Naruto: My Progress in Konoha

Chapter 145: Pursuers

Two hours later.

When Qingming once again released the 'Shadow Clone Technique' and completed a new round of training, the chakra belonging to the Rock Ninja was finally exhausted.

At this time, the surroundings were still quiet. As he expected, a mere two hours was not enough for the Rock Ninja to surround this place.


Qingming breathed a sigh of relief, came to the last two Rock Ninjas, formed seals with both hands, and performed the 'Chakra Absorption Technique'.

After just a few breaths, his chakra was restored to full state, while the two Rock Ninjas on the ground completely lost their vitality due to the rapid loss of mental and physical energy.

Although a lot of his own information had been leaked, Qingming still didn't want the Rock Ninja Village to know why he wanted to attack these people.

So, before leaving, he still performed the 'Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique' as usual to burn the corpses on the ground.

In this way, the Rock Ninja Village could not find out what he had done through the corpses.

Finally, after cleaning up the battlefield and erasing his own traces, Qingming quickly left this place and ran straight to the southeast.

Next, he needs to cross the area of ​​half of the Land of Earth, follow the southwest border, enter the Land of Rain, and finally return to the actual control area of ​​Konoha.

That's right, Qingming is planning to return now.

Although there is no news from the Third Raikage, Qingming estimates that the other party will not be able to hold on for too long. At the latest, he will die tonight.

Instead of waiting until then, it is better to set off now, so that you may be able to avoid some of the eyes and ears of the Hidden Rock Village!

However, what Qingming didn't know was that not long after he left, a four-member team from the Hidden Rock Village arrived here.

Unlike ordinary teams, these four people are wearing black robes and masks, and they are a team of Anbu.

The four members of the team looked at the charred corpse on the ground. Although they didn't say anything, their temperament was a little cold.

"Ring Yin!"

The leading Anbu ninja suddenly spoke.

Without his instructions, the Anbu ninja codenamed Suzune responded: "Got it, Captain!"

After that, she quickly completed the seal, opened her mouth slightly, and an invisible sound wave quickly spread around her with her as the center.

Suzune closed her eyes, moved her ears slightly, and listened carefully to the changes in the sound wave.

After a moment, she opened her eyes, shook her head at the leading Anbu ninja, and said: "Captain, the person has left."


The Anbu captain heard this and turned his head to look at another Anbu ninja.

The Anbu ninja codenamed Black didn't waste any words and immediately carefully inspected the scene.

Although Qingming cleared his own traces before leaving, he couldn't withstand such a meticulous inspection, so he was soon discovered by the Anbu ninja who was good at tracking.

He brought several teammates to a place in the stone forest, pointed to a vague footprint on the ground, and said: "Captain, this is what the target left."


The leading Anbu ninja carefully observed the footprint for a while, then looked at the direction of the toes and said: "Then the other party ran towards this side?"


Hei replied affirmatively.

"Very good!"

The Anbu captain nodded and immediately shouted coldly: "Let's go."

After speaking, he directly used the "Instant Body Technique" and left.

The other three people saw this and immediately followed.


At the same time.

Qingming, who was walking in the forest, suddenly felt uneasy.

He stopped and carefully sensed the surroundings.

However, he found nothing.

"Is it an illusion?"

Qingming thought so in his heart.

But soon, this idea was excluded from his mind.

Qingming believed in his intuition that there must be danger approaching.

After thinking about it, Qingming no longer went along the original road, but changed direction and took a long detour to the destination.

After walking for a while, the feeling of uneasiness really disappeared.

Qingming breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before he could be happy for long, the feeling of uneasiness appeared again after only about an hour.

If it could be said that it was an illusion last time, then it could not be said that it was an illusion this time.

After all, how can there be two identical illusions?

Qingming changed his direction immediately without any hesitation.

At the same time, he also carefully cleared the traces he left behind.

Sure enough, the feeling of uneasiness disappeared longer this time.

But in the end, this feeling returned.

At this point, Qingming was basically certain that someone was following him, and the distance was very close, otherwise he would not have such a strong sense of uneasiness.

If he hadn't guessed, the other party should be a ninja from the Hidden Rock Village, but the one who could make him feel uneasy must be strong.

In this way, Qingming naturally couldn't confront the other party head-on. Knowing that the enemy was stronger, he still confronted him head-on. That was not courage, but recklessness.

With this thought, Qingming changed the direction of advance again.

This time, he not only cleared his own traces, but also used the "Shadow Clone Technique" to create a shadow clone.

Then, he and the shadow clone looked at each other and ran in different directions.

The shadow clone maintained a slightly faster speed than before, attracting the enemy to chase, while Qingming used the "Instant Body Technique" to move forward at the fastest speed.

That's right, Qingming didn't want to meet the other party at all, nor did he think of ambushing the other party.

Now, he just wanted to leave the Land of Earth as soon as possible and return to Konoha's actual control area.

The reason why he was so anxious was very simple. The shadow clone who stayed behind with the Third Raikage just sent a message that the Third Raikage was killed in the battle.

In other words, there will be enough manpower available in the Hidden Rock Village next.

Although most of them have to return to the front line, as long as a small part of them is allocated, it will be enough for him to drink a pot.

So, what he has to do now is to leave the Land of Earth immediately. Before that, he must not get entangled with the Rock Ninja.

Thinking of this in his heart, Qingming's steps became faster.

Qingming was somewhat fortunate that he had mastered the "Instant Body Technique" to the perfect state early on. Now when he uses it, it is really like flying.

In this way, coupled with the chakra that far exceeds that of ordinary ninjas, Qingming is confident that he can shake off the pursuers behind him.

Of course, this does not mean that he will ignore the pursuers behind him.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy, you will never be in danger in a hundred battles.

Even if he didn't plan to fight with the enemy behind him, and the two sides would not meet, it was still necessary to understand the enemy just in case.

And the shadow clone he just split out had this task.

There were 10,000 chakra points in the body of that shadow clone. As long as he was careful not to be hit and reduced the number of head-on collisions, even a jonin might not be able to defeat him.

And avoiding the enemy's attack might be difficult for other people's shadow clones, but it was very easy for him who had the Sharingan.

In this way, it would not be difficult to spy on the enemy's intelligence.

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