
The sound of a sharp blade piercing flesh was heard.

Gao Shanyangyi looked at the dagger that was inserted into his heart and wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and spit out some blood, but nothing came out.

Qingming looked at him expressionlessly, and with a slight force on his right hand, the dagger was pulled out by him.

Gao Shanyangyi took two steps back and stared at Qingming, his eyes full of unwillingness, but he finally fell down helplessly.

‘Fire escape·Great fireball technique~’

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Qingming quickly completed the seal with both hands, opened his mouth, and spit out a big fireball with a diameter of two meters.

The fireball fell on the corpse, making a sizzling sound, and soon burned Gao Shanyangyi beyond recognition.

As for burning to ashes?

That's unrealistic.

His fire escape can't reach that kind of power.

However, this is enough.

Qingming just didn't want the Hidden Rock Village to get the memories related to Gaoshan Yangyi from his brain, not necessarily to grind him to ashes.

As for concealing the other party's death.

Qingming didn't intend to do this, and couldn't do it.

After all, those rats were not all dead. As long as the Hidden Rock Village could find them, they would definitely find Gaoshan Yangyi's death.

In this case, there was no need to waste energy to cover it up.

As for the people in the cave, although they had been in a coma, they didn't know what Qingming had done to them.

But this didn't mean that the Hidden Rock Village couldn't find out.

So, in order to keep the secret from being exposed, these people had to die.


You ask why they didn't stay and continue to extract chakra?

It's very simple. Since the Hidden Rock Village can find them once by following some clues, it is possible to find them a second time.

In this way, the benefits of keeping them are far greater than the risks.

So, Qingming won't waste energy to transfer them.

Arriving at the entrance of the cave, Qingming looked at the collapsed cave, thought for a while, raised his right hand, concentrated his mind, and in a short while, a high-density chakra ball condensed in his palm.

Yes, it was the Rasengan.

Qingming stretched out his right hand and pressed the Rasengan on the gravel. A rotating force was transmitted, and in the blink of an eye, the surrounding gravel was thrown aside.

Qingming did not stop. After moving forward for a while, he cast the Rasengan again, and continued to move forward in the same way.

In fact, this is because Qingming's Rasengan has just started, and he cannot condense too much chakra, otherwise he can open up the entire passage at once.

A few minutes later, Qingming finally returned to the cave.

At this time, three rock ninjas and two cloud ninjas were still alive.

Qingming did not waste time, and went forward directly, casting the Chakra Absorption Technique to extract their mental and physical energy as much as possible.

Soon, the chakra in Qingming's body reached an overflowing state.

However, the few people on the ground were still not drained.

In this regard, Qingming could only shake his head with regret. He didn't have time to stay here for long, so he had to give up.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~

Five kunai were thrown by Qingming casually, and accurately pierced into the hearts of the five people.

Then, the bodies of the five people trembled unconsciously, and then they lost their lives in their sleep.

Then, Qingming once again performed the "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique", burned all five bodies, and then left the cave.

In order to be on the safe side, Qingming did not go to the next hiding place immediately, but turned around a few times nearby.

Until he confirmed that no one or other messy things were following him, he quietly went to another hiding place.

There were also several Cloud Ninja and Rock Ninja captives there.

According to the time calculation, their physical condition should have recovered almost enough, and they could carry out the next round of harvesting.

Thinking of this, Qingming didn't want to delay for a minute, and his steps became faster and faster. After a while, he arrived at the destination.

After looking around and confirming that there was no problem, Qingming walked into the hiding place and soon began a new round of training.


It was night.

In a small room at the headquarters, the last line of defense of the Iwagakure Village, an Iwagakure jonin saluted the old man above and said, "Elder!"

Hearing this call, the old man put down the documents in his hand, glanced at the Iwagakure jonin below, and said with a smile, "It's Ishikawa! What's the matter?"

"Report to the elder, something happened to Yang Yi."

Kawaishi said in a serious tone.

"Yang Yi?"

The elder of Iwagakure was stunned for a while when he heard the name.

After a moment, he seemed to remember something and said suddenly, "Oh, it's that kid Gaoshan Yang Yi, what happened to him?"

"Elder, according to the requirements, he should have contacted us half an hour ago, but until now, we have not received any news, so we think he may have died."

Kawaishi replied in detail.

Hearing this, the Iwagakure elder immediately became serious and said, "I remember he was investigating the mysterious ninja and the recent disappearances of peripheral ninjas, right?"

"Yes, elder."

Kawaishi replied, "There is no clue about the mysterious ninja for the time being, but as for the disappearances of peripheral ninjas, from the last contact of the Takayama jonin, he seems to have a clue."

"And then?"

The Iwagakure elder asked.

"Nothing happened."

Kawaishi shook his head and said, "After that routine contact, Takayama Jōnin disappeared."

Hearing this, Elder Iwagakure pondered for a moment and said, "You mean, Takayama Jōnin found out something and was silenced."

"Nine times out of ten!"

Kawaishi replied affirmatively.

"Can you determine the location?"

Elder Iwagakure asked again.


Kawaishi replied, "Takayama Jōnin has a blood contract with the Hidden Rat lineage. When he performs a mission, he will summon some Hidden Rat. As long as we find the leader of the Hidden Rat lineage, we should be able to determine the final location of Takayama Jōnin's sacrifice."

However, Elder Iwagakure fell silent after hearing his words.

After a long while, he said, "Let's put Gaoshan's affairs aside for now. Our first priority now is to cooperate with the actions of the main force.

The intention of the main force's actions will be exposed tomorrow morning at the earliest and tomorrow noon at the latest. We will need to hold back the Cloud Ninja at that time.

As for Gaoshan's affairs."

The Iwagakure elder pondered for a while before continuing, "Judging from the number of people who have disappeared recently, there are at most a few scoundrels who are fishing in troubled waters.

As long as they continue to attack, they will not be able to stay away from this battlefield.

And when the main force arrives tomorrow, they will be fish in the net and it will be difficult to escape. At that time, it will be easy to solve them by sending some people at random.

So, don't worry about them for the time being."

Finally, the Iwagakure elder said earnestly, "Kawaishi, you have to remember that the more critical the moment is, the more you have to distinguish between the primary and the secondary. The Cloud Ninja is our main target. As for the others, they are secondary. Do you understand?"

"Thank you for your teachings, elder. I understand."

Kawaishi replied seriously.

It's over today.

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