Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 152 Promotion to Jonin and Meeting

Just when Qing Ming was practicing his 'sword skills' seriously, a figure suddenly rushed over from far away.

Seeing the person coming, Qing Ming stopped practicing his 'swordsmanship' one step ahead. When the person came closer, he bowed slightly and shouted: "Uncle Clan!"

That's right, the person who came was none other than the Uchiha Jonin who had docked with him twice.

The other party looked Qing Ming up and down, nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "I have read your mission report, and it was well done."

Qing Ming didn't answer, waiting for him to continue.

As expected, I heard him continue: "After verification by the command center in the past three days, it has been confirmed that the things mentioned in your report are true.

Based on the difficulty of this mission and your experience, the command headquarters believes that you have all the qualities required for a jounin.

Therefore, in principle, it has been agreed that you will be promoted to Jonin. "

Hearing this, Qing Ming's face showed a hint of excitement at the right time, although he was extremely calm inside.

Qingming knew very well that the so-called Jonin was just a title, and what really determined whether he could survive was his own strength.

As long as he has enough strength, what if he is a genin? He can still live well?

Of course, being promoted to jounin is not without its benefits. At least the tasks will be freer.

At the same time, you also have the opportunity to participate in decision-making on important matters.

After all, no matter which ninja village you are in, the jounin is the backbone.

Therefore, even if you are a Kage, if you want to implement a certain policy, you must consider the opinions of the majority of Jonin.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through my mind, and I heard the Uchiha Jonin in front of me continue to say: "Get ready, tomorrow morning, the command will hold a meeting to officially announce your promotion to Jonin.

At that time, all jounin who have no missions will participate. This not only gives you the opportunity to get to know other jounin, but also allows other jounin to get to know you. "

"I know, Uncle Clan!"

Qing Ming replied.

The Uchiha jounin glanced at the surrounding land and trees covered with sword marks, and said, "It looks like you are practicing, so I won't disturb you."

After that, he was about to leave.

Qing Ming hurriedly said: "Thank you very much, uncle, please go slowly!"


The Uchiha Jonin responded, and then with a 'blinking technique', the person 'disappeared'.


Qingming looked at the Uchiha Jonin's leaving figure and murmured softly.

After standing there and thinking quietly for a while, Qing Ming stopped thinking and pulled out the dagger from his waist to continue his practice.

Time passes minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, one day passed.

In this day, Qingming gained 134 points of proficiency in the 'Reflecting Heart Art', and the Sharingan's evolution level increased by 134 points. In addition, he also gained 5 points in 'Sword Art'. A proficiency level of more than ten points and nearly sixty points.

Looking at the full harvest on the panel, Qing Ming closed his eyes with satisfaction.

A night of silence.


The next day.



In the conference room.

Qingming looked at the Konoha jounin, analyzing whether they were family ninjas or civilian ninjas, and also estimated their strength.

Although this baseless speculation made no sense, Qing Ming still did it.

Without him, we can't just sit here and do nothing, right?

However, it's not like he didn't get any information.

At the very least, he could tell that most of the jounin in the field were family ninjas, and less than 40% were civilian jounin.

Qing Ming is not surprised by this. Civilian ninjas have to inherit but not inherit, and they need resources but not resources. It is really difficult to be promoted to Jonin.

If the base of civilian ninjas hadn't been too large, I'm afraid they wouldn't even be able to account for more than 30% of the total.

However, what does this have to do with him? Qing Ming shook his head secretly and continued to observe everyone.

And while he was observing these Konoha jounin, these people were also observing him, the latest rising Uchiha genius.

Their eyes were either calm, curious, appreciative, or fearful, to name a few.

Qing Ming ignored all their looks and just sat quietly.

After a while, the host of the meeting, Konoha's frontline commander in the Rain Kingdom battlefield, Orochimaru walked into the tent.

His eyes lingered on Qing Ming for a moment, but he didn't show much strangeness.

Qing Ming had already expected this.

The current Orochimaru has not yet failed in the competition for the Fourth Hokage, nor has he been 'instantly killed' by Uchiha Itachi using the Sharingan, so he is not that obsessed with the Sharingan yet.

Therefore, Qingming is not worried that Orochimaru will be detrimental to him.

Sitting on the front seat, Orochimaru coughed slightly and announced the start of the meeting.

Just listen to him say: "There are two things in today's meeting. The first thing is that Uchiha Qingming has passed the assessment, and the village has decided to officially grant him the position of Jonin."

Bang bang bang~

There was a burst of applause, and all the Jonin in the field clapped, whether they wanted to or not.

Orochimaru did not ask Uchiha Qingming to introduce himself or anything, because Qingming's basic information had already been distributed to all the jounin, and there was no need to do anything extra.

Similarly, he did not let other jounin introduce himself, because this was what the Uchiha clan should do.

After the meeting is over, the jounin of the Uchiha clan will introduce these people to Qingming.

After the applause stopped, Orochimaru continued: "The second thing is whether we want to launch a counterattack on Iwagakure Village.

I believe everyone has seen the relevant information.

Although Kumogakure Village's raid on Iwagakure Village ended in failure and the third Raikage died as a result, the losses to Iwagakure Village were also considerable. "

Speaking of this, Orochimaru glanced at Qingming. Seeing this, the other Konoha Jonin also glanced at Qingming who was sitting at the table.

Obviously, everyone knows where this information came from.

Qing Ming didn't react at all to everyone's gaze. He just sat there quietly, as if in a daze?

Yes, Qing Ming was indeed in a daze.

For some reason, as soon as the meeting started, it reminded him of some unpleasant experiences in his previous life, which made him completely uninterested.

If it wasn't inappropriate to leave now, Qing Ming would have wanted to go back and practice his 'swordsmanship'.

"So, should we take this opportunity to launch a counterattack against Iwagakure?"

Orochimaru's voice continued to be heard, and everyone withdrew their gaze and began to speak in an orderly manner. Some supported and some opposed.

Supporters believe that the front line of Iwagakure Village is now empty, and they can take advantage of this opportunity to launch a counterattack and eliminate the effective forces of Iwagakure Village.

Opponents believe that the overall strength of Yanyin Village is still superior, and they have just won a big victory, and their momentum is at its highest point.

Once the attack is blocked and support from Yanyin Village arrives, they are likely to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

In short, whether they support it or not, both sides have their own reasons.

In the end, it was up to Orochimaru, the commander-in-chief, to make the decision.

Orochimaru tapped his fingers on the table. After thinking for a long time, he said, "I decided to attack!"

Hearing this, everyone had different expressions, but no one said much.

Orochimaru's prestige in the minds of everyone is still very high. Once he makes a decision, others will only follow it.

As a result, everyone began to discuss the attack again.

The meeting lasted for nearly two hours. After basically everything was settled, Orochimaru announced the end of the meeting.

Then, he left the conference room first.

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