Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 69 Immortal Arts


Xia Li covered his forehead and looked at Fukasaku Sage in confusion, only to see that the other party was holding a black ruler in shock.

It was Fukasaku Sage who hit him with a ruler just now. Xia Li also sensed Fukasaku Sage's action and wanted to dodge it. The result is imaginable...

Xia Li couldn't dodge Fukasaku Sage's ruler at all. He was hit on the forehead honestly and left the state of emptiness.

After Fukasaku Sage took a deep breath, he asked solemnly, "Did little Jiraiya teach you this state? He is so irresponsible! How can you teach this with your chakra capacity..."

Rarely, the always gentle Fukasaku Sage showed anger on his face. If this misunderstanding is not resolved, then in short, Jiraiya will also be in trouble.

"Fukasaku Sage, this is not taught by the teacher. I like to rest like this after training since I was a child. It's very comfortable. Is there anything strange about this state?" Xia Li did not mean to trick Jiraiya, so he explained.

"Hmm? Really?!" Upon hearing this, the Immortal Fukasaku opened his eyes wide and looked at Xia Li, as if he was looking at a monster.

When Xia Li nodded to confirm, the Immortal Fukasaku took a few deep breaths, and then said with some excitement, "It would be a waste if you don't learn fairy arts with your talent!"

"Fairy arts?" Xia Li asked with "doubt".

"Yes, fairy arts, but Xia Li's current chakra is not enough to learn fairy arts, which is a pity." At this time, the Immortal Fukasaku looked at Xia Li and felt for the first time why time passed so slowly.

If it was faster, Xia Li's body would grow up, and then he could see Xia Li learning fairy arts.

Looking at Xia Li's curious eyes, the Immortal Fukasaku thought about teaching Xia Li sooner or later, so he cleared his throat and spoke.

"Xia Li, in fact, in this world, not only do living things have physical energy and spiritual energy in their bodies, but there is also natural energy in nature. Senjutsu is actually a ninjutsu that absorbs the natural energy in nature and combines it with its own physical energy and spiritual energy in a certain proportion to condense into Senjutsu Chakra before using it." said the Sage Fukasaku.

"What is the difference between Senjutsu and ordinary ninjutsu?"

"Of course it is different. As long as there is Senjutsu Chakra, the ninjutsu, physical skills and illusion of the ninja itself will be greatly improved." said the Sage Fukasaku.

"Then can I learn Senjutsu?" Xia Li's eyes lit up.

"Not now. Learning Senjutsu must require a huge amount of chakra, otherwise it will be swallowed by the surging natural energy. Xia Li, you also saw those stone statues when you were walking with Jiraiya before, right? Those were formed after being swallowed by natural energy." The Sage Fukasaku said solemnly.

Xia Li showed a disappointed expression on his face and didn't ask anything else, but did the Sage Fukasaku say that natural energy is very turbulent? In fact, the natural energy he sensed in the state of emptiness and meditation did not seem to be what Shensaku said.

However, Shensaku was an expert in this area, so Xia Li could not say anything, let alone try. What if something went wrong?

"By the way, Xiao Xia Li, in the state just now, could you sense some other energy around you?" Shensaku asked again, but it seemed that there was no. Even if you reached this level, it would be difficult to sense natural energy without applying toad oil.

"Yes." Xia Li thought about it and replied.

"... Actually?!" Shensaku opened his eyes in disbelief. Does that mean that Xia Li does not need to apply toad oil when practicing immortal arts in the future?

"Yes, but it is very vague." Xia Li replied.

Shensaku took a deep breath again, and then said solemnly, "Xiao Xia Li, you must remember that your current chakra amount is not enough, so you must not try to absorb them, understand?!"

"I understand." Xia Li nodded.

"By the way, Xia Li, have you used the state you just used in front of Jiraiya?" Suddenly, Fukasaku asked.

"You mean the state of emptiness? I have used it before." Xia Li nodded and said.

"The state of emptiness, did you name it yourself?" Fukasaku asked, stroking his beard.


Fukasaku nodded, and then showed a strong dissatisfaction on his face, "But Jiraiya is too casual. I have learned fairy arts for so long, but I still can't recognize your state of emptiness."

Xia Li didn't know what to say about this. It seemed that he had let Jiraiya down.

"Okay, you continue, but be sure not to absorb the energy!" Fukasaku reminded again.

"I understand." Xia Li nodded and closed his eyes. Soon, he entered the state of emptiness again.

Looking at this scene, Fukasaku nodded with satisfaction. He was really much better than Jiraiya. Even at this speed, he was much faster than Jiraiya.

Xia Li's thoughts were flying in the state of emptiness and meditation at this time. He didn't notice it just now, but Xia Li in the state of emptiness and meditation recalled the scene just now.

At the moment when Shen Zuoxianren's ruler hit him, his eyes opened! The key is that he did not leave the state of emptiness and meditation at the moment he opened his eyes!

And what this means can be imagined!

It means that Xia Li has been able to move in the state of emptiness and meditation at a preliminary level. Even if he just blinked his eyes, it was blinking in the state of emptiness and meditation!

And what is the biggest function of the state of emptiness? Enhanced perception? Change of form? No, it is to absorb natural energy!

Xia Li's recent attention has been on controlling the change of chakra's form in the state of emptiness, and he is working hard to combine the lightning massage with the state of emptiness.

Xia Li originally thought that he could move further in the state of emptiness after completing this step, but he never thought that the two were not related in sequence, but could be done at the same time!

Maintaining the state of emptiness during action means that natural energy can be absorbed during action. You must know that in Xia Li's memory, the duration of the Sage Mode of Myoboku Mountain is quite short, and it seems to be a little longer than the activity time of the Giant of Light on Earth.

And if Xia Li can complete this method, then the Sage Mode can not be continued, or even... achieve perpetuity?

Or, can it be further?

You must know that the Great Toad Sage can use natural energy to practice when there is no chakra, so does the Sage Mode really need chakra?

Xia Li thought about it for a while and then stopped thinking. He would first figure out how to maintain the state of emptiness during the action, and then learn the ordinary Sage Mode when the chakra is sufficient.

As for the big toad sage and the white dragon sage, they still have to wait until they are proficient or even perfect in the ordinary Sage Mode before thinking about it.

The road still needs to be taken step by step.

PS: The editor recommends that it is best to update 6-8k every day within one month of the new listing, ε=(ο`*))) Alas

So I will try to update 6k, but don’t expect 6k every day... I don’t think I have enough time to support me to do so...

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