Three days later.


Northwest side of the base camp.

In the training ground.

Qing Ming held a short sword and practiced the 'sword technique' over and over again. He moved quickly and looked focused. He would stop and think for a while from time to time. He was obviously very serious.

That's right, he planned to focus on practicing the 'Art of Reflecting the Heart' during this period of time.

But the amount of chakra he can recover every day is limited, and if he tries his best, he can consume it all in more than two hours.

In addition to refining chakra, there is still a lot of time left.

So, he allocated a small part of his chakra to practice the 'swordsmanship' that didn't consume much chakra, but was very time-consuming.

At the same time, he also wanted to take advantage of this quiet time to think carefully about the development of 'swordsmanship' in the future.

A long time ago, when he was just learning the 'Konoha Style Swordsmanship', he thought about whether he could create a unique skill similar to the 'Mikazuki Dance'.

Unfortunately, there was never time.

Now it just so happens that he has about ten days to rest and recuperate, and he can take advantage of this time to think carefully.

First of all, fancy moves can be given up.

With his current level of 'swordsmanship', combined with the three Magatama Sharingan, just basic attacks are enough to pose a great threat to the target.

Therefore, some technical moves can be ignored.

Secondly, the route of simply enhancing the power of sword moves can also be abandoned.

Most ninjas in the ninja world are squishy and can cause damage as long as they hit without increasing the power of their sword moves.

As for those fragile ninjas, even if he increases the power of his sword moves, he may not be able to break through their defenses.

At this time, he can use other skills to attack, such as the 'Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken' that is already on his development list.

As a forbidden technique that was later written into the Book of Sealings as Naruto's unique skill, there is no doubt about the power of this technique, and it can fully shoulder the important task of breaking through defenses.

Therefore, there is no need for him to waste energy on enhancing the power of his sword moves.

Considering his fighting habits, Qing Ming felt that when developing his unique skills, he should work towards functionality to assist him in launching a better attack.

Currently, Qing Ming has three preliminary ideas.

One is to follow the path of the 'Dance of Three Suns and Moons' and create a sword move that alternates between virtual and real, allowing him to launch multiple attacks in an instant, thereby increasing the difficulty of the enemy's defense.

Of course, he definitely can't learn the 'Dance of Three Suns and Moons' by splitting two shadow clones to coordinate attacks.

With his huge amount of chakra in the future, the chakra loss caused by this kind of attack would be too serious, and it would not be worth the loss at all.

What he should learn from is the 'Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique' developed by the Third Hokage.

In this way, the loss should be acceptable.

As for how to learn from

It's very simple, either use the Sharingan to copy this ninjutsu, or develop it yourself.

The former needs a chance, and it is unrealistic to expect Hiruzen Sarutobi to take action. However, Orochimaru has inherited the mantle of Hiruzen Sarutobi and knows this ninjutsu. Maybe he can see it on the battlefield.

At that time, just copy it secretly.

The latter is not too whimsical, after all, Sarutobi Hiruzen also got inspiration from the 'Shadow Clone Technique' when developing this technique.

And he has already learned the 'Shadow Clone Technique' and can completely create the 'Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique' based on its principles.

Qing Ming is still very confident about this.

There is a proficiency panel, as long as he reaches a high enough level in the 'Shadow Clone Technique' and fully understands its principles.

Then, if you have an idea and on this basis, it is not too difficult to develop the 'Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique'.

And once this technique is developed, it will be very easy to create the sword moves he wants.

Qing Ming tentatively named this move 'Shadow Sword Technique'.

Its final function should be to allow each sword he swings to be switched between singular and plural at will.

In this way, when combined with the Sharingan to attack from the blind spot of the enemy's sight, it will be difficult for the enemy to defend.

As for the second idea, it is somewhat related to the 'Instant Body Technique'.

However, it is not about combining the 'Instant Body Technique' with it.

Qing Ming has already tried this idea, but it is completely unfeasible. 'Blinking technique' and 'sword technique' are two ways to do it.

His idea was to fuse the Wind Escape with the 'swordsmanship', so that the person and the sword could be perfectly integrated through the connection of the Wind Escape Chakra.

Thus reaching the extraordinary state of "people move with the sword, and the sword moves with the heart".

Qing Ming named this move 'Instant Sword Technique'.

To successfully develop this move, there are three prerequisites. One is to completely master the changes in the shape and nature of the wind attribute chakra.

In this way, it can serve as an intermediary between people and swords.

This is not difficult, as long as the 'Wind Escape: Great Breakthrough' is brought to the perfect state, it's almost done.

The second is to continue to improve the level of 'swordsmanship'. The current level of lv5 is definitely not enough. You must at least be level 6 before you can try it.

He is already doing this.

With the current progress, it shouldn't take too long.

This is the third one

It's about looking for a good sword again.

The short sword in Qingming's hand was obtained from a special jounin in Iwagakure Village. Although a lot of chakra-conducting metal was incorporated into it when it was cast, the quality was pretty good.

But it's just good. To meet the requirements of using the 'instant sword technique', you need at least a better sword.

Let's not talk about other aspects of this sword's abilities. At least the efficiency of transmitting chakra must be high, otherwise it will be difficult to integrate wind escape and 'swordsmanship'.

Qingming thought about it and felt that the Kusanagi sword was a good choice.

Unfortunately, although this type of sword is not unique in the ninja world, it is definitely rare, and it is not easy to get one.

Shaking his head, Qingming thought about the third direction.

Compared with the 'shadow sword technique' and the 'instant sword technique', this third sword technique is what Qingming values ​​the most and is the easiest to implement.

Qingming named it 'illusion sword technique'.

That is, combining illusion with 'sword technique', so that the sword technique has the effect of illusion, thus achieving an effect that is hard to defend against.

The reason why this is the easiest to implement is that after the 'illusion·Sharingan' is upgraded to the maximum level, he can perform illusions with his hands and feet.

And this 'hands and feet' naturally includes the use of 'sword technique'.

At that time, he only needs to change the movements that should be guided by the body into sword techniques, and then he can successfully perform illusions.

At present, his proficiency of 'Genjutsu Sharingan' is lv6 (2310/10000), which is less than 8,000 points away from the perfect state of lv7.

Converted into chakra, it is about 600,000 points.

Even if the supply of 'chakra battery' is not considered, 600,000 points of chakra can be accumulated in just one month.

Therefore, this amount of chakra is not unattainable for him.

What's more, when he reaches the front line, it is impossible not to capture prisoners and act as 'chakra battery'.

At that time, this amount of chakra is really nothing.

However, Qingming couldn't help but feel numb when he thought about how much work he would have to do in the future.

Fortunately, after making a good plan, he just needs to take it step by step.

After tidying up his mood, Qingming continued to practice 'swordsmanship'.

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