Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 424: Vice Captain, Questioning Mao No Hana

A long time has passed since Xia Li joined the fourth team.

During this period of time, Xia Li got what he wanted, receiving the salary of the 13th Division, and then his work was easy.

It's not that the Fourth Division didn't have things to do, it's just that after the people in the Fourth Division learned about his affairs, they all chose to disperse their ordinary work.

As a result, Xia Li was so free. Of course, Xia Li had nothing to do.

He can now be regarded as the apparent thug of the Fourth Division.

Because there is no threshold for recruiting members into the Fourth Division, among the thirteen divisions, the status of the Fourth Division is actually very low.

Therefore, even though the medical team is actually very important as a whole, they are still bullied sometimes.

And since Xia Li came, once someone was bullied unreasonably, the first thing they thought of was to find Xia Li.

Xia Li originally didn't want to take on such a boring battle, but he thought that his subordinates were so cute and took over all his work so that he could have free time to practice.

If he doesn't agree, then maybe no subordinate will be willing to help him share the workload.

Therefore, Xia Li agreed. In the beginning, this job was indeed not that small, but as time went by, fewer and fewer people in the Thirteenth Division dared to bully the Fourth Division.

After all, most of them will choose to bully the people of the fourth team. Most of them are ordinary team members, and they don't even have many officers. As for the deputy captain and above, they don't bother to do such a disgraceful thing. thing.

Moreover, even the vice-captain may not be Xia Li's opponent in their opinion.

The most important thing is that the people in the fourth team can really do it. After Xia Li defeats the opponent, he immediately treats the opponent and then asks if he accepts it.

If you accept it, then the other party will not dare to cause trouble to the fourth team again, don't you accept it?

Then Xia Li continues...

Now, the fourth team is almost called the devil team. How can anyone dare to bully them?

It's not that the vice-captains and captains of these divisions don't want to stand up for the people in their divisions, it's just that they bully others first every time, so logically they are the ones who suffer.

So those captains could only turn a blind eye to this.

Now, Xia Li is probably the most relaxed person in the fourth team.

After such a long time, almost no one dared to bully the fourth team, and his reputation in the fourth team was very high, and he was extremely respected by the team members.

Xia Li doesn't like work? Then, wouldn't it be great if they just finish Xia Li's work?

Occasionally, Xia Li will be found for some more difficult treatments.

And this impressed the members of the fourth team even more.

Not only is his fighting power so strong, but he is also so profound in the Way of Return!

In fact, in this mode, even the captain Unohana and deputy captain Yamada Seinosuke of the fourth division have more affairs than Xia Li.

"This Xia Li has really ruined the reputation of the Fourth Division." Yamada Seinosuke was sitting next to Unohana, looking at Xia Li's information and frowning.

"It's nothing. If he wants to do it, just do it. Maybe your status in the fourth team is not as high as his." Unohana said calmly.

"How is it possible? I have been in the Fourth Division for so long, how can I be a brat..." Yamada Seinosuke's voice became lower and lower. He also knew his reputation in the Fourth Division.

Indeed... the reviews are not very good.

Unohana also shook her head. In fact, Yamada Seinosuke was mostly harmless, but his words seemed to be missing a certain string.

His words are usually very vicious, so he is more obedient and won't say those words in front of her.

After a long time, Yamada Seinosuke sighed and said, "Actually, I think Xia Li is a more suitable candidate to be your vice-captain."

"You received an invitation from someone else and want to leave, right?" Uzhihua asked without raising her head while sipping her tea.

Suddenly, Yamada Seinosuke was silent. In fact, the nobles had been extending olive branches to him, but he had never agreed because he wanted to help Unohana.

However, his words are not false, because Yamada Seinosuke knows the true face of Unohana, and it is definitely not the captain of the medical team who looks so gentle in front of him...

Instead, the first captain of Squad 11 was also the first Kenpachi!

The other party's thirst for battle is no worse than that of any Kenpachi, so Yamada Seinosuke feels that Xia Li, who has such a talent in combat, is more suitable to be the deputy captain of the first-generation Kenpachi.

He has also heard about Xia Li's strength. Even if he is at the vice-captain level, he is probably no match for him.

So, isn't this just right?

A medical logistics team, but it turned out that the captain was the murderous first-generation Kenpachi, and the vice-captain was a genius whose combat power surpassed that of a generation.

"I received their invitation, but I didn't plan to leave before." Yamada Seinosuke said.

"I didn't have any plans before, so now I have this plan?" Maozhihua asked.

After Yamada Seinosuke was silent for a while, he couldn't help but ask, "If the captain wants me to stay, I will stay."

Although his reputation in the Fourth Division is indeed not very good, one thing is true. He basically obeys Unohana.

Maozhihua did not speak immediately, but sipped the tea. After a long time, she said, "I will not ask you to stay. For this kind of thing, it is better to do it according to your inner thoughts. Life is your own, you can Live for yourself.”

With that said, Unohana put down her tea cup and stood up to leave.

Yamada Seinosuke looked at Unohana leaving and sighed. In fact, he had already made his decision. He originally wanted to train a successor who could help Unohana and leave.

Moreover, Yamada Seinosuke also found a suitable candidate, a girl named Kotetsu Yuine.

But now, since Xia Li came out of the blue, then let’s be the other party.

Even though Yamada Seinosuke felt that the other party was not actually suitable for the fourth division of the medical team, he was suitable for his captain.

So, a few days later, a very shocking news broke out within the Fourth Division again.

That is, their original vice-captain Yamada Seinosuke left the fourth division and transferred to the Grand Pharmacy, while Xia Li, who was originally the third seat, took Yamada Seinosuke's position and became the vice-captain of the fourth division.

Regarding this matter, all the members of the fourth team were overjoyed and thought it should be so. After all, Yamada Seinosuke's reputation in the fourth team was really bad, and with his words of poisoning people without paying for their lives, he didn't have any friends.

As for why you are happy? That's of course because if it was just the third seat, Xia Li might be poached.

Based on the character of their captain Unohana, if someone asks her for someone and the person wants to leave, Captain Unohana will never keep him.

But if you are the vice-captain, then unless it is the captain's position, you basically can't get it!

In other words, Xia Li's position in the fourth team has become more stable. In the eyes of the members of the fourth team, this is naturally a good thing.

Therefore, no one feels sad for the departure of Yamada Seinosuke. Now the person rushing to the position of vice-captain is... Kamito Kawa Natsuki!

Xia Li was also a little stunned by this matter. He had never thought about becoming the vice-captain of the fourth team. Why did he directly announce that he would become the vice-captain of the fourth team without even discussing it?

So casual?

Xia Li suddenly thought of the recruitment conditions of the Fourth Division, and suddenly felt that Maozhihua was actually the originator of the Fourth Division's failure...

However, since he is the vice-captain, his authority is higher, and some areas in the library can be passed.

Xia Li couldn't help but nodded. He was still very interested in the history of the Shinigami world. Unlike the history of Konoha in the Naruto world, which only lasted for a few decades, the history of the Shinigami was still very long.

However, if you add in the dark history of Death that Aizen occasionally provides, the darkness in the world of Death is much deeper than that of Naruto.

For example, the Gotei 13 might not have been called the Gotei 13 before, but a pure killer organization, and every captain's hands were stained with endless blood.

Xia Li couldn't help but think of the inspiration she had when she first saw the Mao Zhihua. It was indeed not fake.

"Hey, Captain Mao Zhihua, after becoming the vice-captain, my things won't increase, right?" Xia Li looked at Mao Zhihua and asked.

Suddenly, Uozhihua was speechless. She didn't understand why the first thing the person in front of her said after learning that she had become the vice-captain was this?

"No." Maozhihua said a little helplessly.

"That's good." Xia Li nodded.

"Even if the vice-captain has a lot of things to do, the members of the fourth team won't bother you to take action, right?" Uzhihua said casually at this time. Although she is indeed very Buddhist, it doesn't mean that she doesn't know about the members of the fourth team. matter.

"Haha, they all volunteered, I didn't force them." Xia Li laughed.

"I didn't say they were forced. As long as they are willing, that's fine." Uzhihua said casually, and then continued to put flowers there, as if she liked it very much.

Xia Li also knew about Mao Zhihua's hobby. The other party would invite him to come and arrange flowers once a month. Of course, he was not invited alone, but almost everyone was invited.

Therefore, Unohana's hobby is basically known to everyone.

"Captain, you are not the captain of an ordinary medical team, right?" Xia Li said suddenly.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Mao Zhihua paused and then asked calmly.

"Because I felt it when I first met the captain. The smell of blood on your body is definitely not something that a medical team captain can have." Xia Li smiled.

"Oh?" Mao Zhihua turned her head and looked at Xia Li, with a solemn expression on her face. She could feel the spiritual pressure emanating from Xia Li, which was no worse than that of an ordinary captain.

Unohana and even all the captains actually learned from Aizen that Xia Li was the person in the previous report of the 13th Division, but Unohana did not expect that Xia Li's spiritual pressure was so terrifying.

What Mao Zhihua didn't know was that the reason why she could feel Xia Li's spiritual pressure was just because Xia Li didn't need to suppress it now.

Xia Li had been suppressing her spiritual pressure to a completely controllable level in order not to be forced to graduate at Zhenou Spiritual Arts Academy. But now that she has graduated and joined the Gotei Thirteenth Team, there is no need to suppress her spiritual pressure. The suppression is within control.

However, Xia Li will still use her own control to fully control her spiritual power.

So the spiritual pressure felt by outsiders is actually the spiritual pressure after Xia Li controlled it, but even these exposed spiritual pressures can already surprise Unohana.

"Maybe your feeling is wrong." Unohana still wants to avoid unnecessary things. She is only interested in medical treatment and fighting with that person now, and she hasn't drawn her sword to fight for a long time, and she doesn't want to fight some meaningless battles.

After all, she had killed enough thousands of years ago, and it might be wrong to describe her as killing people like crazy.

"Hehe, I don't think my feeling will be wrong, so... do you want to fight with me? Captain." Xia Li said so, his hand was already on the hilt of the sword, and he also exuded a strong fighting spirit.

Unohana sighed, and then said, "Since that incident, I haven't drawn my sword for a long time."

"Oh, you don't deny it?" Xia Li raised his eyebrows and said, although he didn't know what it was, it didn't matter.

"Since you have confirmed it, there is no point in denying it. However, Vice Captain, I think you may be more suitable for the 11th Division." Unohana felt the strong fighting spirit coming from Xia Li and couldn't help but say.

"If you want to join the 11th Division, then I can tell Captain Zaraki. With your strength, it should be easy to become the third seat. As for the vice captain of the 11th Division, it is impossible for some reasons."

"I don't want to join the 11th Division. Although it is a combat division, most of the battles are actually with hollows, and they are still very low-level battles. I am not interested in that level of battle." Xia Li replied.

Unohana was stunned and looked at Xia Li. This was the same as her feeling. Ordinary and meaningless killings had made her tired, so she came to the 4th Division and became the captain of the medical team...

Then Unohana asked, "When you joined the 4th Division, weren't you asked to fight some battles?"

"Please, if those battles were not carried out, would the other people in the 4th Division still help me? So this is a necessary battle, which can save me more time for training." Xia Li replied.

Suddenly, Unohana was speechless. Was this the reason why Xia Li fought for the Fourth Division?

However, Unohana quickly came to her senses. No matter what the other party's real purpose was, Xia Li's actions did help everyone in the Fourth Division. This was true.

"So, after saying so much, can you fight me? Captain!"

Xia Li raised Mingjing Shisui and pointed directly at Unohana. (End of this chapter)

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