
Just after the summoned beast rat was seriously injured by Qingming, two more rats came out from under the other two rock ninjas.

And they ran out of the cave at a very fast speed.

Qingming carefully sensed these rats and found that it was difficult to sense their existence if he didn't keep his eyes on them.

Although this was due to the fact that they were too weak and difficult to be discovered, more of it was actually due to their talents.

Qingming found that they seemed to be able to actively hide their own breath, greatly reducing their presence.

It was for this reason that he didn't notice their infiltration when he was practicing.

After figuring out where the problem was, Qingming secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, with a flick of his wrist, two shurikens flew out of his hand and nailed into the bodies of the two rats before they left his sight.

Accompanied by a series of squeaking sounds, Qingming rushed out of the cave.

If he was a little greedy, he could completely drain the spiritual and physical energy of several cloud ninjas and rock ninjas before leaving, but just in case, he rushed out of the cave where he was hiding as soon as possible.

It turned out that his caution was right.

Just as he rushed out of the cave, several kunai shot at him.

In the scarlet pupils, the Sharingan spun rapidly.

With just one glance, Qingming saw the detonating tags tied behind several kunai.

Without any hesitation, Qingming dodged and avoided the sneak attack of the kunai.

Then, he kicked the ground with both feet and instantly pulled away for a distance.

And the next moment, several explosions sounded in succession, accompanied by flashes of fire, and the entrance of the cave behind him collapsed.

It can be imagined that if he had just coveted that little chakra and thought he had a hostage in his hand, the enemy in the dark would not have made a move at will.

Then now, he might have been blocked inside.

It turned out that the enemy didn't care about the two cloud ninjas and the three rock ninjas at all.

'I just don't know which side this person in the dark is from? '

Qingming was puzzled and looked in the direction where the kunai came from, and then saw a 'dusty' rock ninja there.

Obviously, the other party had just arrived.

Before, he was afraid of alerting the enemy, so he did not approach, but let the summoned beast·rat to explore first.

And after the rat was severely injured by him and gave an alarm, he hurried over.

Unfortunately, he was still a step late and did not block Qingming in the cave.

Just as the two sides were confronting each other, a dozen rats suddenly chased from behind, surrounded the Iwagakure jonin, and screamed "squeak squeak".

And the Iwagakure jonin seemed to understand what they said, and his expression kept changing with the rats' screams.

In the end, he became completely gloomy.

Gao Shanyang stared at Qingming and gritted his teeth and said: "Uchiha boy, you are very good, you dare to kill Xiaoqi."

"Xiaoqi? Killed?"

Qingming was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized that the Xiaoqi the other party was talking about should be the summoned beast·rat.

'But. It's dead! '

To be honest, Qingming was a little surprised.

After all, after he made his move, the other party had already lifted the summoning technique and returned to where he was.

Qingming originally thought that the other party would save his life, but now it seems that his sword still took his life.


'The three ninjas in your village are still buried in the cave and their lives are unknown, while you are here entangled in the death of a summoned beast. '

Qingming shook his head and could only say that this was very Iwagakure.

Because Ohnoki followed the principle of quantity and merit, he greatly lowered the admission requirements and graduation threshold of Iwagakure, although he cultivated the largest group of ninjas in the ninja world.

But at the same time, it also led to two consequences, that is, the quality of Iwagakure is uneven, and the bottom-level Iwagakure seems abnormally "cheap".

It is precisely because of this that many high-level Iwagakure ninjas do not care about the death of their subordinates.

What's more, they will deliberately arrange for them to die, using the lives of these bottom-level ninjas to consume the enemy's chakra and energy.

When the enemy is not in good condition, they will personally take action and finally complete the task.

Obviously, the Iwagakure Jonin in front of him is this kind of person.

The other party didn't care about the three captured rock ninjas. Perhaps in his eyes, the lives of these three people were not as important as the summoned beast, the mouse.

However, what does this have to do with him?

He is not a rock ninja, why should he care so much?

Next, he only needs to think about how to deal with the other party as soon as possible and leave here.

With this thought, Qingming immediately activated the Sharingan, wanting to hypnotize the other party and create an opportunity.

However, this Rock Hidden Ninja is obviously not easy to deal with.

The other party seemed angry, but in fact he was always alert to Qingming's actions. The moment he activated the Sharingan, he immediately looked away.

Moreover, he threw out two thin Senbons, which shot at his eyes at a very fast speed.


Seeing the other party's reaction, Qingming uttered a light "huh" and turned his head to avoid the attack of the Senbons.

After that, without any pause, he threw several shurikens with his backhand, blocking the other party's retreat with incomparable accuracy.

That's right, it's a retreat.

Just now, Gao Shanyangyi showed all kinds of anger, anger, and the look in his eyes that wanted to kill him to avenge the rat, etc., all of which were just performances.

The opponent never thought of fighting him head-on, so the moment he activated his Sharingan, he started to run away.

Recalling what happened just now, Qingming finally remembered that the other party's expression was unnatural for a moment when he saw his three-magatama Sharingan.

Obviously, from that time on, the other party had planned to escape.

Qingming even estimated that if the other party had known that he was an Uchiha ninja with three-magatama Sharingan, he would probably not come.

However, since he came, he couldn't let him leave easily.

With this thought, Qingming flew out, unsheathed his dagger, and fought with Gaoshan Yangyi who had just been stopped by the shuriken.

Ding Dingdangdang~

The kunai and the dagger collided, and sparks burst out.

Qingming made a full-strength move, and the combination of Sharingan and "swordsmanship" took an absolute advantage in just a moment.

This is also natural!

Although Gaoshan Yangyi is a special jonin, he is good at tracking, not frontal combat.

In terms of frontal combat power, he is only slightly stronger than ordinary chunin.

Therefore, under Qingming's full-strength attack, there was not much room for fighting back.

Even, he couldn't even perform a ninjutsu.

And this is also the common experience of most ninjas whose strength is lower than Qingming.

Under his level 5 "swordsmanship" and the three-magatama Sharingan, people with insufficient strength have no chance to "slowly" seal.

Once they really do this, Qingming can take this opportunity to kill them instantly.

In this respect, he is somewhat similar to the samurai of the Iron Country.

However, the samurai of the Iron Country relies on rich combat experience to find the flaws of the ninja, while he relies on the Sharingan.

But no matter which method is used, the final result is the same, that is, the ninja with insufficient strength can't take a few moves in their hands.

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