Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 70 The Inescapable Bug?

When Xia Li opened his eyes, his face had changed, and he hurriedly said, "Senmin Fukasaku, today's practice is over. I left first because of something at home."

"Okay." Although he was a little puzzled as to why Xia Li suddenly panicked, and how he knew something was wrong at home, Senmin Fukasaku still nodded and agreed.

Xia Li breathed a sigh of relief and untied the reverse spiritualism technique.

Not long after Xia Li left, Senmin Shijian came over with a large bowl of unusually plump insects. After seeing Senmin Fukasaku, he looked around and couldn't help asking, "Where is little Xia Li? Although the secret medicine can replenish the energy needed by the body, it is definitely not as delicious as food."

"Little Xia Li said that he left first because of something at home." Senmin Fukasaku said this, and he probably guessed what was going on. It should be that Xia Li sensed that Senmin Shijian was coming, so he left in a hurry.

Senmin Fukasaku was a little funny. Is it so scary? It's obviously delicious. I threw a bug into my mouth and took a bite. It was so juicy and delicious. I really don't know how to enjoy it!

"I left first." Zhijianxianren was a little disappointed, and then he inadvertently glanced at the remaining fruits over there, and couldn't help asking, "Dad, what's the matter with those?"

Shenren Shen looked at it and thought for a while and said, "It seems that Xiao Xiali asked Xiaozhong to bring it here."

Suddenly, Zhijianxianren's face changed drastically, "Too much, he actually didn't want to eat these and didn't want to eat the bugs I picked out with great difficulty. I picked them for most of the day. It's really too much! I think Xiao Xiali left early just to avoid me!"

Shenren Shenren Shen smiled bitterly. Although he also felt that this was the case, it was better not to continue to provoke his wife at this time.

Zhijianxianren left with strong dissatisfaction.

Then, the next day...

Xia Li looked at the bowl of bugs in front of him with a bitter face, and then looked at the angry face of Zhijianxianren.

"Xia Li, this is what I prepared for you. I spent several hours making this meal today."

Although Shijian Xianren didn't say it, her behavior showed that if Xia Li refused again, she would definitely be angry.

But Xia Li looked at the bug in front of him. It was good that he didn't vomit it directly, let alone eat it.

And Shijian Xianren looked at Xia Li who had been motionless and his face became worse and worse.

"Xia Li, it's actually very delicious." Shenzuo Xianren beside him seemed to be demonstrating to Xia Li. He ate a bug in one bite, and then showed a satisfied look on his face.

Xia Li sighed, looked at Shijian Xianren and said, "Shijian Xianren, I think your cooking skills should be very good. You can tell by seeing that Fukasaku Xianren likes to eat so much."

Hearing what Xia Li said, Shijian Xianren's expression finally eased a little, and said, "Then you should eat it quickly, it's delicious."

"Well, Shijian Xianren, our species are different, so insects are actually not within the scope of human diet, and our taste buds are also different, so it's not that I don't want to eat, but I can't eat it." Xia Li said seriously.

Hearing this, Shijian Xianren's face darkened and said, "Little Jiraiya can eat it, why can't you eat it?"

Xia Li was speechless.

"In the end, you just don't want to eat it. What's so delicious about those things you call fruits?" Shijian Xianren wanted to get angry, but looking at Xia Li, who was only 7 years old, it was the period of cute babies, so it was not easy to get angry directly, and asked.

"Okay, mother, if Xiao Xia Li doesn't want to eat, don't embarrass him. After all, Xiao Xia Li is right. We are different species, and our food may not really be suitable for them." Shenren Shensaku also comforted him at this time.

When Shenren Shijian heard this, his face was still not good. After a cold snort, he did not force Xia Li to eat the insects. He turned around and left directly, but it seemed that he would probably not give Xia Li a good face in the future.

"Thank you." Xia Li thanked Shenren Shensaku.

"Well, you're welcome, but don't you really want to try it? It's really delicious." Shenren Shensaku said.

"This, there is really no way. This is a physiological reason. Shenren Shensaku should also have something that he absolutely cannot eat, right? Even if he eats this thing, it will not have any effect on his body." Xia Li said.

"Oh, it's understandable if you put it that way." Obviously, Shenren Shensaku has things he hates.

"So insects are like this to me." Xia Li said helplessly. If he was asked to eat insects, he would rather eat coriander. Anyway, he just doesn't like it, not that he can't eat it.

"Then I'll talk to the old woman later, and let's continue today's practice." said the Immortal Fukasaku.

That's right, the reason why he was blocked by the Immortal Zhijian today was because Xia Li's practice had not yet ended, and then the Immortal Zhijian came to block the door, so that Xia Li could not leave.

On the third day, the Immortal Zhijian came again.

Xia Li had a helpless expression, and his expression also revealed a resolute look. If it really doesn't work, he will give in. After all, this is the other party's territory...

Compared with these, the secret medicine is more important.

However, when Xia Li came to the Immortal Zhijian with a look of fearlessness and was about to agree, he found that this time the bowl seemed to be not a bug, but... cut fruit. Although it didn't look good, it was not a bug!

"Humph, can you eat it this time?" Immortal Shijian looked at Xia Li. If Xia Li dared to say anything more to refuse, even if Xia Li was a child and looked cute to her, she would definitely Will get angry!

Xia Li couldn't help but look at Immortal Shijian. In fact, the other person, no, he was pretty good. He was just trying to prove his skills...

This time Xia Li didn't say anything more. He picked up the bowl, picked up the chopsticks and started eating. I have to say that the fruits here in Miaomu Mountain not only look good, but also taste much better than those outside. .

Seeing that Xia Li finally took advantage of her craftsmanship, even though it was something she was not good at, Master Shijian's expression finally softened.

"Well, it's very delicious. Sure enough, Immortal Shijian's craftsmanship is really good. Even if it's just his first time cooking human food, it's still so delicious!" Xia Li praised, "If this was put out there, there would definitely be a lot of people rushing to buy it! "

Xia Li wasn't lying. You couldn't buy such fruit outside.

Hearing this, Immortal Shijian's eyes lit up, and then he smiled happily and said, "That's right, my craftsmanship is famous far and wide, but those people outside who want to buy my craftsmanship can't!"

At this time, Fukasaku Sennin also curiously picked a piece of fruit from the Xia Li bowl and ate it. Then he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "I think insects are more delicious."

"Go ahead, you are nothing compared to Xiao Xia Li. You have different taste buds." Shima Sennin said angrily. He used Xia Li's previous words to teach Fukasaku Sennin, and then looked at Xia Li with a smile and said, "Then I will continue to bring you my craft tomorrow. It will definitely be better than today."

Fukasaku Sennin just laughed when he was told this. He was happy to see this scene and didn't want to see a rift between his wife and Xia Li.

After all, in its view, after learning the magic of immortality, Xiao Xia Li will also need them to perform the magic of immortality and two lives, so it is still very important to have a good relationship. He was worried at first, but now it seems that there is no need.

Xia Li ate the fruit, thought about it, and said, "If it's troublesome, I won't..."

However, before he said much, Xia Li saw the change in Immortal Shijian's expression and immediately changed his mind, "Please prepare it for me. I think it's delicious. It would be even better if I can eat it in the future!"

Immediately, Shijian Sennin left with a smile on his face.

And Xia Li finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now, he shouldn't have to eat bugs anymore...

Really, this feeling is more tiring than practicing!

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