
A violent explosion sounded.

Then, a red fireball appeared, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

Suddenly, frequent shouts were heard from the defense circle of the Hidden Rock Village in front.

Judging from the direction of the sound, they should be rushing to the place where the explosion occurred.

Qingming's team did not take action, and the other two teams also remained silent. This was an unexpected accident that had been expected.

In the plan, there were measures that other teams should take after a team was exposed.

If Qingming remembered correctly, the team that was exposed in advance would go all out to attract the enemy's firepower.

After that, these teams that had not exposed their whereabouts would rush out and attack Huanglong, completely disrupting the rhythm of the Hidden Rock Ninja in the front stronghold.

In the end, the task was completed at the fastest speed with the lowest cost.

As time passed, the shouts and fighting became louder and louder, and the sound of detonating tags exploding also sounded frequently.

Just by hearing the sound, you can know how fierce the battle over there is.

Five minutes later, the 100-man team that Qingming was in started to move and rushed directly to the Iwagakure base in front.

At the same time, the other two 100-man teams that had not revealed their whereabouts also started to move, and rushed to the Iwagakure base from the other two directions.

Because they did not conceal their whereabouts at all, their whereabouts were soon discovered by the Iwagakure.

So, the Iwagakure hurriedly mobilized people to stop them.

Even some hidden means were exposed.

It was not until this time that Qingming discovered that there were many more people in the Iwagakure base than expected.

Generally speaking, the standard configuration of each base of Konoha on the front line is 100 to 120 people.

Usually commanded by three to five jonin (including special jonin), two-thirds of the team members are chunins, and one-third are genins.

And because the number of ninjas in the Iwagakure Village is the highest in the ninja world, it is generally equipped with 150 to 180 people.

The number of Jonin is similar to that of Konoha, also three to five people, and among the team members, Chunin and Genin each account for half.

According to the intelligence of the previous exploration, this base should have been taken away by Ohnoki with 100 people, leaving only 50 to 80 people.

And now, there are nearly 50 more Iwagakure than mentioned in the intelligence.

Obviously, they all returned secretly.

The other party did this, most likely to prevent Konoha from taking the opportunity to attack, and if possible, they also want to trick them.

It has to be said that the commander of Iwagakure is really dirty.

If the other bases of Iwagakure are also arranged in this way, then the base responsible for the feint attack on their side may have been hit.

However, there is no need to worry about suffering a big loss. Even with these hidden troops, the strength of the troops in the Iwagakure base is equivalent to their side.

And the average strength of the Iwagakure ninja is weaker than that of Konoha, so at most their attack will be blocked, and they will not suffer a big loss.

Fortunately, they were just feinting, and they didn't have to achieve results. They just needed to contain the enemy's combat power and prevent them from supporting.

In the end, it was their battle that determined the direction of the battlefield.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Qingming took the lead, rushed out of the team, and went straight to meet the Iwagakure ninja who was leading the charge in front.

Seeing Qingming rushing straight at him, the Iwagakure ninja waved his hand and shouted without thinking, asking the Iwagakure ninjas behind him to attack Qingming.

In an instant, kunai shot like raindrops. If it were an ordinary ninja, he would probably have to retreat.

However, Qingming was different. His footsteps did not stop at all. Before the kunai came, he suddenly opened the three-magatama Sharingan.

The next moment, these kunai seemed to be slowed down countless times, and they were clearly visible in his eyes.

Qingming dodged some kunai, then drew out the short sword at his waist, swung a few swords, and blocked some of the kunai.

Puff~ Puff~

The sound of the sharp blade piercing the flesh rang out.

The kunai spun and flew back, piercing the chests of several Iwagakure Genin with great precision.

Qingming's Sharingan clearly saw the shock on the faces of several people, and the deep fear and unwillingness afterwards.

However, Qingming was indifferent to this.

Since they were on the battlefield, everyone had to be responsible for their own lives, and so did he and the other people.

Retracting his gaze, Qingming no longer paid attention to these people.

At this time, he had come to the front of the Iwagakure Jonin, and the magatama in the Sharingan was spinning rapidly, and the hypnotic ability was fully activated.


It must be said that the Iwagakure Jonin reacted really quickly. The moment he saw Qingming's Sharingan, he exclaimed and closed his eyes.

Not only that, he also dodged and hid in the team of Iwagakure ninjas.

Qingming had no choice but to aim his Sharingan at those Iwagakure middle and lower ninjas who were not able to react in time.

Then, a series of "dong dong dong" sounds were heard, and those Iwagakure ninjas were hypnotized by Qingming and fell to the ground.

It was because the Iwagakure ninjas reacted in time that they were not trampled to death.

However, falling to the ground in this situation would not have a very good result.

After all, Qingming was not fighting alone, and there were more than a hundred Konoha ninjas behind him.

Seeing that the Iwagakure ninja team was disrupted, these people immediately stepped forward and fought with the Iwagakure ninjas.

And Qingming went to the Iwagakure jonin again.

However, the other party had already pulled in several Iwagakure Chunin at this time, trying to unite and deal with Qingming together.

Obviously, he also knew the "disadvantages" of the Sharingan.

However, this was useless.

In order to limit his Sharingan, at least a ninja of the same level must be found to cooperate, and a few Chunin.


Chuckling twice, Qingming performed the "Instant Body Technique" and his figure disappeared in an instant.

"Ichiki, right!"

The voice of the Iwagakure Jonin suddenly sounded.

Hearing this, the Iwagakure Chunin, who was still a little confused just now, immediately looked to the right vigilantly, and at the same time raised the kunai in his hand, ready to meet Qingming's attack at any time.

However, the expected attack did not come, and the Iwagakure Chunin named Ichiki only saw a vague afterimage.


A shuriken flew over and passed through the afterimage left by Qingming.

"Shihua, left!"

The voice of the Iwagakure Jonin sounded again, this time to remind another Iwagakure Chunin.

The Iwagakure ninja named Ishika looked to the left nervously, and also only saw the afterimage of Qingming.

Then, this afterimage was shot through by the kunai thrown by the Iwagakure jonin.

And this was just the beginning.

Qingming used the "flash body technique" one after another. Several Iwagakure chunins had to guard against the Sharingan illusion, so they couldn't react at all, and they had to rely on the command of the Iwagakure jonin.

But how many times can this indirect response method avoid Qingming?

The fact is that it can't be avoided several times.

Just like now, Qingming once again flashed to the side of an Iwagakure chunin. Although the Iwagakure jonin issued an order in time, there was a slight deviation in the cooperation between the two.

Qingming seized the opportunity, and the hypnotic ability of the Sharingan was activated, and he knocked the opponent down in an instant.

Then, he swung the short sword in his hand to block the attack from the Iwagakure jonin.

This is why at least one ninja of the same level must cooperate to limit Qingming's Sharingan to a certain extent.

If you keep asking for orders, you will be exposed sooner or later like now.

Once Qingming catches the opportunity, things will be very simple.

Qingming followed suit and continued to attack the remaining Iwagakure Chunin. With one less person, Qingming's actions were more relaxed.

In less than five minutes, the several Iwagakure Chunin who were pulled by the Iwagakure Jonin to fight Qingming together fell to the ground.

Looking at the only remaining Iwagakure Jonin, Qingming pretended to be excited and grinned: "Now there are only two of us left, the battle officially begins!"

After that, without giving the Iwagakure Jonin a chance to speak, he kicked the ground with both feet and shot out like a cannonball.

Looking at Qingming who appeared in front of him in an instant, Ishida Shinsuke quickly raised the kunai in his hand, ready to block the attack from Qingming.

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