and the Uchiha ninja can skillfully use the Sharingan.

If a jonin bullied a genin whose Uchiha had just opened his eyes, just pretend he didn't say anything.

In the same way, if an Uchiha ninja cannot skillfully use the Sharingan, the enemy will not be afraid to look at it.

However, it is obvious that Qing Ming does not meet the above two points.

Even compared to other tactics used by ordinary Uchiha ninjas to match Sharingan, Qingming's "swordsmanship" created by merging "Konoha-style swordsmanship" and "Uchiha-style swordsmanship" is undoubtedly more suitable.

This resulted in the enemies he faced being suppressed even more.

Just like now, in Ishida Shinsuke's eyes, there are only daggers that are constantly thrust out from various tricky angles, and Qingming's clothes left behind when he moves.

Others, nothing can be seen.

However, Ishida Shinsuke did not dare to search for traces of Qing Ming.

Because just now, he tried to confront Qing Minggang, but he was hypnotized on the spot and almost had Qing Ming's sword pierce his throat.

This made him never dare to seek a direct battle again.

Of course, he also thought about running away, but Qing Ming didn't give him this chance at all. Relying on his superb swordsmanship, Qing Ming stuck to the opponent and fought in close combat.

Coupled with the insight ability of the Sharingan, every time Ishida Shinsuke makes a move, he can detect it in advance, and the opponent cannot distance himself at all.

As for using seals to perform ninjutsu

That's even more impossible.

Because Qing Ming would never give the other party a chance to form a seal.

With his current 'sword skills' and reaction ability, if the opponent dares to spend time forming a seal, Qing Ming will dare to take him away with one sword.

Drops of cold sweat slid down his cheeks. Ishida Shinsuke was fully aware, alert to any slightest movement around him, always ready to receive Qing Ming's attack.

At this moment, he just felt like a fish in a net. The more he struggled, the tighter the surrounding net became, making it difficult for him to breathe.


The sound of the air being pierced brought Shinsuke Ishida's thoughts back to reality.

He almost instinctively judged the direction of the attack, and waved the kunai in his hand sideways, blocking Qing Ming's attack just right.

‘How many times has this happened? ’

Ishida Shinsuke was thinking in his mind, and said secretly: "The next step should be to escape into the blind spot of my vision, and then attack again!"

It had been like this for the past few minutes, and he was getting used to it.

Even after suffering several wounds, he felt that he could slowly grasp Qing Ming's fighting rhythm.

Perhaps, if he persists for a while, he can find a chance to get rid of Qing Ming's entanglement, and then completely leave the battlefield.


While he was thinking, Ishida Shinsuke suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a figure in front of him. When he saw the other person's face, he suddenly woke up and was about to close his eyes.

However, it was too late.

‘Magic·Yaohang’s Technique~’

In an instant, Qingming completed the seal and used the Sharingan illusion that he had already mastered to perfection.

Suddenly, Ishida Shinsuke felt a piercing pain.

Then, his body seemed to be nailed by several giant iron nails. Although he was conscious, his body could not move at all.

As the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose.

Ishida Shinsuke has been on the defensive and can only follow Qingming's fighting rhythm.

Although as time goes by, he gradually adapts to Qingming's rhythm.

But in the same way, the conditioned reflex formed under high pressure will also hinder his normal reaction to a certain extent.

So, when Qingming suddenly changed his moves, the opponent couldn't react all of a sudden.

As for the consequences?

It's like this now. Qingming decisively seized the opportunity and directly killed him with a move of "Magic·Jail Hang Technique".

However, Ishida Shinsuke still didn't give up.

He stared at Qingming with his eyes, his body trembling slightly, trying his best to break free from the control of "Magic·Jail Hang Technique".

Originally, Qingming was still thinking about whether to keep the other party and act as a 'chakra battery', but seeing the other party's performance and the current situation around him, he finally gave up reluctantly.


The sound of a sharp blade entering the flesh sounded.

Ishida Shinsuke felt his body relax and he could move again.

But then, a sense of powerlessness came over him. Ishida Shinsuke looked down and saw a familiar short sword had been inserted into his heart.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Ishida Shinsuke finally looked at Qingming and struggled to spit out two words: "Ghost Sword!"

"Ghost Sword?"

Qingming repeated these two words and felt that they were quite suitable for him.

For now, his 'swordsmanship' combined with the Sharingan, when fighting with people, is really like a ghost, and you can only see its shadow but not its shape.

In this way, it is not an exaggeration to call it a "ghost sword".

What Qingming didn't know at this time was that in the next few months, the four words "Ghost Sword Qingming" would become his exclusive title, resounding throughout the battlefield of the Rain Country, and become a taboo known to everyone.

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