An hour later.

Somewhere in the forest.

Qingming's shadow clone was moving forward rapidly.

Suddenly, several subtle sounds of breaking through the air were heard.

The shadow clone glanced back, and then a few flashes avoided the attack of the kunai.

He stood on a tree branch, looking back vigilantly.


Two figures appeared instantly.

They were wearing black robes and masks, and they were the captain of the Anbu and the female ninja codenamed Suzune.

"Iwagakure Anbu?"

The shadow clone looked at the people and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the captain of the Anbu and Suzune did not answer, but looked at Qingming seriously.

After a long while, the captain of the Anbu said: "Uchiha Qingming, a new genius of the Uchiha clan, opened the three-magatama Sharingan at the age of eleven, tell me, what is your purpose?"

'It took such a short time to figure out my true identity. The intelligence capabilities of the five major ninja villages are indeed not to be underestimated. '

'Qingming' had a trace of vigilance in his heart.

You know, although he had some reputation before, he was just average in the whole Konoha. .

This was certainly due to his deliberate low profile, but it is undeniable that there are too many geniuses in Konoha.

His reputation, let alone compared with the young Hatake Kakashi, he could not even compare with Uchiha Shisui who had recently become famous on the front battlefield.

But even so, after his appearance was exposed for only a few hours, the Hidden Rock Village still figured out his true identity.

Not only that, even some basic intelligence was obtained, which shows the strong intelligence capabilities of the five major ninja villages. No wonder Qingming would be alert.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, and 'Qingming' suddenly opened his Sharingan, and the two Anbu ninjas who had been prepared immediately looked away.

Taking this opportunity, 'Qingming' turned his palm, and six shurikens appeared in his palm, and then he threw them out instantly, from the left and right sides, and shot towards Lingyin.

As the saying goes, it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers.

So as soon as ‘Qingming’ attacked, he aimed his spearhead at Lingyin, who was weaker.

Sensing the danger, Lingyin dodged and left the place, trying to avoid the attack of shuriken in this way.

However, her reaction had already been calculated by ‘Qingming’.

Swish~ Swish~

Two more shurikens flew out.

‘Qingming’ used more force this time. These two shurikens were fired later but arrived first, hitting two of the six shurikens in the air with incredible precision.

With the appearance of sparks, the two shurikens suddenly changed direction and hit the other four shurikens.

In the end, eight shurikens shot at Lingyin from different directions like flowers scattered by a fairy.

At this time, Lingyin's feet had just landed on the ground, and it was too late to dodge. She had no choice but to take out the kunai to face it head-on.

It must be said that the combat quality of the Anbu ninja is high. Even in such a hurry, all eight shurikens were blocked by them.

Of course, she also suffered some minor injuries - two shurikens were knocked away by the kunai, grazing her shoulders, leaving two shallow scars.

Logically speaking, at this time, 'Qingming' should have pursued and expanded his advantage, but he did not.

It was not that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't.

Because at the moment he made a move, the Anbu captain also made a move.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~

Several kunai shot straight at him.

'Qingming''s Sharingan rotated rapidly, and he saw the detonating tag tied behind him at a glance.

So, without any hesitation, the moment he threw the shuriken, he had already left the original place.

Boom boom boom~

A violent explosion sounded.

Several balls of flames rose up, dispersing the darkness around.

As soon as 'Qingming''s figure landed, the Anbu captain and Suzune came one after the other, sandwiching him in the middle.

Obviously, they knew how to deal with the Sharingan.

"Do it!"

With the command of the Anbu captain, Suzune completed the seal in an instant, opened her mouth, and made a harsh sound, which hit Qingming's brain directly, making him unstable.

Taking this opportunity, the Anbu captain immediately stepped forward and stabbed the kunai in his hand directly into Qingming's heart.

Fortunately, Qingming had the Sharingan, and under the full force of the kunai, the opponent's movements were like a turtle in his eyes.

Qingming endured the discomfort in his brain and dodged the attack of the Anbu captain, and then a kunai shot out and attacked Suzune directly.

Suzune was forced to interrupt the ninjutsu, and Qingming was about to chase, but was entangled by the Anbu captain who stepped forward for the second time.

For a while, the sound of ding-dong rang continuously in the field.

As a true jonin, this Anbu captain has excellent abilities in all aspects. Even if his vision is blocked, he can still support the continuous attacks of Qingming.

While Lingyin focused on assisting, various sound wave ninjutsu emerged one after another, greatly interfering with Qingming's movements.

Qingming wanted to counterattack several times, but he had no chance. Either the opponent was too far away and his attack could not reach him, or the captain of the Anbu restricted his movements.

In short, it was very uncomfortable, and he was almost led by the two opponents by the nose throughout the whole process.

Of course, Qingming knew that this was because he was now a shadow clone and could not be hit too hard, so he was restricted everywhere.

Otherwise, even if the two opponents were carefully selected by the Hidden Rock Village and specially used to deal with him, it would be impossible for him to be so passive.

It can only be said that the "fragility" of the shadow clone itself limited the display of his strength.

The battle was still going on, and as the battle progressed, he gradually figured out the information about the two men.

First, Suzune was probably just a special jonin with average physical skills. The only thing she could show off was a series of sound wave ninjutsu.

Before, because of her lack of experience, her shadow clone was greatly affected.

However, after this time, if the main body is attacked by a similar attack again, it should not be seriously affected with some preparation.

The second one was the captain of the Anbu in front of him.

The opponent was very strong. In terms of combat skills alone, he was above the lv5 "swordsmanship". He had to rely on the insight of the Sharingan to suppress the opponent.

In addition, he was also good at a defensive earth escape ninjutsu, which could be completed at the moment of being attacked, strengthening the skin to the extent that it was difficult for swords to break through.

Unless Qingming fully mastered the changes in the form and nature of wind attribute chakra, and could integrate wind escape chakra into the short sword to enhance the attack power, it would be difficult to break his defense.

Of course, if no one interferes, he can also try to use the Sharingan to temporarily affect the opponent, revealing his flaws, and then complete a one-shot kill.

But no matter which one it is, it is destined to be not simple.

It is obvious that the strength of this Iwagakure Anbu has exceeded the level of ordinary jonin. As for whether it has reached the elite level, Qingming does not know.

First, he has never fought with ninjas of this level, and he does not know how strong they are, so it is difficult to compare.

Second, he does not know whether the Iwagakure Anbu in front of him has hidden something.

In theory, at the level of jonin, ninjas will be proficient in at least two chakra attributes.

But the Iwagakure Anbu in front of him, except for earth escape ninjutsu, did not perform any other types of ninjutsu.

Therefore, Qingming does not know how strong the opponent is really.

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